Pramitol 25E Herbicide

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4 out of 5 stars Rating: 4

48 Reviews | 89 Q&A

Product Overview

Pramitol 25E is a non-selective pre and post-emergent bare-ground herbicide concentrate popular for industrial and commercial applications. Bare Ground means exactly that, wherever Pramitol is applied, nothing will grow for one year or more. Apply before or up to three months after weed emergence. Dilute in water or oil and apply as a foliar application, before construction, or in or under asphalt to control johnson grass, bindweed, wild carrot, and other hard to kill weeds and grasses. Pramitol 25E will not control woody vegetation. Pramitol is ideal for use around buildings, storage areas, roadways, airports, highway medians, lumberyards, pipelines, fences, recreational areas, and similar areas where total weed and grass control is needed.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Prometon 25%
Target pests Johnsongrass, Bindweed, annual weeds or grasses, perennial weeds or grasses, downy bromegrass, oatgrass, goosegrass, quackgrass, puncturevine, goldenrod, plantain, wild carrot, goldenrod, other hard to control weeds and grasses
For use in Industrial sites, Non-Crop areas on Farms, under Asphalt, Railroads, Lumberyards, Airports, Recreational areas, Highway medians
Application 22 - 29.4 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. (7.5 - 10 gallons per Acre)

* See label for complete application instructions
Yield 1 qt. makes 1 - 4 gallons
Formulation Professional Product
Group 5 Herbicide
CT, VT (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only)
Coverage Area Covers 1,000 to 4,000 sq. ft.
Shipping Weight 2.15 lbs
Manufacturer Control Solutions (Mfg. Number: 82000040)
UPC 072693000407
EPA Registration 66222-22


Pramitol 25E herbicide is a non-selective bare-ground herbicide concentrate popular for industrial and commercial applications. Apply before or up to three months after weed emergence, and one Pramitol application will prevent weed growth for a year or more. Dilute in water or oil and apply as a foliar application, before construction, or in or under asphalt to control johnson grass, bindweed, wild carrot, and other hard to kill weeds and grasses. (Pramitol 25E will not control woody vegetation.) Pramitol is ideal for use around buildings, storage areas, roadways, airports, highway medians, lumberyards, pipelines, fences, recreational areas, and similar areas where total weed and grass control is needed.

Much of the effectiveness of Pramitol is dependent on rainfall to move into the root zone. Poor weed control may result from very dry soil conditions or lack of sufficient rainfall. Use Pramitol only in areas where complete control of vegetation is desired, since this product may affect desirable plants, grasses, or shrubs. Use 5-10 gallons of Pramitol 25E per acre, depending on application: use higher rates in heavier soils, where weed growth is heavy, where rainfall is heavy, and in regions with a long growing season.

Pramitol may also be applied to even ground just before laying asphalt, or it may be mixed with cutback asphalts for weed control in areas being stabilized, such as highway medians, fences, guard rails, and shoulders, or for cracked asphalt surfaces being resurfaced. See product label for complete application recommendations.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Great Stuff

    By Ya on 08/02/2011

    I use Pramitol on stubborn areas that are hard to reach with lawn equipment. It works amazingly well but you must be very careful. I usually dilute the Pramitol and use a spray bottle; however, this year we had much larger areas that needed to be taken care of. My brother-in-law did not read the directions and tried to use a styrofoam cup to pour the Pramitol into the sprayer. The cup promptly disintegrated. When he did get the Pramitol into the sprayer and diluted - he neglected to take the wind into account and some of my roses and ground cover were also affected. The roses are recovering since it was just some leaves; however, my ground cover is toast. The reason I only gave it a 4 rating is because it did not touch the "decorator" grasses that the previous owner planted and I am still having to try to pull it from between the stones, out of the driveway, etc. I even tried straight Pramitol watered in to those areas to no avail.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By Karen on 07/03/2011

    Verified Purchase

    The product arrived very quickly. I follow the directions to the letter however, the product did not work as promised. It failed to kill the weeds at the root and very few leaves/folliage turned brown. I would not recommend this product.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Satisfied User

    By John on 05/30/2014

    We had many mullen weeds throughout the gravel on our property in Montana which looked unsightly. We sprayed the mullen weeds as well as the many other weeds in the area as soon as the product arrived. Not a weed in sight! Great product, I would recommend it to anyone for any type of weed.

