John from Avon Lake writes
I'm in northeast ohio, cool season lawn, I missed my preemergent app last fall when I was overseeing and missed it again this spring
Since poa annua and cool season grasses are so closely related, there are few products that will kill the poa annua without also harming the lawn. The only one we are currently aware of is called Prograss which can kill & prevent poa and can be applied at seeding, however it can only be applied to residential lawns by licensed applicators. You may want to see if a service local to you can provide this chemical treatment to your lawn.
Your only other option would be to spot-treat with a Roundup-type product and then reseed with the desirable grass type in those areas. You can use a pre-emergent like Dimension 2EW or Pendulum 2G in the fall and spring when you are not over seeding to help prevent the poa from emerging. Typically a split treatment in the fall will yield to longer and better prevention of the weeds.
When/How to Apply a Fall Pre Emergent
Answer last updated on: 04/13/2021