2,4-D Amine Herbicide

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2,4-D Amine Herbicide

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4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.4

15 Reviews | 26 Q&A

Product Overview

2,4-D Amine Herbicide is a powerful formula that provides pre-plant and post-emergent control of brush and broadleaf weeds in corn, soybeans, sorghum, small grains, rice, sugarcane, grasses, fallow land, stone fruits and nut orchards, rangeland, pastures, CRP, and in non-crop areas like ornamental turf, commerical lawns, drainage ditch banks, fence rows, and rights-of-way. It contains a combination of Dimethylamine salt, ester, and acid formula of 2,4-D and MCP which offers reliable control of brushes and annual, perennial, and biennial broadleaf weeds. It also provides excellent aquatic weed control and control of trees by injection, plus it is also great for tank mixing. Helps control beggarticks, alligator weed, bittercress, box elder, broomweed, burdock, Carolina geranium, chickweed, carpetweed, chicory, cocklebur, dandelion, ground ivy, henbit, Kochia, purslane, ragweed, and more. Available in a 2.5-gallon jug.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Dimethylamine salt of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 47.3%
Target pests Alder, alligator weed, bindweed, bittercress, box elder, broomweed, burdock, Carolina geranium, carpetweed, chickweed, chicory, cinquefoil, cocklebur, dandelion, galinsoga, golden rod, ground ivy, henbit, Kochia, purslane, ragweed, etc.
For use in Corn, sorghum, soybeans, small grains, rice, sugarcane, fallow land, grasses, stone fruits and nut orchards, brush control, pastures, rangelands, forest management and in non-crop areas such as lawns and ornamental turf, fence rows, and rights-of-way.
Application For aerial application, apply the specified amount in a min. of 2 gallons of water/acre. For ground application, apply the specified amount in a min. of 5 gallons of water/acre. Use more water for both methods when adverse growing conditions are present.
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label.
Formulation Liquid.
ME & NY (Restricted Use - Aquatic)
LA, ME, NM, TX, VT (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only)
Dimensions 9.40 x 6.90 x 14.45 in.
Special Features Provide highly effective control of challenging weeds in a wide range of crops.
Shipping Weight 24.95 lbs
Manufacturer Winfield United CP (Mfg. Number: 184804)
EPA Registration 1381-103





Annual fanweed (field pennycress), annual yellow sweet clover, *beggarticks, bull thistle, burdock, carpetweed, chickweed, cocklebur, coffeeweed, common mullein, common evening primrose, cornflower, croton, galinsoga, goatsbeard, hemp, henbit, jewelweed, jimsonweed, *knotweed, *kochia, lambsquarters, mallow (Venice, dwarf, little), marshelder, morningglory (common, ivy, wooly), musk thistle, mustards (except blue), pennycress, pepperweed (field), **pigweeds, poorjoe (wooly plantain), *prickly lettuce, puncturevine, purslane, ragweed (common, giant), rough fleabane, rush, Russian thistle, salsify, sheperdspurse, *stinkweed, smartweeds (annual), sowthistle (annual or spiny), sunflower, tansymustard, tumbleweed, *velvetleaf, vetches, water primrose, *wild carrot, wild lettuce, wild parsnips, wild radish, wild sweet potato.


*Alfalfa, *bindweeds (hedge, field and European), blue lettuce, *Broom snakeweed, buckhorn platain, buttercup, *Canada thistle, catnip, chamise, chicory, climbing milkweed, common duckweed, curly indigo, dandelion, *docks, *dogbanes, *goldenrod, *ground ivy, *hawkweed (orange, *hoary cress, *Jerusalem artichoke, locoweed, *many-flowered aster, milkvetch, *nettles, nutgrass, plantains, poison ivy, pokeweed, sheep sorrel, sicklepod, sneezeweed (bitter), sowthistle (perennial), *tansy ragwort, *vervains, *wild garlic, *wild onion, witchweed, wormwood, yellowrocket, yellow starthistle.


Boxelder, buckbrush, coyotebrush, elderberry, manzanita, rabbitbrush, sagebrush (coastal, big, sand), sand shinnery oak, sumac, willow.


