Dimension 2EW Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 61 to 80 (of 258 questions)
  • Asked by Ben from Mckinney, Tx
    Is Dimension safe on buffalo grass lawns?

    Yes, buffalograss is listed on the Dimension 2EW Herbicide product label as tolerable with a note: Do not use this product on seedling buffalograss in the spring of the first year of establishment until the turfgrass is fully green and has established new roots

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  • Asked by Bryan from Roscoe, Tx
    Can Dimension 2EW be used around fruit trees?
    Can this be used around fruit trees such as peach, pear, plum and apple?

    Dimension 2EW should not be applied within the drip line of any fruit trees. Also, the label does state that if your lawn is treated with Dimension 2EW, the grass clippings should not be left around the fruit trees.

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  • Asked by Michael from Murray, Ky
    What is the best Pre Emergent for crabgrass control in Fescue lawn?

    Dimension 2EW Herbicide is going to be the best pre emergent product when controlling crabgrass. It is labeled to be used in Fescue lawns and can even be applied at a ratio to work as a post emergent.You will use .28-.73 fl oz. per 1000 sq. feet or .75-2 pints per acre. For your 2.5 acre property, 1.875-5 pints will be used to cover the entire area. Please read label for further instruction.

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  • Asked by Vqt from Richmond, Va
    At what temperature can Dimension 2EW be effectively applied?
    Or What temps is not good to apply this at?

    Dimension 2EW is a pre-emergent herbicide, so it is best applied before soil temperatures reach those that are optimal for the weeds you are targeting. This is generally before soil temperatures reach 55 degrees in the Spring. You should not apply when there is snow on the ground or temperatures are below freezing. In the Fall, you would want to apply before soil temperatures cool to those favorable for these weeds, usually below 70 degrees. We recommend contacting your local Cooperative Extension for the best recommendation on timing in your area.

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  • Asked by Kevin from Goldsboro, Nc
    For Mid-Atlantic Region (NC), what is the best time of year to spray for Annual Bluegrass with Dimension 2EW?
    For pre-emergent control of Annual Bluegrass you will normally treat 2-3 times to fully control it throughout the year. For Southern zones like NC, you would do a fall application by Oct 1st and for spring you would do a second application between February and March 15th at the latest. Dimension will only control Annual Bluegrass as a pre-emergent so you will need to make sure the area is free of the currently growing vegetation. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
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  • Asked by Christine from Mullumbimby, Nsw, Australia
    Is Dithiopyr safe for use on carpetgrass (Axonopus)?

    Dimension 2EW which contains dithiopyr is labeled for use on carpetgrass.

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  • Asked by Karen from Vestal
    Is runoff from Dimension 2EW Herbicide toxic to horses?
    Need something to kill the grass before it comes up this year that will not harm the horses. Any suggestions?

    Dimension 2EW Herbicide is not labeled to be used in areas animals would graze so we cannot recommend it be used in the area.  We actually do not have any pre-emergents for grassy weeds in pastures and would recommend contacting your local department of ag for assistance identifying the target weed and for a product recommendation.  We can then see if we can get the product.

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  • Asked by Michael from Quinton,va
    Can be Dimension be mixed with other herbicides for more control?
    I am considering Dimension 2EW for crabgrass. Is there a second weed control that I should consider using for other weeds?

    Dimension 2EW Herbicide can be tank mixed with a variety of other herbicides and fertilizers. It is always recommended to do a test mix first to make sure whatever product you are wanting to use with the Dimension blends easily and does not cause clumping or any reaction that would cause your equipment to clog. Remember  to follow the more restrictive label directions.

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  • Asked by Dennis from Glenwood, Ia
    I am trying to control crabgrass in Iowa. What should the ground temp be in spring to apply Dimension 2W?

    Crabgrass seeds begin to germinate when soil temperatures reach 55 to 60 F and continue to germinate over several weeks from spring into summer. Pre-emergent herbicides such as Dimension 2EW normally should be applied in early to mid-April in southern Iowa, mid-April to May 1 in central Iowa and late April to early May in the northern portion of the state.  Pre-emergent herbicides should be applied when the forsythia blossoms start dropping or when redbud trees begin to bloom.  I found a great article here by Iowa State that further explains.

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  • Asked by Kevin from Prattville Al
    Is Dimension 2EW Herbicide safe to use on common Bermuda grass?
    As long as the type of turf you have is not Tifgreen(328) Bermuda Hybrid, Dimension 2EW Herbicide is safe to use on all other Bermuda Grasses.
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  • Asked by Lee from Piedmont, Ok
    Is Dimension 2EW Herbicide safe for use on a horse pasture?

    No, Dimension 2EW Herbicide will stay in the soil up to two years. It will be unsafe for the animals to graze until after the Dimension has left the soil on pastures. 


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  • Asked by Steve from Milton, Fl
    What weed killer and/or pre-emergent herbicide can I use on Centipede/St Augustine lawn?
    I have a slew of various weeds in my lawn which consists mostly of Centipede grass but has some St. Augustine. I live in the Florida panhandle. Lawn weed killers sold at big box stores seem to have little effect and are cost prohibitive for large areas such as a 100' x 150' lawn. What active weed killer(s) and/or pre-emergent herbicides would you recommend? And, in the case of pre-emergent herbicides, when should they be applied? The list of weeds controlled by your Snapshot product seems to cover the gamut, but I cannot see where it can be used on Centipede/St. Augustine lawns. Thanks.

