Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer Concentrate

Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer Concentrate
Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer Concentrate

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Product Overview

Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer Concentrate is specially formulated to effectively control more than 250 types of unwanted weeds on contact including crabgrass in your lawn. It contains a combination of powerful active ingredients which helps kill major broadleaf weeds and nuisance grass weeds up to the roots such as chickweed, crabgrass, clover,  dandelion, foxtail, yellow nutsedge, and more. It provides visible results in as little as 8 hours after application and is rainproof in about 3 hours. It is guaranteed safe to use on lawns when used as directed. This liquid concentrate comes in a 32 oz. bottle and can treat up to 5,000 sq. ft.

For use in California: Biotypes of large and smooth crabgrass in California have shown varied response to this product. If control failure occurs following a full or split application, DO NOT reapply this product. Change to a herbicide with a different mode of action.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient 2,4-D, dimethylamine salt - 3.74% Quinclorac - 1.79% Dicamba, dimethylamine salt - 0.43% Sulfentrazone - 0.22%
Target pests Crabgrass, large and smooth; foxtail, green, yellow and giant; barnyardgrass; yellow nutsedge.
For use in Cool season turfgrass: Kentucky bluegrass, Perennial ryegrass, Fescue spp., including tall, red and fine leaf fescues. Warm season turfgrass: Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass and Buffalograss.
Application Apply when daytime temperatures are between 45 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not apply to Bermudagrass when daytime temperatures exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label.
Yield Treats up to 5,000 sq. ft.
Formulation Liquid Concentrate.
Special Features Will not harm lawns when used as directed.
Shipping Weight 2.35 lbs
Manufacturer United Industries Corp (Mfg. Number: HG-96392)
UPC 071121963932
EPA Registration 9688-268-8845




  • Do not apply this product in a way that will contact any person or pet, either directly or through drift. Keep people and pets out of the area during application.
  • Do not allow people or pets to enter the treated area until sprays have dried.
  • Do not exceed more than 0.375 lb Sulfentrazone/A per year.

Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer Concentrate is a selective herbicide that controls emerged broadleaf and grass weeds in established lawns. Symptoms you may expect to see on affected broadleaf weeds include leaf reddening, leaf and stem curling and twisting, chlorosis and necrosis. Symptoms expected on grass weeds include stunting, chlorosis, gradual reddening and necrosis.

