Dimension 2EW is a pre-emergent herbicide, so it is best applied before soil temperatures reach those that are optimal for the weeds you are targeting. This is generally before soil temperatures reach 55 degrees in the Spring. You should not apply when there is snow on the ground or temperatures are below freezing. In the Fall, you would want to apply before soil temperatures cool to those favorable for these weeds, usually below 70 degrees. We recommend contacting your local Cooperative Extension for the best recommendation on timing in your area. Over 100 degree weather will be too hot/late to apply a pre-emergent.
Dimension herbicide is a pre emergent that targets crabgrass, dandelions and other listed weeds and grasses. You will need .75 - 3.0 pints of Dimension 2EW per acre. The exact amount you will need will be based on what region you are located in and what program you choose. Please refer to page 5 of the Dimension 2EW Herbicide Label for more specific information
Re-applications and timing will depend specifically on what program you choose to use. Please review page 4 of the product label to determine the program that will best suit your needs. For example, if Program 1 is done (which is the most recommended for residential lawns), it will provide 3-5 months of pre-emergent control. Most pre-emergent products will have to be applied at least twice a year to prevent Spring and Summer weeds. Be sure that you do not exceed the maximum annual rates for your specific type of turfgrass.
Dimension 2EW provides pre-emergence and early post-emergence control of crabgrass, and season-long control of crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail, spurge and many other grassy and broadleaf weeds.
SpeedZone is an excellent selective post-emergent herbicide for common and troublesome weeds in turfgrass such as spurge, pennywort, dandelion, white clover, and many others. Evidence of injury can be seen within hours of application, and weeds will die in as little as 7 to 14 days.
Whether and when you reapply Dimension will depend some on what rate you used when you first applied it. It is possible to do a split application of Dimension, which is usually done with the applications 6-8 weeks apart in Spring. Just be sure that you are not exceeding the maximum application and/or annual label rates for your area and type of turf grass. The rate you used will also affect how long the product lasts in the soil. You can use Tenacity after using Dimension since it is a different active ingredient. Be sure you are always following the label rates for your turfgrass and following any other label precautions. Please let us know if you have other questions.
Yes, Dimension 2EW Herbicide does control sandburs. Be sure to check the label with regards to how much to use for your area.
According to the Dimension 2EW Herbicide product label, new seed should not be applied for at least 3-4 months after an application.
Dimension is best applied just before temperatures are suitable for weed seed germination. For crabgrass, this is when soil temperatures are about 55 degrees F. You will need to check your local weather forecast for a time when you will have several warm days in a row so that you can apply before that time for best results. You can usually check local soil temperatures online, too. You should not apply Dimension or other pre-emergents if the ground is frozen, if there is snow or ice on the ground, or if the ground is already saturated from rainfall.
Unfortunately their is not a selective product that will remove crabgrass from St. Augustine. St. Augustine is a very fragile grass, and so most selective products that are labeled to remove crabgrass and not your real grass, will hurt the St. Augustine. It is recommended to kill the crabgrass with a round up type product, like Ranger Pro, which will also kill just the St. Augustine around the crabgrass that it is sprayed on, and then a couple weeks later re-seed those areas with new St. Augustine.
Image 70 DG is labeled for the sandbur and white clover as well as crabgrass suppression though.
For long term control though, you should apply a pre-emergent in the late fall and early spring which will prevent new crabgrass from coming up next year. If you apply pre-emergent every year, you should not have issues with crabgrass long term. Dimension 2EW is one of our most popular pre-emergents for crabgrass. Dimension would also be good for the clover and stickers.
You will need to wait 3 months after applying Dimension 2EW Herbicide to reseed. Or, you can reseed and after you get good growth and have mowed the new grass a minimum of two times you can then do an application of Dimension 2EW Herbicide.
Dimension 2EW is one of our most popular pre-emergents for crabgrass as well as many other broadleaf weeds, and it can safely be used on St. Augustine grass. Please check the product label to ensure that it will control the other weeds that you are targeting.
The length of time Dimension 2EW Herbicide lasts depends on the rate used, it can last 3-6 months.
Both Dimension and Gallery are great pre-emergents and are OK for use around non-bearing vineyards only. We do not currently carry any pre-emergents that can be used around bearing vineyards.
In Arizona, you would generally make two applications of Dimension 2EW Herbicide 5 to 10 weeks apart. We would recommend the Program 2 or 3 rates of 1 oz per 1,000 sq ft and then 1.5 oz per 1,000 sq ft, or 2 applications of 1 oz per 1,000 sq ft each, according to the product label. Be sure that you immediately water-in the application with a high volume of water any time there is a barrier like gravel over the ground. This will help get more of the active ingredient down to the soil so that it is not just absorbed into the rocks before it can reach the dirt. (Since this product is still intended to be used around turfgrass and ornamentals, you may not get the same results on a stone area.) At the 1 oz,1000 sq ft rate, you would use 0.22 oz of Dimension 2EW in 1 gallon in your sprayer to cover 220 sq ft.