Protecta Mouse Bait Stations - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 23 questions)
  • Asked by Bob from Oxford, Ct
    Securing a bait station outdoors to keep raccoons from dragging them around?
    I have several large bait boxes outside and racoons are dragging the stations around and they are cleaning out the bait bloxs completely. My first question is the a way of securing the Protecta Mouser bait stations so the raccoons cant drag and knock it around? Second questions is does the bait blox kill the raccoons if the eat the poision bait blocks?
    Raccoons are much larger than mice, so yes the bait can kill a raccoon but they would have to eat a large quantity.  It is a lot easier to secure rat sized stations than the smaller mouse sized stations.  Other then drilling a hole through the station and securing it to a pole or structure using a chain, you can also use liquid nails and glue the station to a landscape paver.  Either way should help deter raccoons from dragging the stations off.
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  • Asked by Pam
    Once the mouse goes into the Protecta Mouse Bait Station, can it get out again?
    Mice can leave the station after they enter. The Protecta Mouse Bait Stations are tamper resistant boxes that stop non target animals and children from having access to the poison bait you place in the station. You could place a Mini T-Rex Mouse Trap in the station if you wanted to catch the mouse and protect non target animals and children from the trap.
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  • Asked by Catherine from Chaska, Mn
    Which bait station would be sized right for Voles?
    Most mouse sized bait station will allow voles to get inside. The protecta Mouse Bait Station is often the station of choice for vole control.
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  • Asked by Joseph
    What tier would the Protecta Mouse Stations be considered by the EPA?
    The EPA is coming out with new rules for rodenticides called Final Risk Mitigation. All bait must be placed in tamper resistant bait stations. Tiered Bait Station Requirements for Consumer-Use Products o Tier 1
    The Protecta line of stations that need a key to open, including the Protecta Mouse Stations you are asking about, are all tier 1 level bait stations.  They are tamper-resistant to children and pets and can be used both indoors and outdoors.
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  • Asked by Brian
    Are there any differences in the size of the openings between the Protecta Mouse and Rat Bait Stations?
    If so, what are the hole sizes? I'd assume the mouse bait stations have smaller holes.
    You are correct.  The Protecta Mouse Stations have smaller holes and are meant only for mice.  The Protecta Rat Bait Stations have larger holes for rats to enter, but mice could also enter if they were present.  Normally, you would determine what type of rodent you have, rat or mouse, from the size of the droppings.  If you are not sure, then you should get a rat size station because it could accomodate both.
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  • Asked by Anna from Burlington, Vt
    If I am putting Protecta Mouse Bait Stations around the outside of the house how many feet between them?
    Around outside perimeter of house: should I put them every x number of feet? ALSO: Do the mice die in the walls if I put them indoors? I already have the odor coming through the wall, of mouse nests.

    You should place the Protecta Mouse Bait Stations 15 - 20 feet apart for best results. The reason we recommend putting the stations outdoors is to lure the mice out and to potentially die outside. There is still a possibility the mice could die indoors.


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  • Asked by Anonymous from Denver, Colorado
    How safe are Protecta Mouse Bait Stations against dogs?

    The plastic that makes up the Protecta Mouse Bait Station is a very heavy duty plastic, and should not be an issue for most dogs.  However, we have had calls to report that larger dogs, usually over 100 lbs, are able to bite over the whole station and chew it pretty badly.  

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  • Asked by Louie from Warm Springs Or
    After mice eat bait and leave, is there an odor from the dead mouse in or under the house
    There is a potential for an odor if mice die indoors. You can use a product like Bac A Zap to eliminate the odor.
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  • Asked by Jonathan from Orange County, Ca
    Is there a major difference in the hole size between the Mouse and Rat Protecta stations?
    If possible, an I get the dimensions for the two. I'm not sure if these buildings have rats or mice.

    There is quite a difference. The Protecta Mouse Bait Station entry is 1 inch in diameter, while the Protecta Rat is 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Please see our Rat Pest Guide and our Mouse Pest Guide for assistance with identifying the rodent pests you have. When in doubt, rat bait stations will accommodate either rodent.

