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Stephen from Tyler, Tx writes

Will spraying Demon on sand in a sandy barn work to eliminate fleas?

My barn cat had kittens. While she is treated the 8 kittens are not and cannot be until a certain age. In just a couple weeks the flea population has grown greatly. I want to get this under control before it becomes a bigger problem. The barn floor is just sand and I'm trying to determine if I can spray it directly on the sand floor in the entire barn. Thanks


While Demon WP can be used on sandy soils for fleas, it should not be used alone.  We would recommend adding an IGR such as Archer or Nyguard along with it.  This will help prevent young flease from maturing into reproducing adults.  Wondercide Flea & Tick Control Pets & Home - Lemongrass can actually be used on the kittens regardless of age.  It is all natural and non toxic.  If this is an indoor barn, then we would recommend using a product labeled for this use such as the Wondercide or Onslaught Insecticide.

Answer last updated on: 07/18/2017

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Demon WP Insecticide

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