Mojave 70 EG - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 45 questions)
  • Asked by Raye from Central, La
    How much Mojave 70 EG do you mix per gallon of water to kill grasses on fence row and concrete lots with grasses growing through?
    Mojave 70 EG is mixed at 0.5-1lb per gallon of water for spot treatment applications. Please refer to the product label prior to application for complete instructions.
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  • Asked by Robert from Nashville, Tn
    How much surfactant do you mix with Mojave 70 EG?

    If you are using your basic Non Ionic Surfactant with the Mojave 70 EG it would be mixed at 1-2 teaspoons of surfactant per gallon of water/solution. 

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  • Asked by Richard from Redmond, Oregon
    Can Mojave 70 EG be broadcast dry and have rain dissolve the pellets and be effective?

    Mojave 70 EG is an Emulsifiable Granule formulation that is to be diluted with water and surfactant, and then applied with spray equipment. Mojave 70 EG is a soil sterilant, so applications must be allowed to dry before rainfall to prevent drift to desirable plants. This is a non-selective herbicide, so any active ingredient that gets to desirable plants will cause injury. You cannot put the granules down and then water them in; you must mix the solution first. Be sure to follow all application instructions and precautions on the product label.

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  • Asked by David from Lubbock,texas
    What needs to be temperature for best results when using Mojave 70EG?
    Will product work better in spring or summer.

    You want to use Mojave 70 EG when the ground temperatures are over 55 degrees consistently for best results. However, it will work in colder temperatures as long as it is not below freezing. 

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  • Asked by Randy
    What does one pound of Mojave 70 EG equal to in ounces?

    One pound of Mojave 70 EG is the equivalent to 16 oz.

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  • Asked by Travis from Nashville, Tn
    Can Mojave 70 EG be mixed with Roundup for application?

    According to the product label, for post emergent and spot treatment applications, Mojave 70 EG can be tank mixed with Round up for quicker burndown of target weeds. Follow the tank mixing instructions per the product label

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  • Asked by Mike from Durango, Co
    How long after application of Mojave 70 EG until the weeds die?

    Mojave 70 EG can take up to 2 weeks to kill weeds but may take longer depending on age and health of the weeds and type.

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  • Asked by Janet from Zachary,louisiana
    How much Mojave 70 EG do you add to a gallon of water?
    We are spraying fences and ditches.
    Mojave 70 EG Herbicide is mixed at 0.5-1 lb per gallon of water. Please refer to the product label for specific application instructions on the grasses, weeds or vines that you are targeting.
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  • Asked by Jerry from Deming, Nm
    Can Mojave 70 EG be sprayed the day after it rains? Or is it better to wait till ground is dry?

    Mojave 70 EG is an Emulsifiable Granule formulation that is to be diluted with water and surfactant, and then applied with spray equipment. Rain or irrigation of at least 1 in will help promote Mojave 70 EG to incorporate itself into the soil. Mojave 70 EG is a soil sterilant, so applications must be allowed to dry before rainfall to prevent drift to desirable plants. This is a non-selective herbicide, so any active ingredient that gets to desirable plants will cause injury. You cannot put the granules down and then water them in; you must mix the solution first. Be sure to follow all application instructions and precautions on the product label.




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  • Asked by Thomas from Hobart, Ok
    How long will Mojave stay in the soil below recommended ground temperatures?
    Our new site took longer to complete than anticipated, and with colder weather moving in ground temps will be below the recommended range. Will Mojave stay active in the soil long enough to still be effective in the Spring time when it warms back up?

    Mojave 70 EG will kill and prevent weeds and grasses from coming up in an area for at least a year.  Some have reported longer, depending on soil type and rainfall.

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  • Asked by Josh from Louisville, Ky
    How big of a bag of Mojave is this? 5lbs?
    Yes, Mojave 70 EG is a 5 lb bag.
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  • Asked by George from Staunton, Va
    Can Mojave be applied near large mature desirable trees?

    You should not apply Mojave 70 EG where the chemical may contact the roots of desirable trees or other plants. 

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  • Asked by Susan from New Albany, In
    How much time needed if it's going to rain when applying Mojave 70 EG?

    Rain or irrigation of at least 1 in will help promote Mojave 70 EG to incorporate itself into the soil.

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  • Asked by Brandon from Youngsville, Nc
    Will Mojave 70 EG kill weeds and grass in my driveway?
    I have weeds/grass growing in my gravel driveway and RoundUp is not keeping the weeds under control. I want to kill it all and keep it dead for a long time. Will this product work and what else would I need to purchase with it? I have a 4gallon backpack sprayer that I plan to use for spraying. What mix quantity would I need for that? Thank you

    Yes, Mojave 70 EG  will kill weeds and prevent weeds from coming up in your driveway for at least a year. Be very careful when applying this product around any desirable turf because it will kill it. It is recommended that you use a non-ionic surfactant with this product to help coat the plants and kill them more effectively. The mixing rate of Mojave 70 EG is 0.5 - 1 lb. per gallon of water. Keep in mind that thick gravel can prohibit pre-emergent herbicides from getting down into the dirt below. Gravel is very porous and will absorb a lot of the water. It is best to apply the product to bare ground and then put down the gravel over the dirt.

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  • Asked by Carol from New Orleans
    Does Mojave 70 EG kill mexican petunia(ruellia), canna, and elephant ears?
    I live in New Orleans, La, zone 9b, and these plants are invading my landscape. Please help!!!!

    Mojave 70 EG is a total vegetation management product that will prevent anything from growing in the area for at least a year.  Mojave 70 EG and other soil sterilants should only be applied by experienced applicators and is to be used primarily in industrial sites such as railroads, along fence lines, utility plant sites or underneath asphalt or other paved areas, etc.  We would suggest either digging these plants out, making sure to get all of their roots, or applying a glyphosate product such as Roundup QuickPro Herbicide which will kill anything it is applied to, and then digging up the roots to prevent regrowth.


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  • Asked by Kenneth from Lewisburg, Tn
    Is there anything I can do to grow grass areas where Mojave 70 EG leeched out on a ballpark?

    Mojave 70 EG will kill and prevent weeds and grasses from coming up in an area for at least a year. Please contact the manufacturer at 334-741-9393 for additional questions on what you can do to grow grass sooner.

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  • Asked by Me
    How much Mojave 70 EG do you put in a gallon of water?
    We apologize but you did not specify what kind of area you are trying to treat(railroad, rock landscaping, driveway, fencerow, etc) and what plants you are trying to primarily eliminate for good. Once we know this information we can better answer your question, or you can review the Product Label Here to find out how much you need for your treatments.
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  • Asked by Kenneth from Lewisburg, Tn
    Can I spray bent greens with Mojave 70 EG and then sow seeds 10 days later?

    No, Mojave 70 EG will kill and prevent anything from coming up in the treated area for up to a year. If you need to clear existing plants and then reseed soon after, it would be best to use an herbicide that is only a post-emergent, such as RoundUp.

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  • Asked by Robert from Townsend
    How long does a treated area with Mojave 70 EG have until it can be irrigated?

    Mojave 70 EG should be allowed to dry for at least 3 to 5 hours before rainfall or irrigation to prevent drift to desirable plants. 

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  • Asked by Ann from Clymer
    How long do after the application of Mojave 70 EG do I keep pets of the treated area? How long does it take to dry?

    As long as you keep pets/children out of the area while you treat and until the Mojave 70 EG has had time to completely dry it is safe for pets and people to return and resume normal activity, typically after 4-6 hours.

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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 45 questions)