Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar - Questions & Answers

Displaying 61 to 77 (of 77 questions)
  • Asked by Jenna
    Is it normal for my dog to whine excessively and scratch at the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar after wearing for 1 day?
    He already whines often when he's not getting attention(which is normal). But today was his first day with it and i noticed he was whining extra? he ate breakfast which was before i put the collar on. he ate treats throughout the day, drank plenty of water but wasn't really interested in dinner. he ate some but not much. first time dog mom and i'm just trying to keep my baby safe!

    We would suggest reaching out to your veterinarian and/or the manufacturer of the Soresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar (Bayer) for more information on this. It is possible that your dog is not used to wearing a collar like this, or it could possibly be irritating. There is also the possibility of an allergy. Your vet and the manufacturer should be able to answer any questions about your pup's specific situation. Bayer's phone number is 866-992-2937.

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  • Asked by Judy from Cookeville Tn
    is a large collar the same strength as a small dogs collar?
    I needed the collar to be longer my small dogs have thick necks the place that I bought it said they were the same and same price so I bought large so I could trim them. now i'm concerned the medicine strength may be too much for the small dog.

    Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar contains the same percentage of active in the sizes, you would just choose the size that best fits your pets neck.  It would not harm your small dog if you use the larger collar.  You would just have to cut more off to fit down to size.


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  • Asked by Mrs from Ayrshire, Scotland.
    Can I replace a new Seresto collar straight away.

    Yes, the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar, under normal conditions, effectiveness lasts for eight months. In order to maintain an 8-month duration, dogs must not be bathed more than once per month. For dogs that swim once a month or more, the control duration is reduced to five months. Once the collar is no longer effective, you may go ahead and replace the collar with a new one. Please be sure to review the product label for more information.

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  • Asked by Mary from Nags Head
    We live in coastal NC. Are there ticks found here that are not covered by the Seresto collar?

    Ticks can be found throughout the entire United States.  While not every species of tick is in every state, there is at least 1 species of tick in each state.  If you have specific questions regarding which ticks in addition to the labeled Deer Ticks, American Dog Ticks, Brown Dog Ticks, and Lone Star Ticks which are targeted by the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar, the manufacturer can be reached directly for product support by calling 1-800-255-6826. 

    You can also reach out to your local extension office to see which ticks are most prevalent in you region, and you are also welcome to refer to our Tick Prevention Guide for additional ways to protect you and your family from ticks.

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  • Asked by Kelly from Cedar Grove Nc
    Can my dog wear a regular collar while wearing a Seresto c?

    Yes, your dog can wear a normal collar as well. A regular collar should not interfere with the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar.

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  • Asked by Melissa from Oh
    How do I get skunk spray off the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar?

    The Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar would likely need to be replaced.  We would recommend contacting the manufacturer, Bayer, for recomendations.  Their number is 1-800-331-2867.

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  • Asked by Priscilla
    Why are their still fleas on my dog after 2 days with Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar on?
    It is not effective?

    Even though the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar continues to work for 8 months, it is not a complete repellent during that time. Fleas and ticks will still need to bite to consume the active ingredient, so it can take several hours for them to die. Be sure that you are still checking outdoors and treating as needed so that the dog is not bringing fleas and ticks indoors. Please take a moment to review our Flea Treatment Guide for more tips and information on eradicating this pest.

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  • Asked by Marcie from Bethune
    How to apply Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar reflectors????

    Per the Seresto label, Insert end of the collar through the buckle then adjust the collar around the dogs neck (able to insert two fingers between the collar and the neck) Please see the label for complete application instructions.

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  • Asked by Karen from Virginia Beach, Va
    Is it possible to get a chemical burn from the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar?
    My dog has a chemical burn around her neck and hair loss from where the collar was. I'm very worried and need to know what I can do about putting on it to heal.

    We recommend that you remove the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar and consult with your vet if you feel the dog is experiencing an allergic or chemical reaction.

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  • Asked by Nadine from Hampton Falls
    If my dog licked a Seresto collar is this okay?

    When using the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar or any other topical product, we recommend contacting your vet if you observe anything unusual or have concerns about your pet. You can also reach Bayer at 1-800-422-9874.

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  • Asked by Kimberly from Castlewood
    Is the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar safe for a 3lb chihuahua 9-month-old puppy?

    Per the manufacturer's product labelSeresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar is "For 8-month prevention and treatment of ticks and fleas on small dogs and puppies 7 weeks of age and older and up to 18 lbs. (8 kg)".  We advise consulting your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns in regards to using this or any products on your pets.

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  • Asked by Katherine from Chesterfield
    Why does my dog have fleas after using the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar for three months?
    For the past 3 weeks he has been covered in fleas. I have to bath him in dawn every day but he still has fleas.

    Even though the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar continues to work for 8 months, it is not a complete repellent during that time. Fleas and ticks will still need to bite to consume the active ingredient, so it can take several hours for them to die. Be sure that you are still checking outdoors and treating as needed so that the dog is not bringing fleas and ticks indoors. You can also use an additional repellent on the animal if needed for long walks outdoors or in areas that you cannot treat. We have more tips in our Flea Treatment Guide as well. Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar will help ward off fleas and ticks, but it may not keep a flea from hitch hiking onto the pet in an area that may not have been treated. Be sure you are also treating the areas the pet frequents.

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  • Asked by Brandon from Alexandria
    Can the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar still be used after putting it accidentally in washer and drying machine?

    We recommend contacting Bayer directly for assistance since this is not published information on washing the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar. 1-800-255-6826

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  • Asked by Cathy from Cedarville
    My dog has a Seresto dog collar on but can another free, tick product be used and be safe to dog?

    You can use a spray like Petcor with Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar but we recommend you reaching out to your Vet for different options that are safe to use with the collar 

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  • Asked by Mary from Moosic, Pa
    My dog has a Seresto collar which expires in June. I found and removed a tick today, getting the whole body snd head out. It appeared dead, but why was it still firmly attached if it was dead? Shouldn't fall off once it dies?

    We would recommend contacting your Vet directly or the manufacturer Bayer for more information. This could be due to the bedding behavior of the tick or the mode of action time frame of the active ingredient. Bayer can be reached at this link HERE.  


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  • Asked by Samantha from Navarre Florida
    Is the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar safe for a 7 year old full grown dog that weighs 5lbs?

    Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar can be used on dogs 7 weeks and older and up to 18 lbs.

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  • Asked by Ina from Oliver Springs, Tn
    Will the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar work after it's been cut off?
    My husband cut the the collar off after watching the news. Can I tape or glue it back together it's only 2 weeks old.

    Yes, the Seresto Dog Flea and Tick Collar will continue to work after getting cut off. You can put it together with some industrial strength tape if need be.  Though you want to be sure it is not too tight after you have cut part off.

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Displaying 61 to 77 (of 77 questions)