BROADLEAF WEEDS CONTROLLED: Amaranth (purple), amaranth (slender), artichoke, aster (heath), aster (purple), aster (white heath), aster (white prairie), Austrian fieldcress, bedstraw (catchweed), bedstraw (northern), bedstraw (pineywoods), bedstraw (smooth), beggarticks (hairy), betony (Florida), bindweed (field), bindweed (hedge), bitter wintercress, bittercress (hairy), bitterweed, black-eyed Susan, black medic, blood flower milkweed, blue lettuce, brassbuttons, bristly oxtongue, broomweed, buckhorn, bullnettle, burclover, burdock, burweed, lawn (spurweed), buttercup (bulbous), buttercup (creeping), buttonweed, common (poorjoe), buttonweed (Virginia), Carolina geranium (wild), carpetweed, catnip, catsear, spotted (false dandelion), chamber bitter, chickweed (common), chickweed (mouseear), chickweed (sticky), chicory, cinquefoil, clover (alsike), clover (crimson), clover (hop), clover (rabbit foot), clover (red), clover (strawberry), clover (white), clover (white sweet), clover (yellow sweet), cockle, cocklebur, cocklebur (oriental), cocklebur (spiny), common mullein, corn spurry, creeping beggarweed, creeping Jenny (creeping Charlie), Cudweed, cupid shaving brush, daisy (English), daisy (oxeye), dandelion (common), dandelion (false), day flower, deadnettle, dichondra, dock (broadleaf), dock (curly), dogbane, Dogfennel, dollarweed (pennywort), doveweed, elderberry, false sunflower, falseflax, fiddleneck, filaree (redstem), filaree (whitestem), fleabane, daisy (annual), fleabane (rough), galinsoga (hairy), galinsoga (smallflower), goldenrod, ground ivy, groundsel, gumweed, hairy fleabane, hawkweed (meadow), hawkweed (mouseear), hawkweed (orange), hawkweed (yellow), healall, heartleaf drymary, hemp, henbit, hoary cress, horsenettle, horseweed, jimsonweed, Johnny-jumpup violet, knawel, knotweed (prostrate), kochia, lambsquarters, lespedeza, mallow (alkali), mallow (bristly), mallow (common), mallow (dwarf), mallow (Venice), marcela, matchweed, Mexicanweed, moneywort, morningglory (bigroot), morningglory (ivyleaf), morningglory (Mexican), morningglory (red), morningglory (tall), morningglory (woolly), mugwort, mustard (ball), mustard (black), mustard (blue), mustard (hedge), mustard (Indian), mustard (tansy), mustard (tumble), mustard (white), mustard (wormseed), nettle, stinging (burning), nettle (tall), nettle (wood), parsley-piert, parsnip, pearlwort, pennycress (Frenchweed), pepperweed (perennial), pepperweed (Virginia) (peppergrass), pigweed (prostrate), pigweed (redroot), pigweed (Russian), pigweed (smooth), pigweed (tumble), pineappleweed, plains coreopsis (tickseed), plantain (blackseed) plantain (bracted), plantain (broadleaf), plantain (buckhorn), plantain (hoary), plantain (narrowleaf), plantain (slender), plantain (woolly), poison ivy, poison oak, pokeweed, prairie sunflower, prickly lettuce (compass plant), prickly sida, prostrate knotweed, puncturevine, purslane (common), pusley (Brazil), pusley (Florida), pusley (large flower), ragweed (bur), ragweed (common), ragweed (lanceleaf), ragweed (western), redstem filaree, rough cinquefoil, scarlet pimpernel, shepherdspurse, smartweed (ladysthumb), smartweed (pale), smartweed (Pennsylvania), smooth chaff-flower, smooth dock, sorrel, red (sheep), sowthistle (annual), sowthistle (spiny), spanish needles, speedwell (bi-lobed), speedwell (common), speedwell (corn), speedwell (ivyleaf), speedwell (Persian), speedwell (purslane), speedwell (slender), speedwell (snow), speedwell (thymeleaf), spiny amaranth, spurge (prostrate), spurge (spotted), spurweed, star of Bethlehem, strawberry (Indian mock), tansy ragwort, Tanweed, thistle (blessed), thistle (bull), thistle (Canada), thistle, flodman (prairie), thistle (musk), thistle (platte), thistle (plumeless), thistle (Russian), thistle (Scotch), thistle (wavyleaf), thistle, yellow (horrible), trailing crownvetch, velvetleaf, vervain (blue), vervain (hoary), vervain (prostrate), vervain (tall), vetch (bird), vetch (hairy), vetch (milk), vetch (narrowleaf), vetch (wild), Virginia creeper, western clematis, western salsify, wild aster, wild buckwheat, wild carrot, wild four-o-clock, wild garlic, wild lettuce, wild marigold, wild mustard (yellow rocket), wild onion, wild parsnip, wild radish, wild rape, wild strawberry, wild sweet potato, wild violet, woodsorrel (creeping), woodsorrel (violet), woodsorrel, yellow (oxalis), woolly croton, wormseed, yarrow (common), yarrow (western), yarrow (yellow).

GRASS WEEDS CONTROLLED: Crabgrass, large and smooth; foxtail, green, yellow and giant; barnyardgrass; nutsedge, yellow.

This product is intended for use by homeowners on residential lawns. This product should be applied only to the following species of turfgrass:

Cool season turfgrass
Kentucky bluegrass
Perennial ryegrass
Fescue spp., including tall, red and fine leaf fescues

Warm season turfgrass

**Application to Bermudagrass may cause temporary yellowing or discoloration but full recovery can be expected. Do not apply to Bermudagrass when daytime temperatures exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

DO NOT USEthis product on lawns containing bentgrass, St. Augustinegrass, bahiagrass, centipedegrass or carpetgrass. Also, do not use on dichondra or lawns with desirable clovers or legumes. Do not use on vegetable gardens, fruits or ornamentals (flowers, trees, groundcovers, hedges, landscape/flower beds and shrubs).

