The shelf life of Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker is 3-5 years as long as it’s stored out of direct sunlight and in a temperature controlled environment.
Yes, you can use Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker with most insecticides to improve coverage and residual and to mitigate drift. Keep in mind that adding a surfactant can increase the risk of phytotoxicity (burn), especially on sensitive plants and in hot temperatures, so it is best to using any oil-based products in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler.
Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can be used with Tenacity Herbicide. It is recommended that you use 1 teaspoon per gallon of water.
Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker is a clear liquid that would not make any product it is added to more visible. It only helps to make certain products more effective.
Fertilome Over the Top II and Hi Yield Spreader Sticker can be used up until the day before harvesting asparagus.
Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker acts just like surfactants. It will reduce the surface tention of the water and allow the product to spread out and penetrate the plant.
Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can be mixed with Tenacity for post emergent applications and it can be applied at seeding as directed on the product label.
Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker has no insecticidal properties at all and is only added to other products to improve performance of the active spray ingredient by giving them more uniform distribution and better wetting of the plant surface.
Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can be mixed with Taurus SC or Termidor SC, but it is not necessary. This product just helps an insecticide adhere to surfaces like plant leaves more effectively. Keep in mind that a spreader sticker has oil and may kill some insects too quickly at first to get the desired transfer effect.
Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can be tank mixed with Monterey Mark-It Blue. Please follow all labeled instructions.
Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can be mixed with insecticides.
Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker Non-Ionic Surfactant is a surfactant and is not labeled for use with dish soap or vegetable oil. It is meant to be mixed with insecticides and herbicides to help them perform better.