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Milky Spore Powder is a natural, safe, effective grub control product that can remain in the soil for up to 10 years. This is an OMRI certified organic control of Japanese beetle grub control that is safe to use with other herbicides and insecticides that is safe to use around birds, bees, pets and fish and around pools and ponds. Milky Spore Powder contains Bacillus popillae, a bacterium that kills grubs by multiplying inside the grubs, causing them to die. The spores are then dispersed in nearby soil, which is how the product is able to exist in your soil for so long and even comes with a five-year guarantee.
Please note: Your Milky Spore will arrive in a clearly labeled box. Inside that box will be a white bag that is flipped inside out that has Milky Spore printed on it. The manufacturer, St Gabriels Lab, is a very environmentally conscious company. They had too many bags for a different product that they produce and instead of throwing them away, they opted instead to flip them inside out and use them for the milky spore. This helps keeps costs down for everyone and keeps the bags from being wasted needlessly.
Use the Lawn & Garden Dispenser Tube to apply Milky Spore Powder.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Spores of Bacillus Popilliae - 0.02% |
Target pests | Grubs (Japanese Beetle Larvae) |
For use in | Lawns, Flower and Mulch Beds, and Gardens |
Application | Apply in spots every four feet in rows four feet apart |
Pet safe | Yes, when used as directed on label |
Yield | One 10 oz container will treat 2,500 square feet One 40 oz container will treat 10,000 square feet |
Special Features | Will stay and protect your lawn for 5 years after just 1 application |
Shipping Weight | 0.98 lbs |
Manufacturer | St. Gabriel Organics (Mfg. Number: 80010-9) |
UPC | 699064800109 |
MILKY SPORE -- Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How fast does the Spore work and how long does it last?
Milky Spore begins working as soon as it is applied as long as grubs are feeding. Once grubs are infected they will multiply the Spore by several billion times and spread it further. In warm climates good control can occur in one to three years. In colder areas like New England, three to five years. Once established in a lawn, Milky Spore has been known to last 5 to 10 years.
2. Will freezing ruin the Spore? What about heavy rain?
No, Milky Spore is not affected by freezing or other adverse environmental conditions. Heavy rain may wash away newly applied Spore dust necessitating retreatment.
3. Will fertilizer or chemical pesticides that have dursban and diazinon in them affect Spore?
Dursban and diazinon have been banned by the EPA as toxic to the environment. Milky Spore is safe for the environment and is not affected by pesticides, fungicides or herbicides. They may be applied at the same time.
4. Can I use it in the vegetable garden?
Yes, Milky Spore is harmless to food crops. It is not a chemical pesticide. It may be used in gardens, around pools and wells.
5. Should we keep our pets off the lawn?
Milky Spore does not affect pets, beneficial insects, fish, bees, birds, other animals, plants, or man. It is not a poison.
6. Can I mix the Spore with water and spray it?
Neither the Milky Spore powder nor the Milky Spore Spreader mix should be mixed with water and sprayed.
7. Can I cut my grass after applying the Spore?
Do not mow or rake your yard until Milky Spore has been soaked into the soil.
8. What if I treat my yard and my neighbor does not?
Your lawn will be protected even if you are surrounded by untreated property. Eventually, the Spore will creep next door into adjacent areas by natural movement.
9. Won’t beetles fly in from my neighbors yard?
An adult beetle feeds only during it’s first two weeks. By the time they fly in from adjacent areas, any new grubs laid in late Summer will be affected by the Spore.
10. What about Moles?
Eliminating grubs with Milky Spore often cause Moles and Skunks to feed elsewhere. Unfortunately, they may head for your neighbor’s untreated yard instead. Milky Spore does not affect moles, it simply eliminates their food source.
11. Can I have too many grubs?
If you are rapidly losing your lawn due to too many grubs, more than 10 per square foot, you may be wise to use an insecticide along with Milky Spore.
12. How do I know if I have beetle grubs?
Grubs feed on the roots of your grass which can become brown and die. Simply lift the dead grass and look for white larvae curled into the shape of a “C” about the size of a penny. Active grubs can completely destroy a lawn. Use Milky Spore for safe, long-lasting control.
13. Do beetle larvae feed more aggressively in Fall?
Yes, grubs in fall are in the first instar stage and are feeding for growth to store body fat for winter. In the spring, grubs reach 3rd instar prior to molting and do not require as much food.
