JF Oakes Advantage Yellow Jacket Traps - Southern Eastern Common and German

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JF Oakes Advantage Yellow Jacket Traps - Southern Eastern Common and German
JF Oakes Advantage Yellow Jacket Traps - Southern Eastern Common and German

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Product Overview

JF Oakes Advantage Yellow Jacket Traps - Southern Eastern Common and German is a permanent trap that is specially designed to lure and catch yellow jackets. It targets the Common, Eastern, Southern, and German Yellow Jackets. It is constructed of durable, break-resistant, molded plastic that is guaranteed to last for years. Each trap comes with a disposable liner for easy clean-up but extra liners are also available (sold separately) for refill. You can also change the type of attractant or lures so you can convert it to catch flies and other flying insects. This trap has a unique chimney effect because of the entry holes on top and bottom. It disperses the lures and attractant out over a 30-feet or more range from the trap in every direction.

Lure refills can be purchased here

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Yellow jacket lure vinegar
Target pests Yellow Jackets, Eastern Yellow Jackets, Southern Yellow Jackets, German Yellow Jackets and other Yellow Jackets and Wasps
For use in Outdoor only
Application Place Trap away from all human activity. Hang trap 2-4 feet above ground. Bait the trap as directed. Please keep children and pets away.
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label.
Dimensions 10.75 in. h x 6.8 in. w
Material / Construction Durable, break resistant molded plastic
Parts Included Advantage Yellow Jacket Trap, Disposable Liner, 30 Day Yellow Jacket Lure, and Instruction Sheet.
Shipping Weight 1.25 lbs
Manufacturer J F Oakes (Mfg. Number: 071AA-T2011-YJ-e)


Baiting the trap for Southern, Eastern, Common & German Yellow Jackets

  1. Remove rain lid and top assembly from the trap body.
  2. Remove the disposable liner, add water to fill line (25 oz). (a.) Open one (of the two enclosed 2.6 oz) aluminum foil pouches of yellow jacket attractant and mix thoroughly with the water in the disposable liner. (b.) The Yellow Jacket Attractant for the above species should be changed every 1 to 2 weeks.
  3. Place the disposable liner containing the yellow jacket attractant in the trap body.
  4. The addition of a protein supplement such as fish, ham or turkey-ham (very good) can improve yellow jacket catch, particularly in the early spring. (a.) Place the protein source on the enclosed aluminum bait rod and place on top of the disposable liner that contains the yellow jacket attractant and water. KEEP PROTEIN FRESH
  5. Twist on top lid, insert rain cap on lid and hang trap.

Advantage Yellow Jacket Trap Placement

  1. Place traps away from all human activity.
  2. Hang traps 2-4 feet above ground. Use good support and good air movement. (Use Advantage In-Ground Hangers & Wall hangers.)
  3. Yellow Jacket Traps should be baited and placed either early morning or late evening when the yellow jackets are least likely to be active.
  4. Place traps in sunny areas when temperature is below 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Place traps in shaded area when temperature is above 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
  6. If Yellow Jacket catch is low, relocate the trap. Leave trap in an area for at least 1-2 days.

Advantage Yellow Jacket Trap Maintenance

  1. Before emptying traps, make sure all yellow jackets are dead.
  2. If live yellow jackets are present, they must be killed before opening trap by: pouring soapy water into the trap through the 4 holes located in the lid of the trap or placing entire trap in a freezer for 48 hours.
  3. Trap should be emptied and cleaned every 3-4 weeks. Traps must be kept clean.

Yellow Jacket Trap Cautions:




Yellow Jacket/Wasp may sting if released from the trap alive.

Do NOT use the trap indoors.

Yellow Jacket Information:

Only the fertilized female yellow jacket over winters. All males die during the winter. This may be the reason they are so aggressive in the early fall because they know this is their last "Hoorah".

When fertilized females emerge from hilbernation in the early spring, she needs protein for her young offspring. Traps placed and maintained the the early spring will help reduce the yellow jacket population in the fall.

For every female you capture in the early spring, this will eliminate a yellow jacket's nest of 500 to 5,000.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Plastic tab that holds top to bottom snapped.

    By Charles on 06/18/2023

    Everything seems heavy duty, for a trap, except the two plastic tabs that hold the top on. After a week I noticed the trap trap hanging oddly. Went outside to find one of the plastic tabs had given way. We've had some heavy rains lately and some pea size hail (Colorado) but nothing that should have caused damage. Tabs are definitely too weak to supported the trap or was damaged in shipping and I didn't notice. Now holding together with good old missile tape (heavy duty duck tape with fibers in it for normal people).

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    came quick

    By Mark on 11/19/2016

    haven't used yet cold weather came in, will look forward to spring 2017

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    0 of 35 people found this review helpful

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Questions & Answers

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Do you sell liners for JF Oakes Yellow Jacket Traps?

We do sell the liners for the JF Oakes Yellow Jacket Traps, they are sold in a set of 5 and cost $11.25, and we do have them in stock at this time.

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Will the JF Oakes Advantage Yellow Jacket Traps - Southern Eastern Common work for round bees?

I have 6 honey bee hives and need solid wasp control. None of the traps at the HW stores have done any good. Will this work outside in a pretty open area and not hurt the honey bees


Yes, the JT Oakes Advantage Yellow Jacket Traps - Southern Eastern Common will work for round bees. It is designed to attracted yellow jackets, however if honey bees are attracted to the particular bait that you are using and they get into the trap then they will die as well. They will work in an open area, also. 

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