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EcoSMART is now featuring a new line of natural botanical pesticides. This new line is the EcoPCO line, designed to be environmentally safe for use around your home and family and be just as effective as other "chemical" insecticides. The active ingredients in these products are derived from plant oils such as rosemary, wintergreen and eugenol. Eco PCO ACU is one of our effective bug sprays that provides instant knockdown and kill of listed insects. Eco PCO ACU aerosol is environmentally friendly, pest insect deadly.
This product is now manufactured by Zoecon, previously by EcoSMART Technologies. Same product.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Propionic acid, phenethyl ester 0.1% |
Target pests | Ants, Carpet Beetle larvae, Centipedes, German and American Cockroaches, field Crickets, Earwigs, cat Fleas, house Flies, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Pillbugs. |
Pet safe | yes |
Shipping Weight | 1.21 lbs |
Manufacturer | Zoecon |
UPC | 041535002879 |
EPA Registration | 89459-59 |
EcoPCO ACU Aerosol is a pressurized ready-to-use insecticide designed to replace conventional pyrethrum or synthetic contact sprays. The active ingredient Phenethyl Propionate is a derivative of peanut oil (it does not contain the enzyme that triggers peanut allergies). It acts as an octopamine blocker for target pests, disrupting the neurotransmitter function in target insects and causing a breakdown in the insects’ central nervous system. EcoPCO ACU targets receptors not found in humans and non-target animals, making it a safe and effective product.
EcoPCO ACU Aerosol is a contact kill only, meaning it will only be effective for insects contacted directly with the spray. Once the application has dried, there are no residual effects.
Ants, Bed Bugs, Carpet Beetle larvae, Centipedes, German and American Roaches, Crickets, Earwigs, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Pillbugs
PESTS CONTROLLED: Bed bugs, fire ants, carpenter ants, Argentine ants, cockroaches, German & American cockroaches, cat fleas, cellar spiders, wolf spiders, brown dog ticks, European earwigs, carpet beetle larvae, field crickets, lady beetles, pantry pests, nuisance ants, centipedes, millipedes, silverfish, pillbugs, sow bugs, house flies, southern fire ants, southern house mosquitoes, thief ants, little black ants, big-headed ants, pavement ants, leafcutter ants, acrobat ants, odorous house ants, velvety tree ants, pyramid ants, field ants, crazy ants, cornfield ants, large yellow ants
Use EcoPCO ACU Aerosol in place of conventional pyrethrins or synthetic pyrethroid pressurized insecticides as a contact kill indoors for listed pests. EcoPCO ACU is all natural, making it ideal for sensitive environments where residual or conventional sprays are prohibited or undesirable. EcoPCO ACU Aerosol is effective as a contact and crack and crevice treatment for many common crawling insects including roaches, spiders, ants, pantry pests, and bed bugs. The aerosol particulates are fine enough to treat flying insects, and the included crack and crevice straw makes treating small spaces easy.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 2-Phenethyl Propionate 0.10%
***Always read the product label completely before use***
Shake well before using. This product is a contact spray and will not prevent reinfestation of any listed pest in any treated area. Insects must be contacted by spray in order to ensure 100% mortality.
Crawling Insects, Crack and Crevice Treatment:
Use the injector nozzle tip provided. For listed pests, inject into all crack/crevice and void spaces where insects are present. Applications can be made, but are not limited to, behind baseboards, cabinets, walls, ceilings, around doors and window frames, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks and stoves, and around water pipes and appliances. Insects contacted by spray will be killed. Ensure contact with as many insects as possible. Do not apply to any surface where food is prepared or served.
Yield will vary according to use with this ready-to-use product. Each 17 oz. can should yield several repeat treatments.
*Exact rates are not specified for this natural, ready-to-use pesticide. Apply to areas as directed for target pests until moist. Insects contacted by spray will die.
Residential, Commercial, and Industrial buildings with the following exceptions: Do not use in commercial food/feed handling establishments, restaurants, or other places where food/feed is commercially prepared, processed or stored. Do not use on food preparation surfaces. Avoid spraying plants. Do not apply to water.
Fleas and Brown Dog Ticks: Hold can approximately 12 inches (30 centimeters) above surface area and apply uniformly to infested areas such as carpets, rugs, cloth upholstery and pet bedding. Contact fleas & ticks directly to kill these pests.
