Advion WDG Insecticide

4.5 out of 5 stars 45 Reviews | 25 Q&A

Product Features

  • Delivers the power of Advion in a spray
  • Available in pre-measured packets
  • Controls over 20 flying and crawling insects including ants, roaches, and more

Buy 2 or more: $11.05 each

Buy 4 or more: $10.04 each

Buy 8 or more: $9.53 each

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4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.6

45 Reviews | 25 Q&A

Product Overview

Advion WDG delivers the power of Advion in a spray. It targets and controls over 20 flying and crawling insects including ants, cockroaches, crickets, centipedes, silverfish, beetles, fruit flies, sow bugs, stink bugs, house flies and more. The active ingredient, Indoxacarb, is non-repellent and offers a unique, flexible approach in controlling target insects. Advion WDG can be applied in and around residential and commercial areas including food handling establishments.

Advion WDG can be applied both indoors and outdoors. For perimeter treatments around the foundations of buildings, spray up to a 10-foot band of Advion WDG to prevent pest infestations. Indoors, it can be applied as a spot treatments or as a crack and crevice treatment to control pest infestations. It will remain effective for 1-2 months depending on the application site.

Advion WDG’s water-dispersable granule formulation is easy to mix and use.  It also comes packaged in convenient pre-measured packets that simplify the mixing process.  Simply add the contents of one to two packets per gallon of water to cover up to 1,000 sq. ft. It can be used in conjunction with baits, and will not stain most surfaces, though it is advisble to do a spot test prior to use. Consult the product label for application rates.

Available Sizes:

  • Advion WDG – Packet (0.33 oz)
  • Advion WDG – Case (50 x 0.33 oz packet)
  • Advion WDG – Bottle (16.5 oz) 
  • Advion WDG – Box (5 x 0.33 oz packet) – This size has been discontinued by the manufacturer

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Indoxacarb 20.0%
Target pests Ants, carpenter bees, cockroaches, fleas, house flies, fruit flies, stable flies, beetles, boxelder bugs, carpet moths, centipedes, crickets, earwigs, grasshoppers, kudzu bugs, millipedes, pillbugs, silverfish, sowbugs, stink bugs, dry wood termites, wasps
For use in In and Around Residential Buildings; Schools; Commercial and industrial facilities (Warehouses, Apartments, Supermarkets, Restaurants, Hotels, Hospitals, Daycare Centers, Food-Handling & Storage Processing Plants, Zoos); Transportation Equipment (Aircraft, Trains, Ships, Boats, Buses); Animal Housing
Application Commercial & Residential: Indoor & Outdoor: Low-pressure Sprayer as a Spot or Crack- & Crevice Treatment
Indoor Use: Apply No More than 1 gallon per 1,000 sq. ft.
Outdoor Use: 1-4 gallons per 1,000 sq. ft. is recommended
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on Label
Formulation Professional Product
Group 22 Insecticide
Special Features Will not stain or damage building surfaces
Shipping Weight 0.02 lbs
Manufacturer Syngenta (Mfg. Number: 63952)
EPA Registration 100-1501




Advion WDG is labeled for use as a spot or crack-crevice treatment at a maximum volume of 1 gallon per 1,000 sq. ft. to control cockroaches and other listed pests in residential structures and the nonfood areas of commercial, industrial, public and institutional buildings/structures, including restaurants, warehouses, food processing plants, supermarkets, hospitals, nursing homes, motels, hotels, schools, daycares, laboratories, computer facilities, aircraft, buses, boats/ships, trains, pet shops and zoos.

Non-food/non-feed areas include areas such as garbage rooms, lavatories, floor drains (to sewers), entries, and vestibules, offices, locker rooms, machine rooms, boiler rooms, garages, mop closets and storage (after bottling or canning).


Application to food/feed areas of food/feed-handling establishments should be made as a spot or crack-and-crevice treatment at a maximum volume of 1 gallon per 1,000 sq. ft. at the highest dilution rate (0.1% dilution).

Food- and feed-handling areas include areas for receiving, storage, packing (canning, bottling, wrapping, boxing), preparing edible waste storage, and enclosed processing systems (mills, dairies, edible oils, syrups). Serving areas are also considered a food/feed area when food is exposed and facility is in operation.

Apply into cracks and crevices using equipment designed to deliver a pin stream between different elements of construction, between floor and equipment, openings to voids and hollow spaces in walls, bases and equipment.


