Cy-Kick Aerosol - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 62 questions)
  • Asked by Amber from Nj
    How do I determine the manufacture date of BASF chemicals? What do all the numbers mean?
    Removing for time being

    BASF uses a unique set of numbers to match up that product, when it was made, what lot it was a part of and how many were in that lot. Below you will see an example of a Cy-Kick aerosol can and how it is broken down. The batch numbers can vary in location on BASF products from just above the label on a bottle, to the bottom of a container or can, as well as on the sides of case containers or boxes.

    On the bottom of a can of Cy-Kick you will normally see a few sets of numbers appearing as follows:

    59011782 15 111

    203923930 28570

    Starting with the first row. The first set of numbers normally starting in 59- ex: 59011782 is BASF's article number for the product.

    The second set- ex: 15, indicates the year in which the product was produced. For this can that would mean it was produced in the year 2015

    The third set- ex: 111, indicates the numerical day of the year that the product was produced. So it was manufacturer on the 111th day of the year of 2015. This comes out to show it was produced on April 21st of 2015.

    The bottom row of numbers indicates the batch information. The first set- ex: 203923930, indicates the actual batch/lot number for the manufacturer. The second set- ex: 28570 indicates the container count of each batch.

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  • Asked by Asher
    Is Cy Kick Aerosol safe to use next to pregnant women and infants?
    When used according to the  product label, Cy-Kick aerosol is safe to use around infants and pregnant women. It is important that everyone is out of the area during the application. Everyone is free to return to the treated area as soon as it is dry.
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  • Asked by Gil\'s
    What does the "CS" on Cy-Kick stand for?
    I have a 20 oz aerosol can of Cy-Kick CS. When I search for that product it comes up with the concentrate that you have to mix. Also, I can't find it in 20oz cans online.
    CS stands for "capsulated suspension" or microencapsulated solution.  Microencapsulated products last a little longer than the normal version but are really only beneficial when used outside in direct sunlight or an area where there may be a lot of moisture.  The Cy-Kick CS version of the Cy-Kick aerosol that you are looking for is much more expensive.  Since most people use this product indoors, we have chosen to only offer the Cy-Kick aerosol version instead of the Cy-Kick CS aerosol version.  Both Cy-Kick aerosol and Cy-Kick CS aerosol have the same amount of active ingredient, Cyfluthrin .1%.
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  • Asked by Cheryl
    Can this Cy Kick Aerosol be used indoors around small pets?
    I have a small dog and will take her to a neighbors house when i spray but will it be safe for her after the product has dried for an hour or two?
    Yes. Cy-Kick Aerosol can be used in a house where animals live, the animals just need to be out of the area that is being treated, and they can return as soon as the treated area is dry.
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  • Asked by Brian from Melbourne, Fl
    What product or procedures will get rid of bugs in my rice and pasta products?
    I live in Florida and have a have a food storage pantry that I have typically stored rice, spaghetti, lasagne, and noodles in. I discovered bugs in my rice a few months ago, and soon found the same bugs in all my pasta products. I threw everything out, bought new products, and the bugs were back in everthing within days. I have since used or thrown products out again, and am buying in small quantities only and using product quickly, but still have the bugs from time to time. I can't get rid of them and they must be still in some products. I am worried that they could find their way through the house to my kitchen pantry. I use Taslstar P on a regular basis for my home protection, but obviously don't spray my shelves and food, only the baseboards. I need some suggestions on what to do or use to get rid of these bugs.
    For pantry beetles or weevils you should remove everything from the cabinet, inspect every item, discard anything that is infested. Next you should thoroughly vacuum all cracks in the cabinet. Last, you can apply a product such as Cy-Kick Aerosol to all of cracks and crevices in the cabinet to help kill any hidden pupa as they emerge so that they cannot continue to re-infest products. After the cabinet has completely dried you can put food products back in the cabinet.
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  • Asked by Darnell
    Is Cy-Kick aerosol safe to use in a child's room?
    Roaches seem to hide between the bed and wall. This is where I like to spray. My kids are wild sleepers and they tend to let their blankets fall in that area. My question is, if the blanket does fall could the Cy-Kick harm my kids if they then use the blanket? Is Cy-Kick safe once it is dry?
    First, you may want to consider thoroughly cleaning the area where roaches tend to congregate in your childs room, especially if your child eats in there. Second, if you are using the Cy-Kick Aerosol properly (please read the product label) then it is only being applied to the cracks and crevices around the room, not out in the open on the floor. By applying the product as specified on the product label, you limit the contact your children can have with it. And yes, once the product is dry it is safe for the kids to be around.
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  • Asked by Mohammad from North Brunswick, Nj
    Can I spray Cy-Kick Aerosol right in to the kitchen cabinets
    My house especially my kitchen have been invaded by Indian Meal Moths. Can I directly spry in to the kitchen cabinets and should I remove everything prior to spry. Thanks
    Cy-Kick Aerosol is meant to be applied to the cracks and crevices of your cabinets and behind the cabinets. Be sure to remove all food and food handling items from cabinets and pantry before application. The treat area should be dry with in 2 hours. Also, be sure to seal up any foods in air tight containers to keep the moths  out.
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  • Asked by Monica
    Can Cy-Kick be used around my baseboards and not just cracks and crevices?
    Cy-Kick aerosol does have to be used in cracks and crevices. The label states that Cy Kick may used behind the baseboards and in cracks and crevices around the baseboards.
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  • Asked by Carolyn
    Is Cy-Kick Aerosol geared to kill stink bugs?

