Yes, Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide (Sethoxydim) can be used to kill grassy weeds in and around mondograss. Per the Tank Sprayer instructions on page 8 of the product label, application rate is 1 fl oz per gallon of water to treat 1800 sq ft. The full list of Tolerant Ornamental & Bedding Plants begins on page 20 of the label.
According to the product label, Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is only labeled tolerant for the Plantain Lily (hosta). .
Yes, Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is labeled to eradicate grasses which would include Tall Fescue and Fine Fescue as they would be more sensitive to applications. Per the product label, Red Fescue, Chewings Fescue, Hard Fescue, and Dichondra Turfs are also tolerant to this product.
Variegata, Youngstown blue rug juniper is listed as tolerable on the product label for Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is not labeled to be used in lawns. It will harm many grasses, Bermudagrass included. A great product to control crabgrass in your Bermudagrass would be Drive XLR8 herbicide.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is a grass killer which will also harm desirable types such as buffalo grass.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide should be applied as directed on the product label. We do not recommend that it be stored in a shed or area where there is exposure to extreme hot or cold temperatures. It should be applied when you are not expecting rainfall for at least 24 hrs following the application. You should apply Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide when the target plants are young and actively growing for best results. This is usually when temperatures are around 60-85 degrees F.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is only labeled to control grassy weeds. If it is mixed higher than the labeled rate it could harm other types but only time will tell if they recover from the application.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide will not control clover, just listed grasses. We would recommend using QuinKill Max Crabgrass & Weed Killer depending on what type of turf you have.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is not labeled for use in residential lawns. It is designed for use in vegetables gardens, flower gardens, around trees & shrubs, in ornamental landscapes and on ground coverings.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide can be used to treat the labeled grasses in juniper beds.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide could be used for grasses around strawberry.
The Hi Yield Grass Killer is designed to be mixed with a surfactant and you cannot normally get an accurate dilution rate when you mix the two together in a hose end sprayer. It would be best to use a tank sprayer for it if you can. Otherwise, you will need to make sure your hose end sprayer has a dial to correctly select the amount of product to pull per gallon of water.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide could be harmful to both Bermuda and St. Augustine Grasses.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide will control Bentgrass. Since it's not labeled for use around Vinca Minor we cannot recommend to apply it there. Spot treatment would be our recommendation.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is a grass killer than can harm the centipede lawn so would not be recommended to be used on it, nor is is labeled as safe to apply around pecan trees.