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    26 of 28 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Pramitol 25E - Gallon

    By A on 04/20/2012

    I have been using Pramitol for several years. It truly does what it says. Buying by the gallon is not only more convenient, it is the best deal available. I am very happy to have run across this deal. Do yourself a favor----buy it!!!!

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    23 of 27 people found this review helpful

  • 3 of 5 Stars

    did not kill everything

    By Val on 09/14/2012

    I used it exactly as directed. Killed most but not all weeds.

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    18 of 21 people found this review helpful

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Questions & Answers

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how far does Pramitol leach after it is applied to the ground?

Yes I wanted to know how far Pramitol spreads in the soil after it is applied as directed. I know there is not an exact answer because it will depend on the type of soil it is applied to but I was wondering is there a rule of thumb I can use. I want to apply is along my gravel driveway next to monkey grass to keep the weeds from growing along the side but do not know if it is safe or not?


Pramitol 25E is a known leecher but how far it will depends on the amount of rain the area receives in a year. We would recommend not applying but you will need to stay at least 10 feet away, if not more depending on the slope of your property and how much rain is expected. 

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4 of 6 people found this answer helpful

How long does Pramitol 25E Herbicide take to be waterproof

When using Pramitol 25E Herbicide, you actually want it to rain. This product will not provide herbicidal action in the treated area unless application is immediately followed by watering the area with at least ¼" of water or application of the product just prior to a rain event sufficient to penetrate to the root system of the target vegetation.

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Can Pramitol 25E Herbicide be used before rain?

Yes, rainfall or watering in the Pramitol 25E after the application is recommended to help push the product deeper in the soil, which will increase the effectiveness towards the root system. If you have any other questions about Pramitol 25E, we recommend going over the product label

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4 of 4 people found this answer helpful

Should I water in the Pramitol 25E after application?

I treated gravel drive with Pramitol (12 oz/gal/500 sqft) and Roundup. Should I water in the Pramitol after 24 hours to deliver it to roots and minimize leaching into lawn the next time it rains?


Yes rainfall or watering in the Pramitol 25E after application is recommended to help push product deeper in the soil, which will increase the effectiveness towards the root system. If you have any other question about Pramitol 25E, we recommend going over the product label

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67 of 74 people found this answer helpful

If I spray Pramitol 25E over the weeds, will this get worked into the soil when the rain comes in a few months?

I want to use pramitol 25, to control weeds around fire hydrants and telephone poles in our little town. The grass is nearly dead and 12-18" tall. Or can I use more water in the mix (2oz/gal.) and spray more of it on an area? Or do I need to get the fire truck to wash it down if so how much water.


You would want either to water in the Pramitol 25E right away or use a higher volume of water to spray it so that it gets into the soil. Waiting several months to water the product into the ground will greatly reduce the residual activity of this product. You should use 50-100 gallons of water per Acre, or at least 1-3 gallons of water per 1000 sq ft. Additional rainfall or irrigation will improve results. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.

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How does the Pramitol compare to the Martins TVC for a vegetation killing spray?

What are the main differences between Pramitol and Martin's TVC and which is better in a long-term solution for a complete vegetation killer?

Both the Pramitol and the TVC-Total Vegetation Control are going to give you about a years worth of soil sterilization if not longer. The weeds, grasses, brush and other hardy plants controlled are similar across the 2 labels. Your main difference is going to be the dilution ratio as to which will be the more economical buy for your amount of area. Depending on the plant being treated the quart of Pramitol will cover between 1 and 4 thousand square feet making between 1 and 4 gallons of finished solution. The amount of TVC used is also dependent on the targeted plant, between 2 and 6 pints per acre which comes out to between 0.75 and 2.25 ounces per 1000 sq/ft in no less than 2 gallons of water. 

