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RM 18 Fast Acting Weed and Grass Killer Concentrate is a fast-acting herbicide that is absorbed through foliage and begins killing weeds immediately upon contact. This non-selective herbicide can be used to remove unwanted broadleaf weeds, brush, and grass. Ideal for spot treatment as the product deactivates after it reaches the soil, making it safe for non-target plants. Weeds usually turn yellow and wilt within 12 hours after application and are destroyed in one to two weeks. Works well with tank sprayers and hose-end sprayers. Recommended for use in areas such as patios, walkways, driveways, and fo spot treating in and around flower beds, shrubs, trees, lawns, and gardens.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | 18.00% Glyphosate, isopropylamine salt 0.73% Diquat dibromide |
Target pests | Weeds such as kudzu, wild blackberry, poison ivy, poison oak, crabgrass, and dandelions |
For use in | On patios, walkways, driveways, flower beds, shrubs, trees, lawns, and gardens |
Application | For General Weed Control: In a tank sprayer, mix 6 fl oz in 1 gallon of water. Spray the mixture evenly over 300 sq ft. Spray the weeds or grasses you want to kill until thoroughly wet. See label for complete instructions. |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as instructed. |
Dimensions | 2.80 x 4.40 x 8.65 |
Shipping Weight | 2.00 lbs |
Manufacturer | Ragan & Massey |
UPC | 737716754353 |
EPA Registration | 84009-29 |
Spills: Wear appropriate protective gear as described in Section 8 of this document. Dike spill using absorbent or impervious materials such as earth, sand or clay. Collect and contain contaminated absorbent and dike material for disposal. Pump any free liquid into an appropriate closed container. Collect washings for disposal. Decontaminate tools and equipment following cleanup. Large spills may be reportable to the National Response Center (800-424-8802) and to state and/or local agencies.
Environmental Precautions
: Prevent material from entering public sewer systems or any waterways. Do not flush to drain. Larges spills to soil or similar surfaces may necessitate removal of topsoil. The affected area should be removed and placed in an appropriate container for disposal.
Keep out of reach of children.
Handling: Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the toilet.
Storage: Store in original container only in a safe place away from direct sunlight.
Engineering Controls: There is no special requirement when used as recommended. Where engineering controls are indicated by specific use conditions or a potential for excessive exposure, use local exhaust ventilation at the point of generation.
Personal Protective Equipment: No special requirement when used as recommended. If there is significant potential for contact, wear chemical goggles. If repeated or prolonged contact with skin, wear chemical resistant gloves.
General: When personal protective equipment is recommended, consult PPE manufactured for the appropriate type of equipment for a given application.
Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage and disposal
Pesticide Storage: Store in original container only in a safe place away ffrom direct sunlight.
Pesticide Disposal: Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. iF empty, place in trash or offer for recycling, if available. If partly-filled, call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.
Container Handling: Non-refillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. Offer for recycling, if available.
5 stars | 1 | |
4 stars | 0 | |
3 stars | 0 | |
2 stars | 0 | |
1 star | 0 |
RM 18 Fast Acting Weed and Grass Killer Concentrate is a glyphosate based non-selective herbicide, that should only be used for carefully spot treating the undesired coastal grass in your Jasmine. You should not spray over the top of any desirable vegetation, including ground cover like Jasmine, in order to avoid injury. You can refer to the product label for further product information and complete application instructions.
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RM 18 Fast Acting Weed and Grass Killer Concentrate
Rating: 5 (1 Reviews / 1 Q&A)