    Yes, Cy-Kick Aerosol will kill stinkbugs that land on the surfaces that have been sprayed. Because stinkbugs are a relatively new problem, most companies have not had the opportunity to add them to their product labels. Most synthetic pyrethroids like the Cy-Kick will effectively treat stinkbugs. We also carry a Stink Bug Control Kit and Stink Bug Traps.

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  • Asked by Dennis from York Sc
    Can you recommend a good indoor aerosol that has residual. I recently quit Terminex and the technician used
    to spray an aerosol that he said was safe for pets. I did not get a chance to read the label. The areas he sprayed either dried very fast or it was a dry spray.
    Cy Kick Aerosol would be a great choice for you. It safe for pets to be around after the treated areas have dried. This will take about one hour.
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  • Asked by Clay
    Any reason to use Cy-Kick and Mother Earth together?
    I noticed that my erstwhile pest control service routinely used both Cy-Kick CS and Mother Earth at my home. Any ideas on why and how they might use both? The directions on Mother Earth label say that it can be rendered ineffective if contaminated with another insecticide, so I'm not sure how or why I should use this if I have the Cy-Kick CS. The only thing I can think of is crack and crevice, or perhaps in the shrubbery around the house. I already have both, so any ideas would be appreciated.
    It is true that you would not want to put them in the same place, but they are both great products to use at the same time, just in different places.  The Cy-Kick CS should be applied around the outside perimeter to help keep pests out of the home.  MotherEarth dust should be used indoors in voids and hard to reach places such as underneath appliances, where pipes go into the walls under sinks and behind toilets, floor of the water heater closet, attic spaces, etc.  Dust is better for these areas because dust will last much longer than the spray, sometimes up to 8 months.  You should apply the Cy-Kick CS around the outside perimeter of the home every 2 to 3 months for best results.
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  • Asked by Kieran from Abbotsford, British Columbia
    Can you use this product in the kitchen pantry?
    How long should you wait before putting food back in the pantry? I'm just concerned about food touching the product and ,asking our family and baby sick.
    You can use the straw applicator that comes with the product to apply Cy-Kick aerosol directly to the cracks and crevices in side of cabinets. Do not apply Cy-Kick Aerosol to the shelf surface or as a broadcast spray in the cabinet. You should wait until the application is completely dry before placing food or dishes back into the cabinets.
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  • Asked by Martie from Roswell,nm
    How long does Cy-Kick Aerosol - 17.5 oz. last in container?
    Once opened, Cy-Kick Aerosol - 17.5 oz. last about 1 year. 
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  • Asked by Betty from Brooklyn
    How long does it take Cy-Kick Aerosol to dry? Is it recommended for bedbugs?

    You will spray Cy-Kick Aerosol along the cracks and crevices where insects are likely to harbor. It could take between 2-3 hours to dry at the most. It is labeled for bedbugs. Please take a few moments to review our treatment article on How to Get Rid of Bedbugs.

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  • Asked by Daljinder
    I have misplaced the straw that is used for dispensing CY-Kick aerosol. Where can I buy a replacement straw?

    Unfortunately, the manufacturer only provides us with one straw per can, and we do not have any extra straws. You can call the manufacturer, Whitmire Microgen 800-777-8570, and they should be able to help you.

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  • Asked by Frank
    How well does Cy Kick Aerosol work on springtails?
    I have a pro that sprays for them, but they come right back!
    Cy Kick aerosol will help you get rid of the springtails that make their way inside. To get rid of the spring tails for good you must find where they are breeding and developing, usually this will be some place that is very high in moisture.
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  • Asked by Debbie from Ramsey, Nj
    Is this product effective for clothes moths?
    I have a walk-in closet and have had many articles of clothing ruined by moths. If this product is effective for moths, how would I use it?
    Cykick aerosol can help control clothing moths if it is sprayed on infested areas. The most important part of clothes moth control is finding the source and thoroughly cleaning the item(s) or disposing of the item(s) all together. Failure to do so will lead to poor results. Clothes moth eggs generally hatch out within 10 days during warmer temperatures and two weeks or longer during colder temperatures. Spraying a second time will help kill the adults but unless the larva are targeted you may continue to need additional treatments. Please take a moment to read our article How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths to learn more about this pest.
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  • Asked by Angela
    Is it safe to use Cy-Kick Aerosol inside kitchen cabinets, and how long does it take to dry?
    Yes, it is safe to use Cy-Kick Aerosol inside kitchen cabinets. Be sure to remove all items from the cabinets and wait until the product is completely dry to put everything back in. You will spray along the cracks and crevices where insects are likely to harbor. It could take between 2-3 hours to dry at the most. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
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  • Asked by John from Los Angeles,ca
    I've been finding house crickets in my apartment. I think they're coming in from outside.
    Which would you recommend for crickets? Cy-kick or D-force? Which is more effective, less odor, and longer residual? Also, will it kill eggs?
    Cy-Kick and D-Force are both very good products that are labeled to kill crickets. They both have a residual that will keep killing. They are both crack and crevice sprays. D-Force does have a residual of 8 weeks, while Cy-Kick will be about 6 weeks. Their is a mild odor with both. No, these products will not kill eggs.
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  • Asked by Jay
    Is Cy-Kick Aerosol safe to use in shower/bathtub?
    Cy Kick Aerosol is NOT labeled to be used in the bathtub or shower area. Apply as crack and crevice or void treatment where insects may be harboring. These may include openings around pipes and sinks, under refrigerators, behind baseboards, washing machines, stoves, cabinets, sewers, floor drains, and meter boxes. Spot treatment may also be made to areas including closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, around refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, stoves and other equipment, shelves, drawers and similar areas.
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 62 questions)