Malathion is considered rain fast after it has dried. Give at approximately 4 hours to completely dry.
Malathion 57% is pet safe if used as directed. Pets need to be kept off the lawn while the product is being applied, but it is fine for them to return to the area once everything is dry.
Malathion 57% can last on plants for over 3 weeks.
The mixing rate of Malation 57% is .15 to .20 ounces per gallon of water, which is about 1 teaspoon.
The mixing rate of Malathion 57% is 0.15-0.2 fl oz per gallon of water. For three gallons of water, we recommend using 0.45 to 0.6 fl oz. Be sure to check the product label for safe use on the plants you are treating.
The product label for Malathion 57% recommends that you apply it when temperatures are 65 degrees or above. As a general rule, the best temperature range to apply most insecticide products is between 65-85 degrees.
Yes, the Malathion 57% is labeled for army worms. Depending on the plant you are using the Malathion on, most plants have a a max usage of 2-4 times per year. Malathion 57% can last on plants for over 3 weeks. Please refer to product label for the specific time for replanting.