    SnapShot 2.5 TG is not labeled to be used on lawns at all and would not be recommended.  Dimension 2EW is our most popular pre-emergent herbicide for both grassy and broadleaf weeds and can be used on both St. Augustine and Centipede lawns.  For Southern zones like FL, you would do a fall application by Oct 1st and for spring you would do a second application between February and March 15th at the latest.   Re-applications and timing will depend specifically on what program you choose to use. Please review page 4 of the product label to determine the program that will best suit your needs.  Tenacity or Atrazine would be good post emergent herbicides for your lawn type.

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  • Asked by Danny from Yuma, Az
    Does Dimension pre-emergent control spotted spurge?

    Dimension 2EW Herbicide is a pre-emergent herbicide that is labeled for spotted spurge. It will prevent the weed from germinating. If the weed is actively growing, we suggest selective post-emergent control. If you need a recommendation, please provide your desired turf species and size area. Thank you!

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  • Asked by John from Albany, Ny
    Can I still dethatch after my lawn service applied Dimension before I could do it?

    It is always best to perform any type of maintenance such as dethatching before you put down a pre-emergent like Dimension so that you do not interrupt the barrier and, therefore, get inconsistent weed control. You could potentially dethatch with a hand rake after watering in the Dimension application with at least 1/2 inch of water. Allow that watering to dry completely before dethatching. 

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  • Asked by Greg from Moses Lake, Washington
    What will work well for spring weed control?
    HI: I'm a novice lawn care hobbiest with a small yard. I'm wanting to get a jump on the spring weed control, I'm wondering what will do the best job on broadleaf weeds and crabgrass?
    Dimension 2EW is our most popular pre-emergent for crabgrass and broadleaf weeds. Be sure to review the product label to make sure your lawn species is listed.
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  • Asked by Shea from Weatherford, Tx
    When can I plant grass or lay sod after my second application of Dimension 2EW?
    So our new backyard is a mess, dirt and weeds. So I plan to do the first application first of March. Then I understand to do the second application by mid-June. Grass burrs are bad as well as the rest but more so the grass burrs. Do I need to wait another three months to lay Bermuda or St. Augustine sod or Bermuda seed? Thank you!

    According to the Dimension 2EW Herbicide product label, new sod/seed should not be applied for at least 3 months. Once the sod/seed has been put down, it needs to be established for at least 6 months before applying Dimension 2EW Herbicide again.

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  • Asked by Jeff from Phx Az
    Dimension in Phx AZ
    Each summer I have a crab grass battle. My lawn is over seeded with perennial rye in the winter, and is bermuda in the summer. Based on the Q&A, it seems as though applying Dimension now (Feb,) will kill my existing rye prior to the bermuda coming in (late April/May). If I were to wait until April/May, would it still be effective as a pre-emergent? It seems like crab grass would already be getting a foothold by then.
    Dimension 2EW needs to be applied before the seeds germinate in order for it to work properly. It is also labeled for early post emergence of crabgrass. It will likely not work as effectively if it is put down in April/May if the crabgrass is already out. We would recommend following the rule of thumb and putting the product down in early to mid February.
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  • Asked by Chris from Minnesota
    Can Dimension be mixed with Drive XLR8?
    I live in Minnesota and have a crab grass issue. Can I mix Dimension and Drive and apply at the same time? Also, would a surfactant be beneficial to use or even possible with the combination?
    As long as you do a tank mix test first to ensure no clumping or adverse effects occur in tank, you can mix both products together to acheive both pre and post emergent control of crabgrass. Since the Drive XLR8 requires the use of a surfactant you can mix that into the tank as well. 
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  • Asked by Stewart from Oklahoma City, Ok
    As mentioned in the Q&A, could you use Dimension 2EW as a pre-emergent for dandelions?
    However it was stated you should use Battleship as a post not a pre for dandelions. My question is that dandelions is on the Label so would this product work?
    Dimension 2EW would be used a pre-emergent for dandelions as listed on the product label.
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  • Asked by James from Indian Trail, Nc
    How many weeks apart can I re-apply Dimension 2EW Herbicide?
    Should I do Tenacity now? I applied Dimension 3 weeks ago and its working, getting warm here though and worried crabgrass will get started again. I got a few other weeds. Can I use Tenacity and Dimension 2EW now together at the same time?

    Whether and when you reapply Dimension will depend some on what rate you used when you first applied it. It is possible to do a split application of Dimension, which is usually done with the applications 6-8 weeks apart in Spring. Just be sure that you are not exceeding the maximum application and/or annual label rates for your area and type of turf grass. The rate you used will also affect how long the product lasts in the soil. You can use Tenacity after using Dimension since it is a different active ingredient. Be sure you are always following the label rates for your turfgrass and following any other label precautions. Please let us know if you have other questions.

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Displaying 61 to 80 (of 258 questions)