Alligatorweed, parrotfeather, ater hyacinth, waterlily, water primrose.

*These species may require repeat treatments and/or higher rates.
**Control of pigweeds in the Texas and Oklahoma High Plains may be difficult.


Unless noted otherwise under individual DIRECTIONS section, for aerial application, apply the specified amount in a minimum of 2 gallons of water per acre. For ground application, apply the specified amount in a minimum of 5 gallons of water per acre. Use more water for both methods when adverse growing conditions are present.

Band Treatment: If only bands or rows are treated, leaving middles untreated, the dosage and spray volume per crop acre are reduced proportionately. For example, treating a 12-inch band where the row spacing is 36 inches would require 1/3 of the recommended broadcast rate per acre (12 inches divided by 36 inches = 1/3).

Band width in inches/row width in inches x broadcast volume per acre = Band volume per acre.

Do not apply with high spray pressures, hollow cone or other nozzle types that produce small spray droplets which may drift. Avoid spray drift by making applications when conditions such as wind, air stability, and temperature inversions are not a factor. The use of a suitable drift control agent at the proper rate will aid in the reduction of spray drift. Apply when weather is warm and plants are rapidly growing. Cold weather or dry conditions may cause poor results. Do not apply if rain is expected within 6 hours. Consult your local agronomist or Extension specialist for specific use and crop tolerance situations. Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.


WATER-BASED SPRAY: Fill the equipment half full of water, agitate while adding this product; then add the rest of the water.

NITROGEN FERTILIZER: Weed and feed applications for corn, small grains, grasses grown for seed or grass pastures according to label use rates. Add half the fertilizer to the tank, and then add recommended label amount of 2,4-D Amine 4 per acre. Agitate constantly. Do not hold spray mixture overnight. If incompatibility is a problem, the use of COMPLETE COMPATIBILITY agent at the recommended label rate may correct the problem. Fertilize according to the recommendations of your supplier or your Extension specialist. Herbicide foliage contact burning may occur as a result of fertilizer use. lower use rates and concentrations will reduce this problem.


Annual broadleaf weeds: 3 pints per acre - Apply to orchard floor using coarse sprays and low pressure in sufficient volume of water to obtain thorough wetting of weeds. Treat when weeds are small and actively growing.

RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS FOR USE UNDER ORCHARD CROPS - Do not use on light, sandy soils. Do not apply to bare ground as crop injury may result, nor apply immediately before irrigation and withhold irrigation for 2 days before and for 3 days after treatment. Do not allow apray to drift onto or contact foliage, fruit, stems, trunks of trees or exposed roots as injury may result. Do not apply to newly established or young orchards. Trees must be at least 1 year old and in vigorous condition. Do not apply during bloom.

  • The preharvest interval (PHI) for apples and pears is 14 days; the PHI for stone fruits is 40 days; the PHI for nut orchard is 60 days.
  • Do not cut orchard floor forage for hay within 7 days of application.
  • Postemergence:
    • Limited to 2 applications per crop cycle.
    • Maximum of 4.2 pts. (2 lbs. ae) per acre per application.
    • For apples, pears, and stone fruit, minimum of 75 days between application.
    • For nut orchards, minimum of 30 days between applications.


Annual broadleaf weeds: 3 to 4 pints per acre - Apply in 50 - 60 gallons of water per acre for ground application and 12 gallons per acre for aerial application. Apply in the spring on actively growing weeds. If asparagus spears are present, treat immediately after cutting. Make no more than 2 applications during the harvest season and these should be spaced at least one month apart. Spears contacted by the spray may be malformed and off-flavored. If spears are malformed by spray, cut immediately and discard. Post-harvest spraying should be only by ground application using drop nozzles to avoid spraying the fern.


  • The preharvest interval (PHI) is 3 days.
  • Limited to 2 applications per crop cycle.
  • maximum of 4.2 pts. (2 lbs. ae) per acre per application.
  • Minimum of 30 days between applications.


