Rat X - Questions & Answers

Rat X
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Displaying 61 to 80 (of 80 questions)
  • Asked by Louis from Vancouver Washington
    Do I cut open the Rat X packs or leave them sealed when placing in locations?

    Yes per the manufacturers directions: Place 40-60 grams or 1 1/2 to 2 ounces of Rat X per rat and 10-15 grams or 1/3 or 1/2 ounce per mouse into small bowls or feeding trays approximately 6 feet apart throughout the infested area, or wrap in clinging food packaging film and place in drainpipes, open ended boxes or under sheets of metal/wood secured at an angle against a wall (to keep the bait point dry) at intervals of approximately 6 feet , reducing to approximately 4 feet in areas of high infestation.

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  • Asked by Angella from Cowen Wv
    If my chickens eat Rat X, will I need to throw the eggs they lay away?
    Rats have dug holes near my chicken house and in the chicken run. I have put rat X in the holes but I believe my chickens got the first batch. Will this poison the eggs my chickens lay? Should I throw those eggs away and if so for how long should I throw the eggs away?

    Rat X is a non toxic bait that is safe around poultry when used as directed on the product label  It is only designed to affect rodents.

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  • Asked by Mike from Pleasanton
    My 50 lb.Austrailian Sheperd may have eaten a small amount of Rat X. Do I need to take him to the Vet?

    Rat X will only work on mice and rats, and is safe for other animals since it is non-toxic for them. There is no risk of secondary poisoning.  Of course, if you have concerns, it is recommended to contact your vet.

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  • Asked by Jcm from Davenport, Fl
    Will Rat X kill rabbits?

    Rat X is only labeled to control rats and mice.  There are no poisons available that are labeled for rabbits.  

    Please click on the link below for more information for rabbit control:

    Rabbit Control Products

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  • Asked by Haley from St. Louis, Mo
    Will Rat X harm my rabbit?

    Rat X will only work on mice and rats, and is safe to use around livestock and pets.Per the manufacturer, there is no risk of secondary poisoning. If you have any additonal concerns, we recommend consulting with your Vet before treating with the product. Please review the Rat X product label for more information. 

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  • Asked by Robert from Albany Oregon
    What happens if the Rat X packs come in contact with water?
    I have a rat problem under my house in the crawl space. It has water in it. What will happen if I use Ratx throw packs in the crawl space and it comes in contact with water ? Will it give off toxic fumes that is harmful for humans and pets ???

    It is recommended to protect the Rat X application from rain/wet surfaces or conditions. Tamper resistant bait stations or trays could be used to protect the bait from contacting areas where water may be an issue. Inspecting bait points frequently and relocate placements to a dry location if needed.
    Per the product label, replenish packets daily until there are either no more takes, or no rat activity, for 48 hours. Rat X is a non-toxic rodent bait that kills rodents without harming any other species. 

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  • Asked by Donna from Irwin Pa
    I had the free running guinea pig will the Rat X harm her?

    Rat X has not been tested on guinea pigs, but guinea pigs are rodents so we would not recommend using Rat X where it would be accessible to them. 

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  • Asked by Dale from Jacksonville Florida
    Is Rat X safe for chickens?
    I have chickens and would like to put the throw packs out there

    Rat X is safe for chickens & other animals as long as used in a secure bait station. If you throw the pack out there openly, it is not only illegal but you are also putting other animals at risk of consuming it. 

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  • Asked by Aimee
    Does putting syrup on RatX prevent it from working properly?

    Rat X is already made with food-based additives that are appealing to rodents so additional additives are not needed and should be avoided.  Adding additional materials to the bait can cause the rodents to avoid it altogether, or may deter them from feeding on enough of the product to consume a lethal dose.

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  • Asked by Pamela from Saint Louis
    Do rats develop a resistance or aversion to Rat X?
    It seems they ate it at first but now they aren't.