  • Do not apply to areas or surfaces where food/feed, food utensils or food processing surfaces may come into contact and become contaminated.
  • Do not apply to areas that are routinely washed, such as cracks and crevices in tops of tables, food/feed preparation and holding surfaces for prepared foods.


Apply Advion WDG as a spot and/or crack-and-crevice treatment in unoccupied companion animal housing. Normal cleaning practices of the structure should be followed along with applications of Advion WDG insecticide to effectively control the crawling and flying insect pests listed in the label.

For unoccupied areas of companion animal structures such as kennels, apply as a spot and/or crack-and-crevice treatment to floors, vertical and overhead surfaces where listed crawling or flying insect pests are or may be present. Cover feeders and waterers before application to prevent contamination. Pay attention to areas such as windows and doors and areas where insect pests hide or congregate. Apply perimeter treatments in a uniform band 1-3 feet up and 2-6 feet out from the companion animal housing facility. Allow treated surfaces to dry before animal reentry. Maintaining a year-round integrated pest management program that includes multiple tactics will help prevent populations of pests from reaching problem levels.


  • Do not apply to structures while occupied by companion animals.
  • Do not make applications to any animal feedstuffs, water or watering equipment.
  • Do not contaminate any animal food, feed, or water in and around companion animal housing when making applications.


Methods of Application


Apply Advion WDG using a coarse low-pressure spray as a spot or crack-and-crevice treatment to infested areas or areas suspected to be infested. Make applications to areas including pest entry sites, attics, wall voids, behind cabinets or equipment, under counters or appliances, and along baseboards and reticulation systems. Advion WDG can be applied using ULV equipment such as Micro Injector or Actisol machine for crack-and-crevice or spot applications only. Do not use ULV equipment to make spatial or fogging treatments.


Apply Advion WDG using a coarse low-pressure spray as a spot or crack-and-crevice, general surface or perimeter banded treatment to control or prevent pest infestations. A perimeter band of 10 feet, for example, can include 3 feet up the exterior wall and out to 7 feet of horizontal surface away from the wall base.

Application Equipment:

Small-volume applications to interior or exterior surfaces can be made with backpack or hand-held applucators. Advion WDG can be appplied using ULV equipment such as Micro Injector or Actisol machine for crack-and-crevice or spot applications only. Advion WDG can also be applied using foam-generating equipment. For exterior applications with higher volumes, Advion WDG can be applied to exterior of structures using high-volume sprayers, truck-mounted or other power equipment.

Application Volume and Spray Coverage:

For indoor use, apply no more than 1 gallon per 1,000 sq. ft. For exterior use with backpack or other hand sprayers, 1-4 gallons per 1,000 sq. ft. is recommended. The maximum volume for exterior use is 4 gallons per 1,000 sq. ft. at 0.1% dilution (0.53 oz ai/1,000 sq. ft).

For exterior use on medium to heavy infestations of pests, porous surfaces, complex sites, such as dense perimeter landscaping, dense mulching, or for maximum residual performance, use higher specified volumes.

For applications to exterior of structures using high-volume power-spray equipment, Advion WDG can be diluted to less than 0.05% concentration and applied at a higher volume. Lower mix rates with higher application volume help ensure proper spray coverage and distribution of the insecticide. the higher spray volumes may be necessary for exterior applications to dense vegetation, mulch or other challenging areas around structures. As a mixing example, if targeted spray volume is 10 gallons of spray per 1,000 sq. ft, mix 0.33 oz (1 packet) per 10 gallons of water. For exterior use in California, refer label instructions in the label.

Mixing Directions:

  1. Important: Do not pour Advion WDG into an empty tank.
  2. Each packet must first be opened. Then pour the contents into the applciation or mixing tank.
  3. Clean application tank prior to using Advion WDG.
  4. Fill application tank with water to about half of desired volume.
  5. Pour the appropriate amount of Avion WDG into tank.
  6. Agitate.
  7. Fill tank with remaining volume of water and agitate again.
  8. Treatment mixture is now ready to apply. If treatment mixture sits in the tank for extended periods, reagitate prior to application.


  • Do not formulate this product into other enduse products without written permission of Syngenta.
  • Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
  • Do not apply this product in commercial nurseries and greenhouses or on sod farms. Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed production.
  • Keep people and pets away from treated areas until treatment has dried.
  • Do not apply broadcast or general surface application to interior surfaces of residential or commercial structures.
  • Do not apply as a spatial or fogging treatment using ULV equipment.
  • Do not apply this product to pets or edible crops.
  • Do not use water-based sprays of Advion WDG in or on electrical equipment or outlets due to possible shock hazard.
  • At residential sites, all food-processing surfaces and utensils in the treatment area must be covered during treatment or thoroughly washed before reuse.
  • Do not apply this product in patient rooms or in any rooms being occupied including rooms occupied by the elderly or infirm.
  • Do not apply to classrooms when in use.
  • Do not apply to institutions (e.g. libraries and recreational facilities) when occupants are present in the immediate area/room being treated.
  • Do not use in aircraft cabins.
  • Do not clean equipment near wells, water sources or desirable vegetation. Dispose of waste rinse water in accordance with local regulations.

