Talstar P Professional Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 301 to 320 (of 1268 questions)
  • Asked by Robert from Jacksonville, Fl.
    I'm using Talstar to treat my home for bed bugs. Is it safe to spray on furniture like the couch and mattress?

    Absolutely not.  Talstar is not labeled to apply to any furniture, mattresses, or other areas that you may come into contact with.  Talstar is restricted to cracks and crevices and other areas that you would not come into contact with.  The instructions for applying Talstar for Bed Bugs are below, and you should know that even in the instructions it states that Talstar should not be used as your only protection against bed bugs.  Our most popular product for bed bugs is our bed bug kits.  

    Bedbugs: Thorough application should be made to crack and crevices
    where evidence of bed bugs occurs. This includes bed frames, box
    springs, inside empty dressers and clothes closets and carpet edges,
    high and low wall moldings and wallpaper edges. Do not use this product
    on bed linens, pillows, mattresses or clothes. Remove all clothes
    and other articles from dressers or clothes closets before application.
    Allow all treated areas to thoroughly dry before use. Not recommended
    for use as sole protection against bedbugs. If evidence of bedbugs is
    found in/on mattresses, use products approved for this use.

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  • Asked by Dennis from Mechanicsville, Maryland
    Need help getting rid of biting flies, horseflies and other smaller biting flies by my swimming pool
    the flies are constantly buzzing around your head and biting when you are in the pool and on the one side of my yard primarily
    Horseflies and many other species of biting flies tend to develop on the edge of bodies of water and since they are strong fliers these breeding areas can be near or far which makes finding the source next to impossible. You can apply a product such as Talstar P around the pool area and flies that land on the treated areas will be eliminated. Using Talstar will give some relief but since these flies can fly over treated areas it can be tough to get complete control. Relief should be on the way soon however as horsefly season is usually on 3-6 weeks long.
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  • Asked by Denny from Sharpsburg, Ga
    Will Talstar P harm Anole Lizards?
    We have anoles in our organic vegetable garden and we don't want to harm them. Will they be harmed by this chemical, when it is sprayed on the house and windows?
    As long as the lizards are not sprayed directly with Talstar they should not suffer any ill effects from the use of the product. You may notice a reduction in the lizards however as their food source (insects) will be reduced or eliminated by using Talstar P.
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  • Asked by Bobby
    What to use for ground bees?
    what to use for ground bees?
    Ground bees, also known as digger bees, can be very difficult to control no matter what product you use and they most likely will come back to your property year after year unless you do your part to alter your property to make it unfavorable to the bees. Ground bees prefer dry soils with thin grasses so irrigating the area frequently and correcting any issue that causes your grass to be thin will help deter the bees from nesting. In areas where you do not have grass, a layer of mulch will help deter the bees from nesting. Ground bees are solitary bees and are not very aggressive and are known to be a beneficial insect which is why you will not find any products specifically labeled for this type of bee. Talstar P can help provide some level of control but it will not get rid of all of the ground bees on your property. You should use Talstar P at a 1 oz of product to 1 gallon of water for a 1,000 sq ft area ratio. This will give you the fastest knockdown and the longest lasting residual. Talstar P does not offer an instant knockdown but will kill insects that come into contact with treated areas over a short period of time.
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  • Asked by Jerry from United States
    I intend to use Talastar P liquid in my yard for chinch bugs. Does it require watering in?

    According to the Talstar P product label:

    Chinch Bugs infest the base of grass plants and are often found in the thatch layer. Irrigation of the grass area before treatment will optimize the penetration of the insecticide to the area where the chinch bugs are located. Use higher volume applications if the thatch layer is excessive or if a relatively long
    mowing height is being maintained. Chinch Bugs can be one of the most difficult pests to control in grasses and the higher application rates (Up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet) may be required to control populations that contain both nymphs and adults during the middle of the summer.

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  • Asked by Eliud from Edinburg Tx
    can you mix talstar pro with demon wp?
    Do the insecticides loose their potency if you mix 3 scoops of demon EP and 2 ounces of talstar pro in 1 1/4 gallons of water? For indoor use
    These products should not be mixed together. There is no valid reason to mix Demon WP and Talstar P together.  Talstar P is a synthetic pyrethroid and Demon WP already contains a synthetic pyrethroid, so there would be nothing to gain by mixing these products together. Making a pesticide too strong can actually backfire. Areas that are treated with this overly concentrated spray will be repellent and insects will simply avoid the treated areas prolonging the infestation.
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  • Asked by Mark from Denver, Co
    What product to use on evergreen trees and aspens to protect against insects?
    I want to protect my landscaping trees from insects. None of the plants are edible.
    Talstar P is a great general use insecticide and can be used on trees, bushes and other ornamental plants and it labeled for many kinds of plant infesting insects. You should note that almost all insecticides have the potential to make evergreen trees loose a bit of their color.
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  • Asked by Robert from N Springfield ,vt
    what is the best ant killer for tiny ants
    I leave in Vermont and have sandy soil every thing i have tryed to kill very small ants the make tiny ant hills all over my lawn I dont have a problem with them getting in the house just my lawn about 1/2 acre
    We apologize after re-reading your question, we have determined a better recommendation for you. You can use Talstar P as a broadcast treatment out in the yard and around your home to treat those tiny black ants.
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  • Asked by Jeff from Potomac, Md
    Something growing in my Talstar P
    I have a 3/4 gal bottle of Talstar P. It is one year old. I have used it in my 2 homes and it is very effective. But today, I went to use it and noticed some dark green or grey black splotches in the measuring area of the bottle. There was only residual product in that part. I measured out the amount I needed and when I poured it out, it was somewhat clumpy. Which indicates a fungus growing in there. Just want to know your thoughts. I keep the bottle in my basement in a cabinet, so there is no light hitting the bottle. Thanks!

