We recommend flushing the lines with a cleaning solution that's safe for your ice dispenser, you should be able to find a list on the dispenser's guide or contact the manufacturer for more information as this is something that needs to be done often. We also recommend thoroughly cleaning the ice dispenser and using Invade Hot Spot on the tray to break down any organic matter. Be sure to also check for any leaks because this can also cause drain flies. Using a Flyweb Fly Light nearby can also be very helpful in gaining control of drain flies.
A better product to apply to the door frame would be invade hot spot foam. It is a foam in an aerosol can. It would not be as messy as the drain gel. The real benefit though would be that the foam will coat the areas in question much better and expand into cracks and crevices of the door where the larvae may be breeding.
Invade Hot Spot Foam: http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/invade-hot-spot-16-oz-can-p-856.html
To use the Hose Extension Actuator for Invade Hot Spot, the white fan spray actuator on the Invade Hot Spot should be pulled or gently pried off and the hose extension actuator snapped onto the can as shown here.
Yes, Invade Hot Spot can be used in refrigerator drains. Be sure that the product does not back up into the fridge.
No, Invade Hot Spot cannot be used in the dishwasher drains according to the product label. It can only the voids around dishwashers
Yes, Invade Hot Spot can safely be used. It contains premium microbes that are natural, eat scum, and eliminate odors.
Invade Hot Spot - 16 oz. can can be applied to drains but is not labeled to kill mosquitoes. InVade Hot Spot is a probiotic foaming cleanser containing premium microbes that are natural, eat scum, and eliminate odors.