Pantry Pest Treatments: Use EcoPCO ACU to kill pantry pests (including beetles, moths, mites and weevils). Non-food use only. Limit treatments to residential food storage areas. Do not use on food preparation surfaces. Apply only as a crack/crevice treatment or as a spray to the cracks, corners and surfaces of pantry shelves. Remove all foodstuffs, utensils and shelf paper from area to be treated. Discard used shelf paper. Apply spray to shelves and in cracks and crevices behind and under cupboards and cabinets. Allow treated surfaces to dry and cover shelves with clean paper before replacing any utensils, foodstuffs or other items. Any foodstuff accidentally contaminated with treatment solution should be destroyed.
For Flying Insect Treatments: To kill (these pests) (house flies and southern house mosquitoes), aim spray toward flying insect infestations contacting as many insects as possible. Insects contacted by spray will be killed. Wipe away excess spray after application. Avoid spraying plants.
For Bedbug Treatments: Remove bedding materials. Take bed apart and treat cracks, joints and interior of framework. Treat mattresses and box springs; especially around tufts, folds, seams and edges. Treat baseboards, moldings, floors, and all cracks and crevices in the room. Let spray dry before putting bedding materials back on. Repeat treatment as necessary. Not recommended as the sole treatment for bed bugs.
Eco PCO ACU is not intended for outdoor use.
Works like conventional chemical products such as: PT 565 Plus XLO and CB-80 Extra
Kills Anything -- Some Faster Than Others
By Adam on 04/02/2012
The active ingredient in ECO-PCO ACU is 2-penethyl-propionate. It is derived from alcohol and targets a neurotransmitter that only exists in invertebrates (a.k.a. bugs). Therefore, there is less risk to the human nervous system and it is labeled a natural product. This spray will drop house flies (even gigantic horse flies) instantly on contact. They'll crash and burn like The Hindenburg blimp. If you hit a larger crawling bug like a spider, house centipede or jerusalem cricket, IT WILL definitely die but it can take 1 minute to 5 minutes. The more powerful concoction of this product for crawling insects is EcoExempt KO. EcoExempt KO is FIVE PERCENT (5%) 2-penethyl-propionate, whereas ECO PCO ACU is only 0.10% 2-penethyl-propionate. The tradeoff is that EcoExempt KO is NOT a misting aerosol and so is less useful against flying insects. But EcoExempt KO will disable large crawling insects (and by LARGE I mean Jerusalem Crickets, which are the size of a small mouse) instantly -- and kill them more quickly than this product. But make no mistake -- ECO PCO ACU absolutely kills on contact like it states. None of my hundreds of insect victims of every size ended up living . . . just understand that if your goal is instant knockout of crawling insects, another product by this manufacturer (EcoExempt KO) is a bit more "instant."
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Eco User
By Anonymous on 06/09/2013
yes it works
By Anonymous on 08/22/2013
This product is effective with not only killing roaches on the spot but allows them to crawl back to their nests and infect the others. The ingredients are not as toxic as other products so I feel confident in using it. I can see the light at the end of this tunnel with this product.
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6 of 8 people found this review helpful
By Anonymous on 09/06/2013
Cans leak excessively
By Sheri on 05/04/2017
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I have two small children (a toddler and infant) and am concerned about their health and safety.
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6 of 6 people found this answer helpful
However the new replacement ECO PCO ACU 17oz does not mention this capability. Can you verify that it indeed is the same product with the same contact knockdown capabilities of Eco Jet X 14 oz?
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4 of 4 people found this answer helpful
An exterminator used this product on the entry ways into each room of our house. Was that correct? And how long it last once applied?
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I work for a pest control company. I am fighting a flea problem at my home. I am trying to find a product that is safe to treat with my cats in the house.
Eco PCO ACU may be applied if pets are in the house, however we would recommend refraining from spraying any insecticides while pets are in the same room. You want to wait until applications are dry before allowing pets to re-enter the area. Eco PCO ACU is not, however, an appropriate treatment for fleas. We recommend our Indoor Flea Kit for your situation. You want to keep pets out of the treatment area until the application is complete and dry.
A very gently product for use on the cats themselves would be Greenway Formula 7 Dog and Cat Flea and Tick Spray.
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Eco PCO ACU aerosol - 15 oz.
Rating: 4.7 (20 Reviews / 8 Q&A)