Spurge power
By Rafael on 10/15/2018
weed killer
By Steven on 05/01/2020
Well I put it on a test area over 2 weeks ago. Well it did nothing. I bought it mainly for wild violets. Did not effect them at all. Not satisfied. Will give it another try and see what happens. Am I doing something wrong?
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Don't waste your money
By Mike on 07/17/2019
Like a fool I purchased 2 pints of this stuff and did some test areas before mixing up a backpack full. Absolutely no effect on crabgrass and ground ivy. Dandelion's did curl but dog pee will do that. Not a happy camper. 2 test areas I sprayed twice a few days apart and still no sign of any effect. Mixed at 1.5 oz per gallon as directed and sprayed at full sun and dry conditions. Buyer beware
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Spurge Power(LESS)
By Benjamin on 09/21/2019
Bought this product specifically for spurge and also saw notes that it was effective on on Virginia Buttonweed. Unfortunately, it had absolutely no effect on either. Granted I was treating late summer mature weeds, but this was totally useless.
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