California Restrictions on Exterior Applications:

When applying product to the exterior of structures, do not exceed the limitations listed in the label. (Refer to the label).

Re-treatment directions for all pests:

Application to specific areas previously untreated can be made as directed. Under normal pest situations or with maintenance applications, a treatment interval of 30 days is usually sufficient to maintain control. For heavy infestation to gain control, make two applications at 7-day intervals, then revert to maintenance application intervals.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    If you're fighting roaches, this is your answer.

    By Dave on 02/14/2020

    I had tried everything I knew of to no avail. Sonic plug in things, roach motels, EVERY SINGLE THING that can be bought at Home Depot, etc. I had lost all hope. As a last resort, I tried this and an IGR mixed together. It took about a week but like others say I was literally sweeping up dead roaches with a broom. Sprayed again 4 weeks later expecting a new round of eggs that were already down to hatch (they take 8 weeks) and haven't seen any. I'm about to spray for the third time, consider this a HUGE WIN, clean the rest of the evidence (poop) from the past battle, and get myself on a bi-yearly maintenance plan with an exterminator that offers a warranty as long as you've already been "protected" by them. WAY EXCEEDED MY EXPECTATIONS

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    40 of 41 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    This Insecticide is top-notch

    By Alvaro on 07/10/2020

    I believe this insecticide is perfect when combined with a growth hormone regulator to eliminate many things, but in my case German roaches. It is a non-repellant and it seems to hit them like a brick wall. German roaches don't play around, and this product doesn't either. I used it in the convenient packets. I believe this product is underrated. It is extremely powerful and by a successful company, and should be a part of any revolving arsenal choice.

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    37 of 37 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Advion WDG

    By Dave on 06/12/2020

    So far all the products I've received work better than when I was paying for professional services.

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    33 of 34 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Ant problem

    By Robert on 04/24/2020

    Major ant problem. After 2 days they were gone fantastic product

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    30 of 30 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Any problem resolved

    By John on 04/17/2020

    Started noticing ants around my pets food bowels and a couple of rooms inside the house. I tried this insecticide by spraying the baseboards of the rooms infected, along with any possible entry points on outside of house. It's been a few weeks now and I haven't had an ant problem since the day I first sprayed. The packets make it easy to do a gallon mix at a time.

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    28 of 29 people found this review helpful

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Questions & Answers

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How often to reapply and what is shelf life of Advion WDG Insecticide?

I have 700 sq. ft. apartment with an occasional roach sighting, which I'd like to eradicate completely. How often should I reapply, and since It won't likely be very often or in great amounts, How long can Advion WDG Insecticide be stored after already being mixed with water?


According to the manufacturer: Under normal pest situations or with maintenance applications, a treatment interval of 30 days is usually sufficient to maintain control. For heavy infestations to gain control, make two applications at 7-day intervals, then revert to maintenance application intervals. Advion WDG has a shelf life of 3-5 years depedning on how it is stored. Keep out of direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.

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24 of 27 people found this answer helpful

How bad does Advion WDG Insecticide smell ?

Can this be used In the house around babies or does it need to b sprayed left and then aired out for several hours before returning in the home


According to the SDS sheet, Advion WDG Insecticide does have a slight odor. You would want to keep kids and pets out of the area while treating. Everyone can safely return once the product has completely dried.

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23 of 23 people found this answer helpful

Does Advion WDG Insecticide control flies in the backyard?

Yes, Advion WDG Insecticide can be used for flies.

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13 of 13 people found this answer helpful

Does Advion WDG Insecticide work on mosquitoes?

Advion WDG Insecticide  is not labeled for mosquitoes. We would suggest using  Talstar P.  

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10 of 11 people found this answer helpful

Is Advion WDG Insecticide good for German roaches?

Yes, Advion WDG Insecticide is a great option to use as part of a roach treatment.  We also have a great article for eliminating them that explains the best treatment.

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10 of 11 people found this answer helpful

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Advion WDG Insecticide 4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.6 (45 Reviews / 25 Q&A)

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