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4 of 11 people found this answer helpful

How soon must Pramitol 25E be rained or watered in?

Assuming that if it remains on foliage or bare ground too long it will begin to degrade, maybe not? Also, given, say, 2-4" of top growth on soil of average permeability, how much rain or irrigation would be a minimum to incorporate it?


We would recommend to use a high volume of water when applying Pramitol 25E, or to water in within 24 hours. Pramitol is a total vegetation killing product and will eliminate anything growing where you spray it. The Pramitol will keep anything new from growing in the treated areas for up to 1 year. Caution should be used during application as some leaching in the soil could occur and destroy nearby desirable vegetation and turfs. The Pramitol needs to be mixed at the rate of 8 ounces per each gallon of water at the lowest dilution and can be used up to 32 ounces per gallon for harder to kill brush. Time of plant death will depend on how much product is absorbed through the root system, if it is irrigate after application and if the plant is under any stress to cause it to not absorb the product as quickly. It could be days or weeks before complete death is visible in the weeds you are treating. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Please see the product label for complete application directions.

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120 of 140 people found this answer helpful

We live in rainy Oregon and have not found a product to help us control the many varieties of weeds.

We use Roundup several times a year, but can't seem to get ahead of the problem. The areas of most concern are through the rock gardens and bark mulch where we really don't want anything to grow now or in the future. These areas are quite large as our yard is over an acre. What you you recommend?

Pramitol 25E is a total vegetation killing product and will eliminate anything growing where you spray it. The Pramitol will keep anything new from growing in the treated areas for up to 1 year. Caution should be used during application as some leaching in the soil could occur and destroy nearby desirable vegetation and turfs.

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2 of 3 people found this answer helpful

Weeds in stones under deck

I am looking for a product to prevent weeds from growing under our deck and kill the ones that are there now. The deck is about 10 feet above this area, which is stone and gravel, so sunlight does get there but rain/water doesn't. I use Glyphosate to kill growing stuff but it doesn't prevent new growth. What would you recommend?

Pramitol 25E is a better solution for what you are wanting to accomplist. It is a non-selective, bare ground herbicide. It will kill and eliminate anything growing for at least a year. Caution should be used during application as some leaching in the soil could occur and destroy nearby desirable vegetation and turfs. The Pramitol needs to be mixed at the rate of 8 ounces per each gallon of water at the lowest dilution and can be used up to 32 ounces per gallon for harder to kill brush. Time of plant death will depend on how much product is absorbed through the root system, if it is irrigate after application and if the plant is under any stress to cause it to not absorb the product as quickly. It could be days or weeks before complete death is visible in the weeds you are treating. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

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6 of 7 people found this answer helpful

I mistakenly sprayed part of the yard with 2oz of Pramitol 25E. Is the grass going to die?

After realizing what I did I sprayed the yard to dilute the chemical. Was this helpful or make it worse? How many days before seeing dieing grass?


Once a soil sterilizer like Pramitol 25E has been applied there is not much you can do to reverse the effects other than to dig out any dirt that has the product in it and replace it with clean untreated soil and replant grass in those areas. Watering it likely pushed it into the soil more as this product is designed to be watered in after application to make it work appropriately and last a long time in the soil. Since its main function is to prevent new grasses and plants in general from coming up from the soil, its slower to work on anything already growing on the surface. It could cause the grass to die in a few days or in a week or two depending on how heavily it was applied. Since a lower use rate of 2oz per gallon was used it may not last as long as if higher rates were applied. You may want to contact a lawn company and see if they have any flowable charcoal they can come spray on the lawn to try and break down the chemical or if they feel it would do any good. 

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