Hi-Yield Grass Killer cannot be used on centipede grass. We apologize, but we actually do not carry a product that is labeled to remove Bermuda grass from centipede. The only suggestion we can give is to kill the Bermuda with a glyphosate product and then re-seed the centipede in those areas.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide should be applied no more than one application per season for strawberries when the listed weeds are actively growing and the minimum harvest time for strawberries is 7 days from last application.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is safe to use in established Algerian Ivy and Grape Ivy for grassy weeds. If you have an ivy not listed on the product label, then we suggest testing a small area before applying over all of it.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is labeled to be used around established crape myrtles and rose plants listed on the product label to control bermudagrass and other listed weeds. For ornamentals not listed on the product label, we would recommend spot treating around a small area before treating around a large number of plants.
Yes, if new growth appears, you may re-apply Hi Yield Post Emergence Grass Killer when grassy weeds are actively growing. Younger, actively growing seedling weeds are more easily killed than older, mature, well-established grassy weeds which may require a repeat application for control. Please refer to the product label for a list of tolerant plants, vegetables and fruits.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide can be used around roses and other ornamental plants and flowers, including sunflowers.
There shall be no rain expected within 24 hrs following the application of Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide for the most effective results.
Hi-Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer does not list on the product label that it is safe for use around edibles, only in non-crop areas. The Avenger Weed Killer Concentrate is safe for use around edible vegetation and fruit trees as it does not persist in the soil and is approved for organic gardening. Be sure to not spray any of the plants you do not want to kill as it is non-selective and will kill anything to which it is applied.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide does not list clover as one of the types of weeds controlled on the label. We would recommend using QuinKill Max Crabgrass & Weed Killer depending on what type of turf you have.
Spot Applications: Apply 1.45 fl ozs of QUIN KILL MAX per 1000 sq ft (0.75 lb ae/A) of treated area. Make 2 sequential applications of 1.0 fl oz (0.51 lb ae/A) of QUIN KILL MAX per 1000 sq ft and an additional sequential application up to 0.90 fl oz (0.46 lb ae/A) of QUIN KILL MAX per 1000 sq ft at 14- to 21-day intervals.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is a grass killer than can harm the centipede lawn so we do not recommend using this product on it.
Yes, Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide can be used over garden peas.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer may be used around turnips, however, it is not labeled for use on mustard greens. Please be sure to review the product label for more information and complete application instructions.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is labeled for use around strawberries. One application per season is allowed and there is a 7 day interval time to harvest following the application.
Please refer to the product label for more information.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer can be used grape vines. Please refer to the Label for complete application instructions.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is a grass killer that is labeled to kill annual and perennial grasses in and around vegetables, gardens, trees, shrubs, ornamentals and ground covers. It is not labeled for use on lawns. Additionally, it is not labeled to treat for Japanese stiltgrass.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is not labeled to be used in lawns, nor is it labeled for torpedo grass. Solitare Herbicide is labeled to suppress torpedo grass in centipede lawns, but may not eradicate it completely. Most of the herbicides on the market will only suppress the torpedo grass for a short time. It is recommended to spot treat the torpedo grass with a non-selective herbicide such as Round Up Quick Pro and then reseed or sod in the treated areas.
Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide can be used around Vegetables, Gardens, Trees, Shrubs, Ornamentals and ground covers.
For best results you should add a surfactant to your solution to help the product stick to the target weeds and grass.
While Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is labeled for use on brocolli and cabbage that are in the same family as collards, it is not labeled specifically for use on collards therefore cannot be recommended.
We suggest contacting the manufacturer VPG directly at 484-321-5300 for confirmation before using.
No, Hi-Yield Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide is not labeled to kill rye grass. If you would like to tell us more about where you are treating, then we can assist you in finding a product for your needs.