    It is a good idea to rotate the rodenticides you are using every few applications to prevent any possible resistance issues, but also to keep the bait as attractive as possible. If the rodents are around the same food based ingredients all the time, and they possibly have other food sources in the area, then they will not be as attracted to the bait anymore.

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  • Asked by Julia from Anaheim, Ca
    If I crush up Rat X and mix with peanut butter will it still kill the Rat if eaten?

    Rat X should not be mixed with anything as this can cause the bait to sour/mold faster.  If rats are not going for it, you need to be sure all other competing food sources are eliminated.  Rats are also neophobic which means they are resistant to anything new in their environment, so it can take time for them to adjust to the bait being food, up to 1-3 weeks.  If you have rats inside, it is also not recommended to use bait as you cannot control where they are going to die.   

    For rodents inside, it is best to use snap traps and glueboards so you can control where they are going to die.  You should also seal up all cracks and crevices outside that are allowing them access to inside.  Using tamper resistant bait stations with a rodenticide outside would also help if they are coming and going. We have some guides below that can help as well:

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  • Asked by Mike from Lenore, Id
    Can you make a rat killer from ingredients that may be in my home?

    We do not provide homemade solutions/instructions for insects/rodents. Please take a few moments to review our treatment article on How to Get Rid of Rats here. Please let us know if you need anything else.

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  • Asked by John
    Will Rat X kill squirrels?
    I have squirrels & mice / rats that eat from bird feeders.

    Rat X has not been tested on squirrels therefore we cannot advise on the lethal effects it may have. Since squirrels are not a target pest listed on the product label, using it for this purpose would be considered off-label and not recommended

    NOTE: Rat X is no longer available. Please see our other Rat Baits for an alternative. 

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  • Asked by Terrilyn from Bossier City
    Rodents are eating Rat X but it's not killing them. I am still see signs of rodents gnawing on soap pads, sponges, house shoes etc.

    The kill time for Rat X can take anywhere between 5-7 days. The mice and rats will eat the bait like a food source and Rat X will cause dehydration. You want to continue to bait as long as their is activity to ensure full control. 

    View our Rat Treatment Guide for more information and treatment recommendations. 

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  • Asked by Ronald from Manchester
    Will rodents die underground after eating Rat X?

    Unfortunately, after a rodent consumes Rat X or any rodent bait, there is no way to know exactly where they will die.  

    Please view the Rat Treatment Guide for more tips and information on successful rodent baiting. 

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  • Asked by Glen from Greensboro Nc
    Will Ratx kill rodents?
    I'm not sure how many rodents I'm dealing with. One is digging under my house. Another is turning trash cans over. I took apples pears and bananas and filled them with pellets. The bait was eaten yet I still have problems

    Rat X is a non-toxic rodent bait that kills rodents without harming any other species.  We suggest that you refer to our Rat Treatment & Control Guide for a step-by-step breakdown of all recommendation for ridding your property of rats.

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  • Asked by Jessica from Anna, Texas
    Can Rat X be used behind a gas stove safely without the heat affecting the pellets?

    Yes, Rat X can be used behind a gas stove indoors in a plastic tray or container off the floor. 

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  • Asked by Tim from Llanelli
    Can Rat X be purchased or shipped to the UK?

    We only ship Rat X and all our products within the US. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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  • Asked by Nyc
    I just bought the RatX Throw Packs. Do I need to slit a hole in them before placing near the problem area?

    Since we do not carry Rat X Throw Packs, we cannot advise on the directions or use for the product. We suggest that you contact the manufacturer EcoClear Products directly for product support. 

    EcoClear Products can be reached by either calling 1-888-511-7289, or by visiting their website's contact page here.

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  • Asked by Laura from Anchorage, Ak
    Will Rat X work on shrews?

    Rat X is only labeled for rats and mice. It is not labeled for shrews.  We do not have any products that are labeled specifically for shrews, but you could potentially use mouse traps if needed. You can also use STUF-FIT Copper Mesh and other exclusion tools to close off the entry points. 

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Displaying 61 to 80 (of 80 questions)