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Xonerate Herbicide is an effective herbicide that controls and eliminates Poa annua. It is used for heavy infestation of poa on any turf area and can provide results with 3 to 4 weeks of using the product. Using this herbicide can also reduce any other turf diseases and insects on golf fairways, tees, greens and other turf areas. The herbicide is also used as a post emergent control for poa when transitioning to desirable turfgrass. The herbicide is absorbed by the plant leaves and its roots, allowing quick performance and post emergent activity. Product may be tank mixed with water as its recommended liquid carrier.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Amicarbazone - 70% |
Target pests |
Poa Annua, Bittercress, Roughstalk Bluegrass, Lawn Burweed, Wticky Chickweed, common Chickweed, Henbit, Cudweed, Wild Mustard, Piert Parsley, Virginia Pepperweed, Common Raddish and more * See label for complete list |
For use in | Used for controlling and eliminating weeds on golf courses, sod farms, residential and commercial turf sites, park and recreation areas, school grounds and other turf areas. |
Application |
May be tank mixed with water as its recommended liquid carrier * See label for complete application instructions |
Pet safe | Yes, if followed by directions on the label. |
Shipping Weight | 0.56 lbs |
Manufacturer | FMC |
How to apply Xonerate:
Xonerate can be applied up to four times at a 1 ounce per acre rate for bentgrass. (KBG and KBG/Ryegrass up to 2 ounce rate at two applications). It should be used on turf that has smaller percentages of Poa annua (less than 10 percent Poa annua population), while transitioning to desirable turfgrass. Rates and applications will vary by turf type - refer to the product label.
Application Steps:
**Rates and applications will vary by turf type and geography.
Note: Please read all label information carefully.
**Rates and applications will vary by turf type and geography.
Note: Please read Product Label for complete Directions for Use instructions, Application Instructions and Application Rates.
Recommended Turfgrass Sites
XONERATE Herbicide may be applied to tolerant turf species on golf courses, seed and sod production fields, residential sites (including home lawns), schools, playgrounds, parks, recreational areas, sports fields, common areas and grass roadsides maintaines as a lawn. Do not apply XONERATE Herbicide where annual bluegrass is maintained as a desirable turf.
Turfgrass Tolerance
Apply to turfgrasses established for six months unless otherwise directed on this label. With the exception of Kentucky Bluegrass, cool season turfgrasses established in the fall months can be treated the following spring. Kentucky Bluegrass should be established for twelve months before application of XONERATE Herbicide. The use of XONERATE Herbicide on turf that is not well established, or that has been weakened by weather, pests, diseases, chemicals, mechanical injury or other related stress factors may result in adverse turf injury. This product should only be applied to sites that are composed of the following turfgrass species unless trial use has indicated that the turf species not listed here is tolerant to XONERATE Herbicide.
Cool-Season Turfgrasses
Bentgrass, Creeping | Agrostis stolonifera |
Bluegrass, Kentucky | Poa pratensis |
Fescue, Fine | Festuca spp. |
Fescue, Tall | Festuca arundinacea |
Ryegrass, Perennial | Lolium perenne |
Warm-Season Turfgrasses
Bermudagrass | Cynodon dactylon |
Buffalograss | Buchloe dactyloides |
Centipedegrass | Eremochloa ophiuroides |
Kikuyugrass | Pennisetum clandestinum |
Seashore Paspalum | Paspalum vaginatum |
St. Augustinegrass | Stenotaphrum secundatum |
Zoyslagrass | Zoysia japonica |
Cool and warm season turfgrasses have demonstrated acceptable tolerance to XONERATE Herbicide. However, not all cultivars have been evaluated.
When applies as directed under the conditions described, established turfgrasses are tolerant to this product. Temporary yellowing of the turf may occur after application. This effect is temporary and the turf wil recover in 14 to 21 days.
XONERATE Herbicide may be applied postemergence to tolerant turfgrasses at rates of 1.0 to 10.0 oz/A. See additional information for specific turfgrass species in section titled Timing and Rates of Application.
Mixing Instructions—Liquid Carriers
XONERATE Herbicide is a water dispersible granule formulation that must be mixed in water.
