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Shelle from Edmonds, Wa writes

How long after applying Alpine WSG does it take to see results if spraying outdoors over sugar ant trail?

Hours after spraying sugar ant trails they are still active. How long for knockdown to be noticeable. Sprayed outdoors.


Alpine WSG is a non repellent insecticide therefore will not provide an immediate or quick knockdown of insects. Non repellents are slower acting which is best for social insects such as ants, roaches, etc as it allows the ants to transfer the active ingredient throughout the colony.  This product leaves a 30 to 60 day residual outdoors. Applications should be made to any trails, inside or outside, around doors and windows and other places where ants may enter premises.  For indoor applications, using  Alpine WSG along with both an ant bait gel (sweet) and granule bait (protein) in bait plate stations is a very effective treatment. 

Answer last updated on: 10/03/2022

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