We do have a liquid formulation of cypermethrin called Cyper TC that should fit your needs very well. Since this is an emulsifiable concentrate, it may cause staining to old vinyl siding so you may want to test a small area if this is an issue for you. If staining is a problem then you could use water based, non staining Talstar P as an alternative. Both products should work just fine in a hose end sprayer.
***Note: We do NOT recommend spraying swing sets or swings of any sort with any type of insecticides. Spraying around the perimeter of the play set area should be sufficient.****
It is recommended that you keep pets out of the area that is being treated with Cyper TC until it dries completely. Once it has dried, it is safe for them to return to the area. This is generally between 1-2 hours.
For most general pest control applications, you will use 0.5 fl oz of Cyper TC per gallon of water. Please refer to the product label for your specific pest treatment rates.
Cyper TC is labeled for ant around the outside perimter of a structure and it will kill ants that come into direct contact with the treated surface. Cyper TC will not kill the ants that are back at the nest (For this type of effect we recommend Termidor SC). According to the Cyper TC product label:
BARRIER TREATMENT: Apply 0.1% (5.1 oz product per gallon of water) to a band of soil and vegetation 6 to 10 feet wide around and adjacent to the structure. Also, treat the foundation of the structure to a height of 2 to 3 feet. Use a treatment volume of 2 to 10 gallons per 1,000 square feet. Higher volumes of water may be needed if mulch or leaf litter is present or dense foliage exists. House siding may be treated if boxelder bugs, elm leaf beetles, earwigs, silverfish or other similar pests are present.
For most general pest control applications, you will use 0.51 fl. oz. of Cyper TC per gallon of water. For 20 gallons of water, you will use 10.2 fl. oz.
Cyper TC is not labeled to be applied in a pasture. We would not recommend applying this product in a pasture.
Cyper TC is safe to use in a crawl space. This product should be used around piers and beams.
Yes, Cyper TC can be applied with a hose end sprayer.
You will mix between 0.5-2 gallons of Cyper TC to make 50 gallons of mixture depending on the application. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing instructions for the targeted pest.