  • Preplant - Annual and biennial broadleaf seedlings: 1 pint
  • Perennial weed seedlings and existing cover crops: 1 to 2 pints*

*Use higher rate on har-to-kill weeds and existing cover crops such as alfalfa. Do not perform tillage for at least 7 days after application. Do not use on sandy soils or unacceptable crop injury may result.

Directions: Planting of corn must be delayed a minimum of 7 days after application at rates up to 1 pint per acre. Planting sooner after application than specified on this label may result in unacceptable crop injury.

  • Preemergence and reduced tillage, Broadleaf weeds and annual grasses suppression: 2 pints - Apply after corn is planted but before emergence for control of emerged broadleaf weeds. The seed furrow must be completely closed at application or severe crop injury may result.

*Do not use on sandy soils or unacceptable crop injury may result.

  • Postemergence, Perennial broadleaf weeds: 1/2 to 1 pint** - Apply when corn is less than 8 inches tall, but to avoid crop injury, do not apply just after leaves have unfolded. If corn is over 8 inches tall, use drop nozzles to keep spray off of corn foliage as much as possible. See additional restrictions below.
  • Perennial broadleaf weeds: 1 pint** - Apply when weeds are in bud to bloom stage. If corn is over 8 inches tall, use drop nozzles to keep spray of corn foliage as much as possible.

**Do not apply from 2 weeks before tasseling to dough stage. Do not apply to open whorls. To avoid injury, do not use with atrazine, oil or other adjuvants. Application during high moisture and temperature conditions may cause injury or brittleness. Do not cultivate for a week to 10 days after treatment or stalk breakage may occur.

  • Late season weed control, Preharvest (Field corn and popcorn only): 1 to 2 pints* - Apply after silks are completely brown to reduce weeds that interfere with harvest and reduce weed seed production. Do not apply preharvest to sweet corn.

*Use lower rate for small annual and biennial weeds. Use the higher rate for perennial and larger hard-to-kill annual and biennial weeds.


  • Do not use treated crop as fodder for 7 days following application.
  • The preharvest interval (PHI) is 7 days.
  • Maximum of 6.3 pts. (3 lbs. ae) per acre per crop cycle.
  • Preplant or preemergence:
    • Limited to one preplant or preemergence application per crop cycle.
    • Maximum of 2.1 pts. (1 lb. ae) per acre per application.
  • Postemergence:
    • Limited to one postemergence application per crop cycle.
    • Maximum of 1 pt. (1/2 lb. ae) per acre per application.
  • Preharvest:
    • Limited to one preharvest application per crop cycle.
    • Maximum of 3.15 pts. (1 1/2 lb. ae) per acre per application.


  • Do not use treated crop as fodder for 7 days following application.
  • The preharvest interval (PHI is 45 days.
  • Maximum of 21 days between application.
  • Maximum of 3.15 pts (1.5 lbs, ae) per acre per crop cycle.
  • Preplant or preemergence:
    • Limited to one preplant or preemergence application per crop cycle.
    • Maximum of 2.1 pts. (1 lb. ae) per acre per application.
  • Postemergence:
    • Limited to one postemergence application per crop cycle.
    • Maximum of 1 pt. (1/2 lb. ae) per acre per application.



This pesticide my be toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates and may adversely affect n on-target plants. Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark except as noted on appropriate labels. Drift and runoff may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in water adjacent to treated areas. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash waters or rinsate.

For Aquatic Uses: Fish breathe dissolved oxygen in the water and decaying weeds also uses oxygen. When treating continuous, dense weed masses, it may be appropriate to treat only part of the infestation at a time. For example, apply the product in lanes separated by untreated strips that can be treated after vegetation in treated lanes has disintegrated. During the growing season, weeds decompose in a 2 to 3 week period following treatment. Begin treatment along the shore and proceed outward in bands to allow fish to move into untreated areas. Waters having limited and less dense weed infestations may not require partial treatments.

This chemical has properties and characteristics associated with chemicals detected in groundwater. The use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in groundwater contamination. Application around a cistern or well may result in contamination of drinking water or groundwater.