Apply this product to actively growing weeds during the early growth stages for the best results. Apply in spring or fall when daytime temperatures are between 45 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Fall applications may control winter annual and biennial weeds that may otherwise resprout the following spring. For heavy grass weed pressure, apply a second application at the same rate, 14 days after the first application.


CRABGRASS (large and smooth):

Spring: For the best results, apply this product from crabgrass emergence until the six-leaf stage (two tillers) or before the crabgrass is 3-4 inches in height. Generally, this period begins or corresponds to the first time that you can see crabgrass in your lawn. Use two applications at the same rate with a 14-day interval for dense populations.


ee the following table for calculating the correct amount of product to use for the area to be treated.
The maximum application rate is 6 1/2 fl oz of product per 1,000 sq ft per application (0.6 lb 2,4-D acid equivalent per acre per application).
The maximum number of broadcast applications is limited to two per year.
The maximum seasonal rate is 13 fl oz of product per 1,000 sq ft (1.2 lb 2,4-D acid equivalent per acre), excluding spot treatments.

MEASUREMENT CALCULATIONS: Total lawn area in square feet = length x width.


  • 1 fl oz = 2 Tbsp = 6 tsp
  • 2 fl oz = 4 Tbsp
  • 4 fl oz = 1/2 cup
  • 8 fl oz = 1 cup
  • 16 fl oz = 1 pt
  • 32 fl oz = 1 qt


To treat small areas or individual weeds, use a pressure sprayer for better control. Mix the indicated amount of product listed with 1 gal of water for each 500 sq ft to be treated. Shake well before spraying. Spray the target weeds thoroughly. Nozzle adjustments may be necessary to deliver small spray droplets on the target weeds for uniform coverage.

Amount of product to be diluted in 1 gal water required to treat 500 sq ft of lawn with pressure sprayers.

**Application to Bermudagrass may cause temporary yellowing or discoloration but full recovery can be expected. Do not apply to Bermudagrass when daytime temperatures exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit.


Three easy steps to mix and apply with hand-operated sprayers:

  1. Calculate (measure) the total lawn area to be treated. For rectangular areas, multiply the length of the area by the width to obtain total square feet. Prepare enough spray solution to treat the area calculated.
  2. Prepare the spray mixture according to Table 1. Measure the proper amount of product to treat 1,000 sq ft. If more or less than 1,000 sq ft is to be treated, adjust the amount of product as shown in Table 1.
  3. Shake the spray solution before and during application. Use a spray pattern that gives small droplets without any fine mist.



Table 1. Amount of product to treat 1,000 sq ft of lawn with pressure sprayers.

Turfgrass: Kentucky bluegrass, Fescue spp., Perennial ryegrass, Zoysiagrass, Bermudagrass** and Buffalograss

  • 6.4 fl oz - 1,000 sq ft
  • 12.8 fl oz - 2,000 sq ft
  • 32 fl oz - 5,000 sq ft

**Application to Bermudagrass may cause temporary yellowing or discoloration but full recovery can be expected. Do not apply to Bermudagrass when daytime temperatures exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit.


From Table 2 below, determine amount of this product to be applied for each 1,000 sq ft of lawn.

Fill sprayer jar with enough concentrate to cover the total area to be treated. DO NOT add water to the sprayer jar.

Set dial on sprayer to the “Rate per Gallon” setting shown in Table 2 below.

Attach sprayer to garden hose. Extend hose to the farthest area of lawn to be treated and work toward faucet. Apply evenly to lawn.

Unused product can be returned to the original container when completed.

