No. Armada is a water dispersable granule that must be mixed in water in a pump sprayer, then be agitated, and continue to be agitated while being sprayed. This type of formulation is not made to be used with a hose end sprayer.
It depends on the type of disease you are controlling. The label actually states for most diseases that you apply .6 oz of Armada per 1000 square feet. If you mix 3 oz in 2 gallons of water, then that 3 oz mixture should be applied over 5000 square feet, which works out to be about a quart and a half per 1000 square feet. After application, you can water in the product into the lawn to help it move into the thatch layer. This would be the equivalent of spraying 5000 square feet with 10 gallons of water.
Armada 50 WDG is safe to use around pets and children but just like any other product on our website, we recommend keeping pets and children away while you are applying the product. Once the product has dried, which usually only takes 45 minutes to an hour, it is perfectly safe to allow pets and children back on the lawn.
Armada 50 WDG is labeled to be used on all types turf grass. It can be applied to both cool and warm season grasses.
Clearys 3336F provides excellent control of a wide variety of lawn and turf diseases including dollar spot and brown patch. Please refer to the product label for mixing and application instructions prior to applying the product. Prostar is another rotating alternative.
Armada 50 WDG is a a great broad spectrum fungicide. With that being said broad spectrum does not mean that it will eliminate all types of fungus, it will only help with those diseases that are listed on the product label. We recommend that you contact your local cooperative extension office and speak to the master gardener on staff. The master gardener can usually help you identify the disease and also recommend the best product for your needs.
Yes, it is recommended to use a surfactant with Armada 50 WDG Fungicide per the manufacturer.
Armada 50 WDG is a preventive and curative fungicide, so it can be used for both.
The shelf life for Armada 50 WDG Fungicide is 3 years from the date of purchase if stored at room temperature.
It is best to apply Armada 50 WDG when temperatures are between 65-85 degrees and rainfall is not expected within 24 hours.
Armada 50 WDG Fungicide and Eagle 20EW are both in the class 3 fungicides. You should alternate with another fungicide labeled for what you are targeting. Please provide additional information for a recommendation. We are happy to help!
It depends on the type of disease you are controlling, you would apply 0.6 to 1.5 oz of Armada per 1000 square feet. After application, you can water the product into the lawn to help it move into the thatch layer. Please read the Armada product label for the complete instructions.
We apologize for any confusion, the old packaging of Armada WDG was actually packets and in a wettable powder formulation It depends on the type of disease you are controlling. The label actually states for most diseases that you apply .6 to 1.5 oz of Armada per 1000 square feet. After application, you can water in the product into the lawn to help it move into the thatch layer.
Each packet of Armada 50WP is 3 oz. and each bag of Armada 50 comes with 4 x 3 oz packets. The product label calls for 0.6-1.2 oz of product for every 1,000 sq ft of turf grass for the treatment of brown patch. Armada is now only available in the WDG formulation
Armada 50 WDG should be measured by weight, not volume, as the product is in a solid form. Per the product label, add ½ the required amount of water to the spray tank with agitator running. Add the recommended rate of Armada 50 WDG to the tank continue to agitate the solution while fillig the remainder of the tank with water. Once the solution has been thoroughly mixed and granules dispersed in the tank, begin the application continuing to agitate the solution to prevent settling. Do not allow the mixed solution in the tank to sit overnight.
Please refer to page 7 of the product label for application rates and more information.
Armada 50 WDG should be fine to tank mix with a liquid fertilizer as long as both products are applied as directed on the labels for rates. However, when preparing a new tank mix conduct an appropriate compatibility test by mixing proportional amounts of all spray ingredients in a test vessel (jar) prior to tank mixing with other products. Shake mixture vigorously and allow it to stand for five to ten minutes. Rapid precipitations of the ingredients and failure to re-suspend when shaken indicates that the mixture is incompatible and should not be applied. If you perform a compatibility test and have no issues then you can mix a liquid fertilizer with it.
Armada 50 WDG Fungicide would only be applied as a foliar application for anthracnose on ornamental trees as directed on the product label. We cannot advice or comment on any other application that is off label and/or recommended/done by a third party.
Interiorscape, Commercial and Residential Landscape Applications Foliar Diseases: ARMADA 50 WDG will control foliar diseases of ornamental plants when applied as a foliar spray to the plant species listed on this label. Apply 3 to 9 oz ARMADA 50 WDG per 100 gallons of spray solution. Apply as a full-coverage spray to the point of drip and repeat at 14 to 28 day intervals until the threat of disease is over. Begin applications when conditions are favorable for disease development and continue until the threat of disease is over. Use higher rates or shorter intervals under high disease pressure.
The breakdown per gallon for the rate above is approx 0.03 oz to 0.09 oz per gallon.
Armada 50 WDG Fungicide is 2 lbs or 32 oz.