The proper mixing sequence for XONERATE Herbicide and recommened tank mixtures with the appropriate liquid carrier is as follows:
1. Fill the spray tank or nurse tank 1/4 full with the appropriate liquid carrier or water.
2. Start the recirculation and agitation system and continue throughout mixing and application.
3. If the compatibility test indicated the need for a compatibility agent, add the recommended amount to the spray tank.
4. Add the recommened quantity of XONERATE Herbicide to the spray tank.
5. If tank mixing with wettable powders, dry flowables or water dispersible granule products in water as the carrier, these may be added now.
6. If tank mixing with suspension concentrates, add the products to the spray tank.
7. If tank mixing with emulsifiable concentrates or soluble products, add the products to the spray tank.
8. XONERATE Herbicide and all registered mixtures should be kept agitated once mixed and then sprayed out.
9. Do not allow mixtures to stand for prolonged periods of time.
Broadcast Treatment
Accurately calibrate the sprayer prior to mixing the herbicide treatments. Apply XONERATE Herbicide and the labeled tank mix partners in a minimumof 20 gal of total spray volume/A using broadcast boom equipment. Power sprayers equipped with a spray wand/gun may also be used for broadcast or spot application. Application must be made at a sufficient spray pressure and volume to provide accurate and uniform application of spray particles to a given area without causing spray drift to non-target areas. If mixed with other labeled herbicides, the spray volume may be no less than the minimum volume recommended by any tank mix product used or 20 gal, whichever is greater. Use appropriately sized mesh screens and in-line strainers. Agitate thoroughly before and during application with either bypass or mechanical agitation. Rinse the sprayer thoroughly with clean water immediately after each use. Impoper spray pattern overlaps produce areas of over-application and may increase the potential for turf damage.
Spot Treatment
Backpack and compression sprayers may be used for small turfgrass areas and spot treatments. Wands fitted with a flat flan nozzle tip should be held stationery at the proper height during application. A side-to-side or swinging arm motion may result in uneven spray coverage.
Apply XONERATE Herbicide postemergence to actively-growing broadleaf and grass weeds. Do not apply when environmental conditions favoring drift. XONERATE Herbicide may be tank mixed with herbicides registered for use on turfgrass sites. See tank mix instructions listed under specific turfgrass species for more information.
Depending on the use rate, XONERATE Herbicide will control or suppress the following broadleaf and grass weeds in turf.
Q. What is the active ingredient in XONERATE?
A. Amicarbazone 70 WDG.
Q. When is the preferred time of year to apply XONERATE to creeping bentgrass?
A. XONERATE should be applied in the spring months, although early summer is acceptable in the extreme northern United States.
Q. What is the preferred air temperature for applying XONERATE to creeping bentgrass?
A. Daytime air temperatures should range from 55 - 80° F.
Q. Is the use of a nonionic surfactant required for XONERATE?
A. A nonionic surfactant is not required but may be included with XONERATE. Good results have also been obtained in creeping bentgrass fairways when a light irrigation (approx. 0.1 inch of water) has been applied immediately after application. If immediate irrigation is to be used, it is not necessary to add a nonionic surfactant.
Q. When can I expect the Poa annua to be eliminated?
A. Results will vary by geography and time of year, but normally you can expect XONERATE to eliminate Poa annua within three to four weeks.
Q. When can I begin re-seeding creeping bentgrass after application?
A. You can begin re-seeding seven days after the last application of XONERATE.
Q. I have a heavy Poa annua population. Is XONERATE recommended?
A. Until users become familiar with XONERATE activity on Poa annua, applications are not recommended for populations greater than 10 percent.
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How much water do I mix with a 1 oz pouch? Live in Washington with Fescue Fine, Rye Grass mixture turf
Xonerate Herbicide is mixed at 2-4 oz. per acre in however much water it takes you to cover that area. This could be anywhere from 20-100 gallons of water depending on the equipment used and walking speed. You just want to be sure to get sufficient and even coverage over the area.
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Xonerate Herbicide is mixed at 2-4 oz. per acre in however much water it takes you to cover that area. This could be anywhere from 20-100 gallons of water depending on the equipment used and walking speed. You just want to be sure to get sufficient and even coverage over the area.
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We do not recommend using hose end sprayers in general when applying herbicides such as Xonerate Herbicide as you will not get as accurate of coverage. We recommend making herbicide applications with a hand pump or backpack sprayer.