Customer Reviews for Monterey Spurge Power

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4.3 of 5 stars
(49 customer reviews)
Monterey Spurge Power

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    helped some

    By Rosi on 09/06/2017

    After spraying it took close to a week for milkweed (spurge) to start looking wilted. At the same time, my tif-green grass looked pretty bad. In a week to 10 days, the grass started to recover some, but milkweed started to come back in fair amount. I started pulling milkweed manually for several hours almost daily. I'm still pulling some every day, but slowly getting control. I don't think spurge power is that great, it helped some, but without the endless hours that I spent pulling weeds, I would have had the same problem all over again.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Works very slowly

    By Gbt on 12/11/2019

    I purchased Spurge Power 6 weeks ago, primarily, for spurge infestation in my St. Augustine and Zoysia lawn. Since I was "spot" treating, I mixed several strengths in a small spray bottle, starting with a light mixture and progressing to stronger mixtures, to determine how much is needed, without harming the grass. It took about 5-6 weeks to see any results on the spurge. (It may have died from cool temps or old age.) It worked on some other weeds, but several other type weeds seem, largely, unaffected. The grass tolerated the treatment well.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    It works but

    By Jason on 10/01/2022

    I should have payed more attention to the label and reviews. I was having a real problem with spurge in my Bermuda. I used as a spot treatment (lots of spots) and while it killed the spurge it also killed everything around it. I now have dead spots everywhere. The cure may have been worse than the original problem. I definitely need to pay more attention next time and may try a different product

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