They are not working
By Catalina on 05/04/2010
I had high expectations but unfortunately..failure. I bought these cause my place of employment was using them for their rodent problem. Well, after one month, neither at my home nor at my workplace, has anyone of these traps caught anything other than dust bunnies and insects. My husband actually saw a mouse scoot through one of these traps without even a whisker getting stuck. They have been ineffective in our battle to get rid of our mice.
Expert response:
It is important to keep these glue boards from getting dusty and full of insects. If the purpose of these boards is to catch mice, you should fold the glueboards so they do not get dusty. If a layer of dust gets on the surface of the glue, they will not be sticky enough to trap a mouse. Also, if the glueboard is catching a lot of insects, then it will deter a mouse from gettting on the glueboard. You can also try a bait in the middle of the glueboard, like some sunflower seeds or a small scoop of chocolate gnutella to entice a rodent on the board. This customer was probably not getting the results they were expecting because they did not switch to newer glueboards after they became dusty and full of insects.
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16 of 18 people found this review helpful
Doesn't trap large roaches
By Overroached on 04/28/2012
not sticky enough
By Jill on 08/07/2012
Clue board review
By Larry on 12/29/2016
Dont work
By Michael on 08/17/2019
Didn't work for roaches
By Mary on 03/24/2012
Catchmaster Mouse/Insect Glue Boards
By Osela on 01/08/2021
Mouse Glue Boards
By Osela on 01/01/2021
Very Disappointing
By Chris on 02/04/2020
Mice were not attracted to these glue boards at all. They didn't go near them. I've used them flat and also boxed up along the baseboards and in the cupboards of my home. Absolutely no mice activity on any of the boards. They smell nice though. I will not buy these again.
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2 of 2 people found this review helpful
Not sticky enough to catch pest.
By Faye on 06/29/2019
not worth it
By Martha on 01/18/2019
Catchmaster Mouse/Insect glue boards
By Paul on 12/31/2018
Stay outside
By Lila on 08/25/2015
Mouse glue
By Dorothy on 11/12/2021
Glue traps
By Shehzad on 12/10/2021
It doesn't work. The mice just avoid them.
By Johnny on 01/22/2023
Not effective
By Dco on 06/24/2023
No Luck
By Jerry on 01/24/2025
2 weeks, multiple boards, not one mouse caught. I think my mice are too smart for these.
Expert response:
Thank you for your feedback! We recommend placing glue boards in areas where activity is most likely, such as corners, entrances, or other areas you suspect they frequent. This can help improve effectiveness, and insure you are always wearing gloves when placing glue boards. Please let us know if you need further assistance!