Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf is safe for your pets as long as it was applied as directed on the product label. You should always have kids and pets inside the home or away while you are treating. After the treatment is done it is perfectly safe for children and pets to be back in the yard. Remember that these granules are only strong enough to kill small insects.
Yes, Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf will likely eliminate earthworms and other beneficial insects in the soil.
Per the Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf product label, you must water the product in thoroughly immediately after application. After the application has dried, you should not water again for at least 24 hours.
The Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer for Soil & Turf is a granule product and is not labeled for anytime of flying insects.
Cicada Killer wasps thrive in disturbed environments, such as landscaped yards and places where bare soil is exposed. You can discourage the wasps from nesting in your yard by cutting your grass on the highest setting and by adding a thick layer of mulch to flower beds during the Cicada Killer Wasp season. These wasps do not like over saturated lawns either, so over watering during their season will help prevent them. Unfortunately, there is no fool proof way to prevent cicada killer wasps.For prevention you can try to use a granular insecticide such as Talstar PL Granules in the couple of weeks before this pest is known to emerge. For current infestations, you would need to use Delta dust in each individual burrow.
We also like to let our customers know that the Cicada Killer wasps are beneficial insects that provide free pest control for a couple months each year. Cicada killer wasps paralyze and provision their burrows with other insects to feed their young. The beneficial Cicada killer wasps, while large and intimidating to see, are mostly harmless and there have been very few reports of anyone getting stung by just being near them. In most cases where a sting was reported, the wasps were being held or molested in some way. Cicada Killer Wasp stings are also reported to be almost painless.
Per the Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf product label you must water in thoroughly after application. You can apply maybe the day before rain or the morning of expected rain, but no further after that.
For 3 pounds of the Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf you would use 6 cups.
Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf is completely safe for use on artificial turfs and will not harm it at all per the manufacturer.
You can apply fertilizer at the same time as Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf.
Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf can be applied to damp ground, but it's not recommended to apply to overly saturated ground, since the product must be watered in following the application. Overly saturated ground will not absorb the product and could potentially cause runoff to unintended areas.
Yes, Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf is labeled for sod webworms.
Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf Granules is labeled for mosquitoes. The best mosquito repellent you can buy is Talstar insecticide. You can apply this mosquito killer to any kind of plant or shrubbery in your yard (that does not produce anything edible) and it will provide protection for up to 30 days. Make sure to spray the underside of the leaves since this is where mosquitoes lay their eggs.
Yes, Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf can be applied before placing the new sod. It would then be absorbed by the roots to help prevent/treat future infestations.
Yes, Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer For Soil & Turf can be used for millipedes.