14. Are grubs infected by Milky Spore in spring when rising to the surface following hibernation?
Grubs become infected by swallowing a spore. They do not become infected by rubbing up against spores or passing through them. Since grubs feed less in Spring, the incidence of infection is not as great as in fall.
15. What are the application rates for Milky Spore?
Milky Spore Powder in cans is a one time application put down in spots in measuring teaspoon amounts every four feet apart creating a checkerboard pattern of spots throughout your yard. Each spot contains 100 million spores.
Milky Spore Spreader Mix in bags is applied with a drop spreader over every square foot of grass and requires six applications usually Spring and Fall for three years to build the number of spores in any one area to millions of spores.
16. Can I broadcast the Spreader mix?
No, Milky Spore Spreader Mix is too light to be used with a broadcast spreader. It must be placed in concentrated areas on the lawn and that is why it must be used with a drop spreader.
17. Can I wait to water in the Spore?
Yes, you can wait 36 to 48 hours before watering in the Spore. Make sure you water the Spore before raking or mowing your lawn. The whole idea is to soak the Spore into the soil where it will become available to grubs feeding on the roots of grass. Simply use an oscillating hose sprayer for 15 to 20 minutes over the entire treated area. There may still be some white residue but this is chalk used as carrier for the spores.
18. What is the difference between the Spreader mix and the powder?
The main difference is that in using the six part spreader mix program you are essentially spreading the spore over an entire lawn rather than in concentrated areas. In doing this the number of spores in any one location is significantly less than the concentrated spot method.
Grubs become infected by swallowing a spore and this occurs by happenstance when feeding on grass roots. The more spores in a given area, the greater chance for infection. Each infected grub dies and releases 3 billion new spores into the soil.
19. How do I know if I have Japanese Beetle Grubs?
St. Gabriel Laboratories provides a free grub analysis for it’s customers. Simply place six grubs in a non-crushable container with some moist earth and grass roots. Don’t punch any holes in the container as grubs do not need much air. Send the container to: Free Grub Identification Program St. Gabriel Laboratories 14044 Litchfield Drive Orange, Virginia 22960 Tel: (880) 801-0061
20. What is the shelf life of Milky Spore?
The older the Spore, the more effective it becomes.
21. What if I get Milky Spore in my eyes? What if I breathe it in?
Milky Spore itself is not toxic. However, Milky Spore contains chalk and a powder carrier. Care should be taken not to get any dust in one's eyes as it is an irritant.
Not so good
By Bruce on 10/06/2015
Product packaged in plastic fertilizer bags that had been turned inside out. A lot of work to spread the product on my lawn.
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50 of 55 people found this review helpful
Milky Spore
By Gabrielle on 11/10/2015
We used this product 15 years ago. Not once did we have a mole trail in all the years. There finally vented back. We have a surprise for them. We put Milky Spore. This is great stuff. Stand by it 100%. Your company is was also excellent to deal with.
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46 of 47 people found this review helpful
A must have product!
By Clare on 07/22/2016
Have been using Milky Spore for years to kill off grubs all around my properties. It does last as long as they say and is fast to take hold. Would definitely recommend to all to use, it is safe for pets,humans and all wildlife.
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36 of 39 people found this review helpful
Product as advertised, funny packaging
By Susan on 10/20/2014
We received the product, but it was in recycled rose food bags, which really threw me! I called "DoMyOwnPestControl" and their service rep knew all about the recycled packages and reassured me that I had the correct product. The coverage of the product was exactly as advertised. We won't know until next summer if the beetle population is reduced and the moles head out for yards with more grubs.
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26 of 28 people found this review helpful
Milky Spore Powder
By A.t. on 02/10/2014
I have an edible garden with rich soil, likely due to my vast number of earthworms. I want to get rid of the grubs, but I do not want to harm my earthworms. Can Milky Spore help me with that?
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311 of 320 people found this answer helpful
My yard is 80'x500', or 40,000 sf. I have an infestation of Japanese Beetles. What is a checkerboard pattern? When to apply?
You will need 4 of the 40 oz boxes of the Milky Spore Powder for a 40,000 sq ft area. You should use the Milky Spore Lawn and Garden Dispenser for the correct application method. You will apply one shake of the dispenser in spots every four feet in rows four feet apart. This is considered a checkerboard pattern.
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153 of 165 people found this answer helpful
I plan on reseeding in the Fall because there is no grass there now is it worth putting Milky Spore down (I am assuming no new eggs will be laid on just dirt.)
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152 of 160 people found this answer helpful
Milky Spore Powder
Rating: 4.4 (55 Reviews / 113 Q&A)