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  • Asked by Janie from Port Ludlow, Wa
    Hi - we are looking for a mice bait station that raccoons will not be able to carry off.
    What would you recommend? We have used the regular bait stations for many years under our front porch. This year something has emptied it twice and this last time it has disappeared.

    You can use liquid nails and affix any station, such as the Protecta Mouse Bait Station, on a 1 x 1 foot paver you can buy from a local home improvement store.  This well prevent them from being moved.  Also, if you make sure the bait is secured on the rods, and the station is secure, it should prevent the raccoons from being able to work the bait free from the rods.

    We do offer weighted stations such as the Protecta EVO Express or the RBS1 EZ Secured Rodent Bait Stations which both contain a brick to weigh the station down for exactly your needs.

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  • Asked by Charlie from Westbury, Ny
    When should you replace the bait? I see that it was nibbled on should I replace it with fresh bait
    We recommend that you replace the bait in the Protecta Mouse Bait Stations if it starts to mold or if insects have started to infest it.  Generally it is a good idea to replace every 40-60 days in the bait stations because rodenticides contains food based ingredients.
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  • Asked by Stan from Pipersville, Pa
    Can I purchase a replacement for the Protecta Mouse Bait Station?
    Can you provide a replacement key

    Yes, the Protecta Mouse Bait Station has a replacement key that can be purchased separately.  

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  • Asked by Rob from Lincoln, Ri
    Do the Protecta Mouse Bait Stations have the hole on the bottom to accommodate the anchoring rods, or will I have to drill one?
    We had vole problem last year, and the exterminator sold us Protecta Rat Bait stations. They worked well but small squirrels can still get in, and I'm considering switching to the smaller Protecta Mouse Bait Stations.

    Holes will need to be drilled into the Protecta Mouse Bait Stations  for the anchors. There are no holes in the bottom of this station.

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  • Asked by Jim
    How many keys come with an order of 6 Protecta Mouse bait stations?
    The manufacturer of Protecta Mouse Bait Stations does not provide us with keys, so we include one key per order. On an order of 6 stations, you will receive one key.
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  • Asked by Dave from Il
    Can I use Final Blox in the Protecta Mouse Bait Stations?

    Yes, Final Blox can be applied in the Protecta Mouse Bait Stations

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  • Asked by Marcia from Charlestown, Ri
    Will the Protecta Mouse Bait Stations work to kill chipmunks?
    This year I have chipmunks every where especially around my foundation. They get into my garage too and do a lot of damage. Will the bait stations attract and kill chipmunks? If not, what can I use short of calling an exterminator?

    While Chipmunks may fit inside the Protecta Mouse Bait Stations, there is not a rodenticide labeled to kill Chipmunks. Trapping, Gassing and Exclusion are the best methods. View our Chipmunk Control page HERE for products to help eradicate Chipmunks.

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  • Asked by Jan from Lafayette In
    Does the RTU mouse bait station and the EVO express bait station use the same bait?

    Yes, both RTU mouse bait station and the EVO express bait station can use the same bait.

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  • Asked by Sue from Ohio
    Will this product cause harm to my cats if they eat a mouse that has died from eating the product?
    Protecta Mouse Bait Stations are tamper resistant. If you are referring to mouse bait, the risk of secondary poisoning is very minimal. Could you tell us which rodenticide you are referring to?
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  • Asked by Donal
    My dog may have ate Protecta Mouse Bait Stations
    Is there anything I should do just in case

    If you suspect that your dog ingested bait that was in the Protecta Mouse Bait Stations you need to consult with your vet for the best advice on how to proceed.

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  • Asked by Eric
    Do the Protecta Mouse Bait Stations come with bait?

    No, the Protecta Mouse Bait Stations do not come with bait included.  Bait must be purchased separately.  We would recommend Contrac All Weather Blox

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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 23 questions)