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Fertilome Weed Free Zone RTS - 1 qt is a four-in-one weed killer that controls a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds. Combines four powerful weed killers to actively target and kill unwanted weeds in residential lawns. The Fertilome Weed Free Zone RTS is proven to control and kill broadleaf weeds such as perennial ryegrass, chickweed, wild onion, aster, clover, curly dock, and poison ivy. It offers immediate results within hours and a long-lasting effect of one to two weeks. Ideal to apply on zoysiagrass, red fescue, centipede grass, buffalo grass, and common bermudagrass. It may be applied during summer, spring, or fall. For best results, it is highly suggested to spray the product when broadleaf weeds are you and growing. Reapplication or follow-up treatment may be needed for susceptible weeds. Comes in a 32-oz. ready-to-spray bottle for convenient use.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | 2,4-D, 2-Ethylhexyl ester - 10.49% Mecoprop-p, acid - 2.66% Dicamba, acid - 0.67% Carfentrazone-ethyl - 0.54% |
Target pests | Clover, Ground Ivy, Spurge, Chickweed, Dandelion, Henbit, Oxalis, Poison Ivy, Purslane, Shepherds Purse, Thistle, Virginia Buttonweed, Wild Onion. *See label for the complete list. |
For use in | Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Red Fescue, Colonial Bentgrass, Common Bermuda Grass, Hybrid Bermuda Grass, Bahia Grass, Zoysia Grass, Buffalo Grass, St. Augustine and Centipede Grass. |
Application | Spray evenly over the measured area. Walk at a steady pace. Refer to the view strip [graduated scale] on the side of the container to guide coverage. |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on label. |
Yield | The 32 fl.oz. container will treat 16,000 to 43,000 sq.ft. of turfgrass. |
Formulation | Ready-to-spray liquid formula. |
Dimensions | 2 x 5 x 11.3 inches |
Special Features | Long-lasting and offers visible effects within hours. |
Shipping Weight | 2.07 lbs |
Manufacturer | VPG (Mfg. Number: FE10527) |
UPC | 732221105270 |
EPA Registration | 2217-855-7401 |
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
This product is intended for use on most Ornamental Lawns including:
Turfgrass Tolerance:
The turfgrass tolerance to Fertilome Weed Free Zone RTS may vary and temporary turfgrass yellowing may occur on St. Augustinegrass and certain varieties of Hybrid Bermudagrass.
Fertilome Weed Free Zone RTS may injure certain turfgrass species. To reduce the risk of Lawn injury, avoid spraying drought stressed Lawns or when temperatures are above 90 degrees F.
Spray when Broadleaf Weeds are young and actively growing for best results.
Fertilome Weed Free Zone RTS may be applied in the spring, summer, or fall. Spring and fall treatments under adequate soil moisture conditions are preferred to the summer treatments. Generally, summer broadcast applications to older, drought-stressed weeds are less effective.
Broadcast (entire areas) applications or follow-up applications at 2-6 week intervals are recommended for more mature weeds, for dense infestations, and for adverse environmental conditions.
Spot treatments during the summer may be appropriate for sparse infestations or as a follow-up treatment, or any time broadleaf weeds are susceptible.
Reseeding Interval:
The maximum application rate is 3.0 fluid oz. of product/1,000 sq.ft. per application. The maximum number of broadcast applications is limited to 2 per year. The maximum seasonal rate is 6.0 fluid oz. of product/1,000 sq.ft., excluding spot treatments. Limited to 2 broadcast applications per year. Minimum of 30 days between applications is required.
How To Apply Using The Ready To Spray System
1. Measure the total (entire) lawn area to be sprayed. For rectangular areas, multiply the length by the width to obtain total square feet.
2. Connect a garden hose to the hose-end sprayer. Make sure the control valve on the nozzle is in the OFF position.
TO BEGIN spraying: Turn on water at the faucet. Point nozzle toward lawn to be treated and turn the control valve to the ON position. Water will automatically mix with the product. Spray evenly over the measured area.
3. SPRAY: Spray evenly over the measured area. Walk at a steady pace. Refer to the view strip [graduated scale] on the side of the container to guide coverage. The 32 fl. oz. container will treat 16,000 to 43,000 sq.ft. of turfgrass.
4. To STOP spraying: Turn the control valve to the OFF position. Turn off the water at the faucet. To relieve pressure, turn control valve to ON position and wait until water stops spraying before removing sprayer from hose.
Fertilome Weed Free Zone RTS will control or suppress the following Broadleaf Weeds and will control or suppress other Broadleaf Weeds that are susceptible to 2,4-D.
Great Stuff From a Great Staff
By David on 04/14/2020
Plaudits and many thanks to the helpful, courteous folks here at DoMyOwn. This product worked powerfully against an invasion of spurge on my hybrid Bermuda lawn-- which still holds the unofficial title as Pride of The Neighborhood.
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6 of 6 people found this review helpful
Fertilome Weed Free Zone
By Jacomo on 06/29/2020
Takes Longer
By Sheila on 04/22/2022
Years of solid performance
By Gt on 11/05/2022
Weed Free
By Sandra on 05/20/2022
Per the Fertilome Weed Free Zone RTS product label instructions are:
How To Apply Using The Ready To Spray System
1. Measure the total (entire) lawn area to be sprayed. For rectangular areas, multiply the length by the width to obtain total square feet.
2. Connect a garden hose to the hose-end sprayer. Make sure the control valve on the nozzle is in the OFF position. TO BEGIN spraying: Turn on water at faucet. Point nozzle toward lawn to be treated and turn the control valve to the ON position. Water will automatically mix with the product. Spray evenly over the measured area.
3. SPRAY: Spray evenly over the measured area. Walk at a steady pace. Refer to the view strip [graduated scale] on the side of the container to guide coverage. The 32 fl.oz. container will treat 16,000 to 43,000 sq.ft. of turfgrass.
4. To STOP spraying: Turn the control valve to the OFF position. Turn off water at faucet. To relieve pressure, turn control valve to ON position and wait until water stops spraying before removing sprayer from hose.
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16 of 40 people found this answer helpful
Yes, both the Fertilome Weed Free Zone RTS and Fertilome Weed Free Zone Concentrate contain the same active ingredients and amounts of each. The only difference is one comes with the hose end sprayer attachment top and hte other is for thoes that have their own tank sprayer they prefer to mix it within and use instead. Make sure to follow the label instructions to avoid any turf injury.
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One week after spraying, I still have an area with active weeds.
You will start to see results in 7 - 14 days after applying Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone. You can reapply in 2 - 6 week intervals. The product should not be applied in temperatures over 90 degrees. It is recommended that you apply products in the early morning or late evening.
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We are sorry your both your bottles did not work correctly. We do not see that you purchased the items from our company, and we are not the manufacturer. If you need a refund or replacement bottle for the defective one you purchased, you will need to go back to the company you bought it from, or contact the manufacturer directly. You can reach VPG at 855-270-4776 for technical questions.
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How long before dog can go outside?
When used as directed Fertilome Weed Free Zone RTS is safe for yards with dogs. Dogs need to be kept out of the treated areas until they have dried, typically after 4-6 hours.
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Fertilome Weed Free Zone RTS
Rating: 4.7 (6 Reviews / 10 Q&A)