Most cases of groundwater contamination involving phenoxy herbicide such as 2,4-D have been associated with mixing/loading and disposal sites. Caution should be exercised when handling 2,4-D pesticides at such sites to prevent contamination of groundwater supplies. Use of closed systems for mixing and transferring this pesticide will reduce the probability of spills. Placement of mixing/loading equipment on an impervious pad to contain spills will help prevent groundwater contamination.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Mike on 08/30/2019

    This product work great. Took out all of my broad leaf weeds with one application. I did do another treatment 2 weeks after the first to guarentee i got them all. It did not touch my Bermuda at all. Then i did MSMA for the grassy weeds which worked awesome. I now have nothing but Bermuda. Great stuff.

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    37 of 39 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By John on 08/30/2019

    Worked well. Could start to work a little quicker after applying application but all in all a good solid product.

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    23 of 23 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    good value

    By Robert on 04/10/2020

    worked well saw results in 48 hours easy to mix and use with hose sprayer for large

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    13 of 13 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works well

    By Jimmy on 04/11/2020

    Only used it on test plots at this time - seems to be meeting my needs. I have used other brands, and this one appears to be a good one and is packaged to a durable container.

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    13 of 13 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    2,4-D Amine good product

    By Jim on 08/28/2020

    I have had very good luck with this. I have a pasture that is really overgrown with mesquites, catclaw, and chitum. Also tons of Cactus-Prickly pear and Yukka. I had been using Remedy and was also having really good luck with it, BUT 2,4-D Amine is almost half the price of 1 gallon of Remedy and i get 2.5 gallons of 2,4-D. I,m still waiting to see how well it will kill the prickly pear and Yukka.k The Remedy would kill the prickly pear but it took about a year as long as you get both side of the pads. Not sure how well the 2,4-d will work on the prickly pear but hoping it will do the same. I am very satisfied with this product so far.

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    12 of 13 people found this review helpful

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Questions & Answers

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Can I use 2,4 - D Amine Herbicide on grazing pastures?

2,4 - D Amine Herbicide is labeled to be used on pasture and rangeland.  It would be best to keep animals out for at least 24 hours after applying.

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Can I use 2,4 - D Amine Herbicide on my yard?

2,4 - D Amine Herbicide does list on the product label that it can be used on ornamental turf including residential lawns.

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How much 2,4 - D Amine Herbicide will I need to treat 2.5 acres?

I have a real problem with puncture vine. I have a fallow field that I have horses on and they keep it pretty bare. I would like to prep the filed for planting a pasture grass. Will this work and when is the best time to treat it?


Per the 2,4 - D Amine Herbicide product label for annual broadleaf weeds in pastures you would use 1 quart per acre.  For biennial and perennieal weeds you would use 1-2 quarts per acre.  The amount of water is not set and is however much water it takes you to cover the acre but usually 100 gallons per the label.

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How much coverage does this 2 1/2 gallon jug of 2,4-D Amine Herbicide cover?

Looking to spray my personal yard.


The rates for 2,4 - D Amine Herbicide vary based on weeds targeted and also areas being used. For use in ornamental turfgrass such as home lawns, use 2 pints per Acre for annual broadleaf weeds, and 2 – 3.15 pints per Acre for biennial and perennial weeds. So the 2.5 gallons would treat 6 – 10 Acres. Please read over the label for complete application instructions. 

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12 of 12 people found this answer helpful

How many oz to a gallon is needed of 2, 4-D Amine Herbicide? I am using a 40 gallons sprayer treating a pasture.

The application rate for 2,4 - D Amine Herbicide on pastures is 1 -2 quarts (32 - 64 oz) per Acre, depending on the weeds you are targeting. How much product you put into your 40 gallon tank will depend on how much area you cover with that tank. For example, if you use 40 gallons to cover 3 Acres, then you would add 3-6 quarts of 2,4-D. However, if you use 40 gallons to treat 1 Acre, then you would only use 1-2 quarts. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.

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2,4-D Amine Herbicide 4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.4 (15 Reviews / 26 Q&A)

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