JT Eaton Stick - Em Rat/Mouse Glue Trap

5 out of 5 stars 7 Reviews | 4 Q&A

JT Eaton Stick - Em Rat/Mouse Glue Trap
JT Eaton Stick - Em Rat/Mouse Glue Trap
JT Eaton Stick - Em Rat/Mouse Glue Trap

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5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.9

7 Reviews | 4 Q&A

Product Overview

JT Eaton Stick-Em Mouse Glue Traps have an adhesive that's specifically produced to maintain its effectiveness even with different temperatures. The adhesive makes the mice sink further for better capture. This can be used for under store shelves and hard to reach areas where the unwanted mice manifest.

Each package comes with 2 glue traps.

Each case comes with 24 packs which has 2 glue traps to a pack, total 48 glue traps.

Features and Specs

Target pests Rats and mice
For use in Any area in residential or commercial setting that cannot use poison for pest control.
Dimensions 10" x 5" x 3/4"
Color White tray
Material / Construction Plastic base
Warranty 1 year
Shipping Weight 0.30 lbs
Manufacturer JT Eaton (Mfg. Number: 111-24)
UPC 076706111005
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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Got you

    By Nique on 07/10/2019

    I had this one rat that was out smarting me for months getting fat. Keep in mind, I had this one rat. i put bacon, cheese, peanut butter in the trap and the rat always got the bait. i purchase the glue traps and put the peanut butter in the middle of the glue trap within two hours I GOT YOU.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Best Traps Ever

    By Larry on 07/06/2020

    The exterminator comes and goes spraying and refilling bate boxes, but we never know what happens to mice or other pest other than seeing eveidence of their continued presents by their droppings. It was never ending. We began using the JT Eaton Stick-Em Glue Traps about 2 years ago. The bate boxes help, but now we know what ativity we have at our properties. Mice, Rats and Possums (yes even in the city) are caught on the traps. We use them in the attic, in the house and around the yard. We no longer have evidence of these pest in our home including the attic. The glue is so sensitive it will catch spiders, lizards etc, but mice and rats cannot excape them once they step in. It is unpleasant find them, but better to know than not know...LC

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    10 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Best Mouse & Rat Trap Ever!

    By Tammie on 01/08/2019

    I know it states for mice, but..this works for rats as well & works better than any traps, bait, etc!! It's awful seeing the animal, but...it makes you happy to see that something is working!!!!!!

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    stick um trap

    By Steve on 04/28/2016

    if the mice get on this there stuck!

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    6 of 7 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    stick um trap

    By Steve on 04/28/2016

    if the mice get on this there stuck!

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    5 of 6 people found this review helpful

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Questions & Answers

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If the glue from the JT Eaton Stick - Em Pre - Baited Rat/Mouse Glue Trap 111PRE gets on a wood floor, what is the best solvent/clean up?

We would recommend using vegetable oil to remove any glue from the JT Eaton Stick - Em Pre - Baited Rat/Mouse Glue Trap 111PRE to unwanted surfaces.

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3 of 3 people found this answer helpful

What is the bait contained in the JT Eaton Stick - Em Pre - Baited Rat/Mouse Glue Trap 111PRE?

The JT Eaton Stick-Em Pre-Baited Rat/Mouse Glue Traps use an artificial peanut butter scent that is non-allergenic and foamed so mice sink further into the adhesive for better capture.

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2 of 3 people found this answer helpful

If I put out JT Eaton Stick - Em Rat/Mouse Glue Trap in Michigan weather cold/freezing will the glue freeze?

Just worried about the product freezing in freezing weather. First time use.


While the JT Eaton Stick-Em Rat/Mouse Glue Trap is a great item, and does typically hold up in a varying degree of temperatures, you would want to consider one geared more specifically towards cold temps such as the Catchmaster 48WRG Cold Temp Glue Boards. The Catchmaster boards are rated to be sticky down to 0 degrees and is used often in walk in freezers and coolers of facilities and stores. 

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What is the best way to remove the glue from the JT Eaton Stick - Em Rat/Mouse Glue Trap from my carpet?

JT Eaton Stick - Em Rat/Mouse Glue Trap can be removed with vegetable oil.

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JT Eaton Stick - Em Rat/Mouse Glue Trap 5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.9 (7 Reviews / 4 Q&A)

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