Turfgrass: Kentucky bluegrass, Fescue spp., Perennial ryegrass, Zoysiagrass, Bermudagrass** and Buffalograss

  • 5 Tbsp, or 15 tsp, or 2.5 fl oz - 6.4 fl oz

This assumes the sprayer delivers approximately 2 1/2 gal per 1,000 sq ft sprayed.

**Application to Bermudagrass may cause temporary yellowing or discoloration but full recovery can be expected. Do not apply to Bermudagrass when daytime temperatures exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Example for Kentucky bluegrass: To treat 3,000 sq ft of lawn, measure 20 fl oz of product into sprayer jar. Do not add water. Set dial on 5 Tbsp or 15 tsp and apply uniformly on 3,000 sq ft of turfgrass.

To BEGIN spraying: Attach hose to sprayer. Extend the garden hose to the farthest section of lawn to be treated. Rotate sprayer nozzle tip to direct spray up or down. Turn on water and squeeze trigger or rotate on/off knob to begin.

AFTER spraying: Unused product or concentrate can be poured back into the original container. Keep the dial setting and clean the sprayer by rinsing the sprayer jar with water for one minute.


For sprayers that require the addition of water and concentrate before application:

From Table 3, determine the amount of concentrate required to treat the entire lawn. Pour concentrate into sprayer jar to the required "fl oz" level.

Add the appropriate amount of water to the "gallons" level. Replace sprayer top on jar and shake well before spraying.

Attach sprayer to hose. Extend hose to the farthest area of lawn to be treated and work toward faucet. Apply evenly to lawn.


To refill the Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns plus Crabgrass Killer, measure 8.5 fl oz of Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns plus Crabgrass Killer Concentrate into a 1 gal container and mix with water to make 1 gal of solution. Mix thoroughly before using. See Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns plus Crabgrass Killer label for complete directions.


Adequate moisture and mild environmental conditions enhance the performance of this product. Applications should be made to actively growing weeds. Apply when daytime temperatures are between 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid applications of this product when turfgrasses are under stress since injury may result.

For newly seeded areas:

  • Do not apply within four weeks after seedling emergence of Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue blends and perennial ryegrass. Apply this product to newly seeded grasses when well-established (approximately six weeks after seedling emergence) or after the third mowing.

For newly sodded, sprigged or plugged areas:

  • The application of this product to newly sodded, sprigged or plugged grasses should be delayed until three to four weeks after the sodding, sprigging or plugging operations.


  • Turf species listed on this label can be seeded into the treated areas at four weeks after the application of this product.


  • Do not apply this product immediately before rainfall or irrigation. For best results, do not irrigate or water the turfgrass within 24 hours after application.
  • If dry conditions exist, a scheduled irrigation or watering 24 hours before and 24 hours after application is recommended.


  • Delay mowing two days before and until two days after the application of this product. Additional stress from low mowing heights may increase the possibility of turf injury.
  • Clippings from the first three mowings should be left on the treated area. Do not use clippings from the treated areas as mulch or compost around flowers, ornamentals or trees or in vegetable gardens.


  • Do not treat when air temperatures exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit as damage to grass may occur.
  • Application at rates above specified on this label may cause injury to turfgrass.
  • Do not apply this product to food crops (gardens and vegetables), forage crops or ornamental plants, including flowers, trees, shrubs, hedges, woody ornamentals, groundcovers established in landscape plantings and other nontarget plants.
  • Do not spray exposed roots of ornamentals and trees.

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How long after application of Spectracide Weed Stop do pets need to be kept out of the area?

Pets can return to areas treated with Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer when all surfaces are completely dry.  

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How soon can Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer be sprayed after reseeding an area in a cool season lawn?

Per the manufacturer, apply Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer to newly seeded grasses when well-established (approximately six weeks after seedling emergence) or after the third mowing.

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Why the difference in the orange and the green caps of Spectracide products?

Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer Concentrate is the one with the orange top and it is a concentrate that need to be mixed before applying. Spectracide Weed and Feed 20-0-0 Ready to Spray has a green top and it is a ready to use product that connects to a hose. It is also a weed and feed with a 20-0-0. 

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