Controlling and getting rid of anthracnose can be difficult once it has taken hold in your turf, so if you begin to see the symptoms of anthracnose, begin to treat immediately.
- You can attempt to control anthracnose with a fungicide that has been specifically formulated for it.
- Applying a fungicide to other areas in your lawn can help to prevent the spread of the disease.
- Make sure to rotate the fungicide products you are using, with active ingredients that fall into different classifications. This is to ensure the fungus in your turf does not become resistant to the products, leaving you with an incurable turf disease.
- You may have to re-apply fungicides a few times to provide continuous control of anthracnose. Retreat if you begin to see symptoms again, but make sure you read the label of your fungicide carefully and follow application guidelines.
- Keep in mind that if you cannot seem to get rid of the active anthracnose, you can start a preventative application the following spring to prevent it from coming back.