Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker Non-Ionic Surfactant - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 41 questions)
  • Asked by Jay from Belleville, Pa
    Hi Yield Spreader/Sticker -- rates per gallon
    You're DMOPC write-up says: Yield: 2 to 4 tablespoons per gallon of water when mixed with insecticides, miticides, fungicides, liquid fertilizers and herbicides The Hi Yield label say 1/2 TEAspoon per gal for insecticides and 1-2 TEAspoons per gal for herbicides. Quite a difference !!
    We do greatly apologize for the discrepancy in tablespoons to teaspoons. Hi Yield Spreader Sticker is to be applied in 1-2 tsp per gallon. We have updated our website to adhere to the product label.
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  • Asked by Thomas from Langley
    Can I use Hi Yield Spreader Sticker on my garden with Neem Oil?
    can i mix this with neem oil and use it as a foliar spray and not harm my plants? i know neem oil dont harm them but i dont know about this stuffs ingrediants?
    Yes you can absolutely mix the Hi Yield Spreader Sticker with the neem oil or any other product you use on crops or non-crop areas to add extra stick and penetration of the product. 
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  • Asked by Nigel from Lehi, Ut
    Can I use Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker with Scotts Ortho Roundup 0410510 Concentrated Weed B Gon Max?
    I mentioned that it can be used with a lot of fertilizers, herbicides, etc. I just want to make sure.
    The Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can absolutely be used with most insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, acaricides, defoliants, desiccants and wettable powders to improve performance of the active spray ingredient by giving them more uniform distribution and better wetting of the plant surface.
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  • Asked by Edward from Boca Raton, Fl
    How long will Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker retain its potency?

    The shelf life of Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker is 3-5 years as long as it’s stored out of direct sunlight and in a temperature controlled environment.

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  • Asked by Jim from Charles City, Ia
    How many applications are normally needed of Sedgehammer with Hi-Yield to eliminate nutsedge?
    It all depends on how advanced the nutsedge is and how prevalent it is in your yard.  Most people need two application but it can take 1 or 2 more to completely rid the yard of sedge depending on how advanced it is.
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  • Asked by Scott from Minnesota
    Does Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker in combination with insecticides make the insecticide more rainfast and improve longevity?
    Will Hi-Yield improve an insecticide's ability to withstand washing off in the rain?

    Yes, you can use Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker with most insecticides to improve coverage and residual and to mitigate drift. Keep in mind that adding a surfactant can increase the risk of phytotoxicity (burn), especially on sensitive plants and in hot temperatures, so it is best to using any oil-based products in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler.

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  • Asked by Domenic from Cleveland, Oh
    Can I use Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker as a surfactant when applying Tenacity?

    Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can be used with Tenacity Herbicide. It is recommended that you use 1 teaspoon per gallon of water.

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  • Asked by Susan from Atlanta, Ga
    Does Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker make spray more visible?
    I've read where a spreader sticker gives whatever product you are spraying a milky appearance which makes it easier to see where you have sprayed. I'm thinking this would lessen the need for a dye additive.

    Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker is a clear liquid that would not make any product it is added to more visible.  It only helps to make certain products more effective.

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  • Asked by Mary from Victor, Ia
    How soon is it safe to harvest the asparagus after spraying Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker with Fertilome Over the Top to kill grass in my asparagus bed?

    Fertilome Over the Top II and Hi Yield Spreader Sticker can be used up until the day before harvesting asparagus. 

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  • Asked by Shawn from Alabama
    Can you use Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker if you add surfactant to herbicides?

    Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker acts just like surfactants. It will reduce the surface tention of the water and allow the product to spread out and penetrate the plant.

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  • Asked by Adam from Oh
    Can you spray Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker with Tenacity at the time of reseeding?

    Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can be mixed with Tenacity for post emergent applications and it can be applied at seeding as directed on the product label.

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  • Asked by Morag from Westland, Mi
    Will Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker be good for Cicadas?
    About 2 years ago we starting getting Cicadas flying about the house and they have been coming back to the same place. I'm looking for something to get rid of the nesting in my flower beds.

    Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker has no insecticidal properties at all and is only added to other products to improve performance of the active spray ingredient by giving them more uniform distribution and better wetting of the plant surface. 


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  • Asked by Alan from Orlando, Fl
    Can Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker be used with a non-repellent ant insecticide such as Termidor or Taurus SC?
    Does this adjuvant sticker change Termidor or Taurus SC's no-odor characteristics? Would still like to keep those insecticide stealth capibilities but add this adjuvant for better adhesion to plants.

    Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can be mixed with Taurus SC or Termidor SC, but it is not necessary. This product just helps an insecticide adhere to surfaces like plant leaves more effectively. Keep in mind that a spreader sticker has oil and may kill some insects too quickly at first to get the desired transfer effect. 

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  • Asked by Richard from Cayce, Sc
    spreader sticker versus liquid dish soap
    In some of the varmint repelling recipes liquid dish soap is used, is there a formula (i.e. 1C DS =
    With Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker, you will use 1-2 teaspoons per gallon of water when mixing with a product.
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  • Asked by Holly from Vero Beach, Fl
    Can I add Mark-It-Blue with Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker?

    Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can be tank mixed with Monterey Mark-It Blue.  Please follow all labeled instructions.

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  • Asked by Grant from Cedar Rapids, Ia
    Can you apply Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker with an insecticide on trees, shrubs, plants, and lawns?

    Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can be mixed with insecticides.

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  • Asked by Ray from Ca
    CanHi-Yield Spreader Sticker be used with sea kelp as to increase its foliage feed effectiveness?
    We are unfamiliar with using sea kelp for this type of application. We can tell you that spreader sticker can be used with almost any type of fertilizer, herbicide, fungicide or other plant product as long as the fertilizer product label does not prohibit it.
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  • Asked by Donna from Pensacola, Fl
    Can u use Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker Non-Ionic Surfactant with dish soap for and insecticide to treat houseplants intead of vegetable oil?
    Can u use it on house plants?

    Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker Non-Ionic Surfactant is a surfactant and is not labeled for use with dish soap or vegetable oil. It is meant to be mixed with insecticides and herbicides to help them perform better. 

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  • Asked by Frank from Kennebunk, Maine
    Can I use Hi-Yield Spreader/Sticker in a propane fogger?
    I know I can use Essentria IC3 and Nyguard together in a propane fogger, can I add Hi-Yield Spreader/Sticker to the mix as well?
    It is not necessary to add a spreader sticker to Essentria IC3 because contains botanical oils. It will not harm the fogger as propane foggers use oil based concentrates.
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  • Asked by Barry from Jefferson La
    My lawn is Zoysia and want to kill crabgrass and St Augustine that invade it.
    The lawn is 50 ft x 50 ft. Looking at Quinkill Max crabgrass & weed killer to solve the problem. Do you recommend and if so do I need a surfactant and can I apply it with the Chapin #6005 Sprayer?
    Yes, QuinKill Max should be used with a surfactant, such as Spreader Sticker. It is a post emergent labeled to kill crabgrass. When used on St. Augustine, we are unable to confirm what it will do since it is not a tolerable type of a turf.
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 41 questions)