Rat X is a non-toxic rodent bait that kills rodents without harming any other species. There is not enough research to say if it kills squirrels or not, but it may be harmful since squirrels are classified as rodents.
RatX when used as directed on the product label would be safe as it is used in areas inaccessible to non-target animals and people.
A rat would have to consume 40-60 grams, or 1.5 to 2 ounces of Rat X, or about 10-15 pellets for a lethal dose.
Rat X can be applied into rat bait stations. We do not recommend putting it in with another type of bait. Below is the product label for more information.
Yes, when using Rat X, protect bait points from water. Inspect bait points frequently and replace any baits which become wet and re-site in a dry location.
Rat X is a non-toxic rodent bait that kills rodents without harming any other species. The rats will eat the bait like a food source and Rat X will cause dehydration. Rats have stomach sensors that tells them when they are thirsty, this will only effect rodents that eat the bait as dogs do not have this sensor.
There is no need to unwrap Rat X as rodents will chew through it.
It is recommended to protect the Rat X application from rain/wet surfaces or conditions. Inspect bait points frequently and replace any baits which become wet and re-site in a dry location.
Rat X is already made with food-based additives that are appealing to rodents so ,additional additives are not needed and should be avoided. Adding additional materials to the bait can cause the rodents to avoid it altogether, or may deter them from feeding on enough of the product to consume a lethal dose.
If you are not using a rodenticide such as Rat X in a secure rodent bait station, then it is absolutely possible that another non-target animal is consuming the bait. Keep in mind, too, that rats will hoard food, so they make take a lot of loose bait and not consume it all right away. Be sure to follow the label instructions for size and frequency of bait placements, as well as placing bait in stations to protect it from non-target animals like pets, from weathering, and from being translocated easily. You can also make packs of bait and place them directly in burrows, per the label instructions.
Rat X will only work on mice and rats, and is safe for other animals since it is non-toxic for them. There is no risk of secondary poisoning. Of course, if you have concerns, it is recommended to contact your vet.
A rat/mouse only consumes a very small amount of bait at a time and passes it very quickly only keeping a smaller amount in their liver until they succumb to the effects of the bait. A cat would have to actually eat 20-30 mice that have consumed the bait for it to have an effect. In most cases, well fed domesticated animals will not actually eat a mouse or a rat that they come across. Instead they will play with it, chew it and then leave it behind. We recommend that you keep the product out of their reach when stored in a cool, dry place and apply as directed on the product label.
We do not recommend that you add food to Rat X as the product contains food based ingredients that attract the rodents for consumption. When baiting for rodents, you want to limit other food sources they are attracted to so that they will consume the bait you place out for them. For more information on treating for rodents, please take a few moments to review our articles on How to Get Rid of Rats and How to Prevent Rodents for a successful eradication program.
It would really depend on how much Rat X the rodent has already consumed. Mice need to consume at least 10-15 grams of bait (1/3 – ½ oz) for a lethal dose. Per the product label, continue to supply fresh bait until you have had at least 48 hours without any takes on the bait.
If they’re not going to the Rat X, you might try using traps like the Trapper T-Rex Rat Traps baited with dog or cat food since that’s what they seem to be attracted to. Be sure that there are no other competing food sources in the area. You may also want to take a look at our Rat Control Guide for further tips.
Rat X acts very specifically compared to other poisons on the market. Since it works to dehydrate the animal mixing any food addititives, especially wet ones, would get in the way of the product working the way it is designed with its unique ingredient components. If you wish to use butter as a lure on a poison bait, we recommend doing so with bait blocks that would be able to tolerate the ingredients and still be effective when consumed. If you have further questions regarding this, we recommend contacting the manufacturer directly at 914-376-7387.