Prime Source Meso 4SC Select Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 21 to 26 (of 26 questions)
  • Asked by Brian from Nc
    Will Prime Source Meso 4SC Select Herbicide kill bahiagrass?
    I have several lawns (fescue) that are infested with bahiagrass and I want to kill it. Bahiagrass is not listed on the safe to use on section. Therefore, I assume it will damage it or kill it? Or how about it's evil twin dallisgrass?

    Prime Source Meso 4SC Select Herbicide will not control bahiagrass.  Depending on your turfgrass type we do have some selective options for warm season turfgrass use.  
    Unfortunately, there are not any selective post-emergent herbicides for use on dallisgrass in residential lawns. We recommend spot treating existing dallisgrass with a non-selective herbicide such as RoundUp QuikPro and then overseeding any bare spots as needed. If you only have a few clumps, then you can often easily pull or dig them out after rainfall.We recommend using a pre-emergent containing dithiopyr in late winter/early spring to help prevent new dallisgrass, such as Dimension 2EW or Crew Specialty Herbicide

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  • Asked by Joshua from Kannapolis , Nc
    Can Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) be tank mixed with Sedgehammer for nutsedge control?

    Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) can be tank mixed with Sedgehammer Herbicide for pre and post emergent control of weeds. Refer to the tank mixing instructions on the most restrictive product label before mixing in your sprayer. 

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  • Asked by Loretta from Massillon, Ohio
    Does Prime Source Meso 4SC Select kill hairy bittercress?
    If not what will? Thank you

    Prime Source Meso 4SC Select is not labeled to control hairy bittercress. Quincept Herbicide is a great choice for hairy bittercress control as well as a wide variety of other weeds. Be sure to check the Product Label for your grass type to make sure its one of the tolerant species for using this product over it safely. 

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  • Asked by Arsal from Charlotte, Nc
    Can I apply 26-2-13 fertilizer immediately after 2nd application of Meso 4SC?
    Just did my second application of Meso 4SC with a 3 week gap. Lawn has lots of white patches so Meso 4SC definitely worked. I am not thinking of applying a 26-2-13 Scott's granular fertilizer to help the grass recover faster (and hopefully make lawn green). Would there be any issues doing this?
    There should be no issues applying Prime Source Meso 4SC Select around the same time as a fertilizer as long the label on the fertilizer does not state that it cannot be used with herbicides.

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  • Asked by Sharon from Sylva, Nc
    Which soil-active herbicide should it be combined with Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) for pre-emergent application?

    When applying as a pre-emergent you can mix Meso 4SC with a pre-emergent such as Prodiamine 65 WDG for extended control of your weeds. This would be applicable only if you are not overseeding the lawn after your application.

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  • Asked by Toby from Waterford, Ct
    Can I use Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) in conjunction with overseeding this type of grass?
    Looking to overseed with the following blend: Cardinal II Creeping Reed Fescue (25%) Gladiator Hard Fescue (25%) Radar Chewings Fescue (25%) Mazama Kentucky Bluegrass (25%) This grass is expensive, so I don't want to do it if germination will be impacted.

    According to the product label for Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide)

    The labeled list of tolerant species of turfgrass for this product is as follows:

    Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pertensis) 
    Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) 
    Buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides) 
    Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) 
    Perennial ryegrass* (Lolium perenne) 
    Fine fescue* (creeping red, chewings and hard) Festuca spp.  
    St. Augustinegrass* (grown for sod) (Stenotaphrum secundatum) 

    *DO NOT exceed 5 fl. oz. per acre per application to perennial ryegrass, fine fescues, or mixed stands that consist of >50% perennial ryegrass and/or fine fescue.

    For any specific product questions not outlined on the product label, you may wish to contact the manufacturer Prime Source directly at 800-247-8013, or via email at [email protected].  You may also want to utilize your local cooperative extension office for additional questions.

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Displaying 21 to 26 (of 26 questions)