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Jenella from La Feria, Texas writes

Can I use Taurus SC in my 4 gallon sprayer?

My house is on piers and I don't seem to have termites in, under, or around it, but I have a 1.5 acre yard that is littered with subterranean termites. Their little "tunnels" are everywhere. Can I simply spray the entire yard with Taurus SC to get rid of them?


Taurus SC is not labeled to be applied as a broadcast over the yard. Protecting the home is most important. Even if you have not seen evidence of termites at the house, we would recommend doing a trench treatment for protection around the structure and piers. For monitoring termites, you could look at using the HexPro Termite Baiting System to detect activity. How to Perform a Subterreanean Termite Treatment.

Answer last updated on: 10/16/2017

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