    We apologize that there appears to be fungus like substance in your bottle of Talstar P. There was an issue with one Lot of 3/4 gallon Talstar from FMC last year. We would be more than happy to ship you a new bottle or refund you for this bottle from the defective Lot. You can call us at 866-581-7378 to follow up of this matter up.

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  • Asked by Geo from Miami, Fl
    How many ounces of Talstar to put into 100 gal. of water?
    Since Talstar is mixed using 1 ounce per gallon water, you would add 100 ounces or 3 quarts into 100 gallons water.
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  • Asked by Terence from Stamford,ct
    Will Talstar work against camel crickets
     Talstar P will kill camel crickets. Apply Talstar P as a crack and crevice or spot spray to areas where pests hide, such as baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, stoves, the underside of shelves, drawers and similar areas. Do not use as a space spray. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices. We recommend treating the outside perimeter to help stop insect pests from coming indoors to start with. Apply Talstar P to a band of soil and vegetation 6 to 10 feet wide around and adjacent to the structure. Also, treat the foundation of the structure to a height of 2 to 3 feet.
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  • Asked by Rachel from Idaho
    We live in Idaho and have Hobo spiders-will Talstar take care of these?
    Talstar P will kill and is labeled to kill Hobo spiders among many other pest.
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  • Asked by Clyde from Parrish, Fl
    What is a good pesticide for Florida?
    I live in Florida and would like to know what is a very effective pestiside to use outside. I was also wondering what do the professionals use. So I can do my own pest control. Also we have these very tiny ants that you can barely, you need to get up very close to them and then you can see them crawling on the house. I don't know what they call them but we seem to have quite a bit of them in our area. very tiny tiny ants
    Our most popular general use product is called Talstar.  It is widely used by pest control companies because it is labeled for almost every insect you could have a problem with including ants and you can use it outside the home as well as inside, it is odorless and very safe for use around children and pets.  It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water in a one gallon hand pump sprayer.  It will last for 60 to 90 days outside in between treatments.  It is also labeled for lawn and ornamental use, and can be used on trees, plants, bushes and shrubs for all sorts of ornamental pests including Japanese beetles, mosquitoes, and other leaf eating pests.
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  • Asked by Jay from Harrisburg, Pa
    Does Talstar contain a Surfactant? if not is there any advantage to using one with this product?
    Talstar p does not contain a surfactant. A surfactant is not usually need but can be used if you are trying to protect a plant with waxy leaves and need the product to stick a bit better.
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  • Asked by Casey from Georgia
    permethrin with talstar p
    can you mix permethrin with talstar in a 1 gallon backpack blower fogger system to treat for mosquitos? would one chemical neautralize the other?
    There would be no need to mix the two together as it will not make your spray any stronger, and the labels do not permit being mixed with other insecticides. Both products are synthetic pyrethroids and could possibly take away from the effectiveness of each other. If you were to mix anything together to increase your control over mosquitoes, it would be the use of a birth control like NyGuard IGR. This keeps the population from being able to breed and reproduce which cuts back the problem drastically.
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  • Asked by Carol from Franklin, Nc 28734
    Once sprayed on a hemlock tree, how long does it take for Talstar P to kill wooly adelgids?
    I finished spraying around 11:00 AM and a hard rain came around 6:00 PM.
    Talstar P does not provide an instant knockdown. Talstar P will kill wooly adelgids and other insects within 20 to 30 minutes to a few hours after application
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  • Asked by Diana from Glen Arm, Md
    Does the liquid reactivate once it gets wet again after the initial application dries?
    The Talstar stays active after it dries so it does not need to get wet to effectively control the insects. Indoors it will last up to 90 days and outdoors it can typically hold up to the outdoor elements for 30 days at least.
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  • Asked by Mark from Florida
    Does Talstar P work on bagworms
    I'm in Florida and have a house covered in bagworms. After pressure cleaning and painting, I want to prevent them from returning.
    Yes, Talstar P will eradicate bag worms. You want to apply at a rate of 1fl oz per 1 gal of water
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  • Asked by David
    To use with a hose end sprayer, would you pour Talstar directly into the container, then set to 1 fl/ounce?
    The application is for psyllids on shrubs. resistor
    Yes, you can use Talstar with a Hose end sprayer. You can pour the Talstar directly into the hose end sprayer tank and set the dial setting.
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  • Asked by Eric from Alabama
    What is your very best general bug protection for outside use?
    Our most popular general use product is called Talstar.  It is widely used by pest control companies because it is labeled for almost every insect you could have a problem with and you can use it outside the home as well as inside, it is odorless and very safe for use around children and pets.  It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water in a one gallon hand pump sprayer.  It will last for 60 to 90 days outside in between treatments.  It is also labeled for lawn and ornamental use, and can be used on trees, plants, bushes and shrubs for all sorts of ornamental pests including Japanese beetles, mosquitoes, and other leaf eating pests. Talstar is also available in a granule formula called Talstar PL if you prefer to use granules.
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Displaying 301 to 320 (of 1268 questions)