Customer Reviews for Temprid Ready To Spray

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3.8 of 5 stars
(70 customer reviews)
Temprid Ready To Spray

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Not so great.

    By Thomas on 10/09/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I bought 8 cans of Temprid spray for $19 each ($152 total) and had little to zero results. I was told by the DMOPC consultant/expert to treat my bed, bedroom, baseboards and surrounding area for at least 4-5 weeks, once a week. I did it 4x, doing it every other week for the first 3 treatments and then waited 3 weeks and did it a 4th time. I found that for the first 3-4 days after a treatment I got zero bites (no blood spots on sheets) but after that got bitten. Very frustrating. I have now lost confidence in Temprid even though maybe one or two more treatments might have miraculously done the trick. Who knows? I now have put down the Alpine DE dust I bought from DMOPC many months ago and am hoping some benefit comes from that. My health is very poor so to do each treatment which involves talking the bed apart and spraying here and there and even putting comforters in the hot dryer can be overwhelming at times. NO way could I do those treatments once/week. I would also think I would have seen some benefit even after the effort and money I put in but have not. I spoke to two consultants/experts at DMOPC and they were very nice and seemed very knowledgeable. Since I have read the reviews on the pesticide Fenvastar on here, that seems like a better way to go. One HUGE caveat: The makers of Temprid (Bayer) have made the spray valve poorly and you will find Temprid leaking out over your hand and onto the floor as you use it. I must have lost about 1/2 a can in spray liquid the while using the 1st two cans. I would suggest using the alternative spray top (the black vs white one) which can have a straw like piece fit into it. It is meant to be used to get into small cracks and crevices but it seems to allow a lot less Temprid to leak from the can and still provides a good steam of spray to come out. I also hired a professional back in March of 2013 (when I fist discovered this BB problem)and again in Oct of 2013 for a total of $1400 and although saw much improvement after the 1st treatment, they obviously did not finish the job. They even told me in their 2nd visit they thought I did not have BBs anymore. They were wrong. Just because you do not see them anymore, does not mean you do not have them. Blood spots do not just show up on pillow cases and sheets for no reason. To be fair, I also wonder, now that I have been living in apt for about 2 years, if my whole building is infected and I was the only on to notify the LL and pay for a professional to help? Most of the people are working class and I would see how many would not tell the L and use some 3rd rate treatment from Home Depot. But I am not sure if anyone else has them because the LL asked me to not tell anyone else because he is worried about his reputation in our little town. That is my story and hope it helps someone else make a decision on what to use. Maybe a healthier person could do 4, 5 or 6 Temprid treatments each week and solve their BB issue but I am not physically able to do that. Best wishes to everyone looking to solve a BB problem.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Poor Packaging

    By Angela on 01/23/2016

    I have gotten three orders of this product and the little that I have gotten out of the can does work. After a couple of sprays the valve clogs and no more product is released even though there is more in the can when your shake it. I then received a replacement order and the same situation happened. The faulty cans were to have been removed from production. Once I received a can with the straw attached to the top and I was able to use the entire can, however, in order to keep up the recommended treatment you should be able to apply several applications of the product from the two cans per order. I will order the liquid and make my own in a spry bottle.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Not so great.

    By Thomas on 10/13/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Doubt this will get printed as this company seems very selective about what they allow to be shown but Temprid was a disappointment. I followed all their instructions (some were emailed to me and I watched a video) and treated my mattress, box spring, bed frame and all the wall boards in my bdrm. Also treated wall boards in hallway outside bdrm and even my bathroom and 1 couch. I live in a small apt. The Temprid leaks out of the bottle over ones hand and onto the floor so suggest changing the white cap with the black one that has a straw fitted into for spraying smaller areas. It leaks less but still sprays well. I treated my bdrm and surrounding area 4x over 7 weeks and each time, after about 3-4 days, BBs were back and biting. Very frustrating. I am now using some Alpine DE dust I bought hoping that might help in the long run.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    The Temprid Ready Spray does have a very strong spray, especially when the can is fuller. It is always best to wear gloves when applying insecticides in case of leaks. When treating for bed bugs, you should expect to treat thoroughly every 10-14 days until you have at least 30 days with no signs of bed bug activity. We are also always happy to discuss your treatment with you over the phone at 866-581-7378 M-F 9a-5p EST.

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    11 of 11 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Not impressed

    By Ann on 03/28/2015

    I was so happy to have gotten Temprid. However, it was a bit of a disappointment. First, the caps make spraying uncomfortable. Then, I noticed that the day after I sprayed I was getting bitten more than before. I did not want to believe so I purchased two more bottles and the same thing happened. I sprayed according to instructions and the next day I got bitten like crazy and I dont know why that is but Temprid does not seem to work for me it's only making things worse so I am just going to find another product that can help me.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    We would like to know more about your situation so that we may offer you additional advice. Temprid SC is a residual insecticide and will take time to work, regardless of which pest you are treating. Please feel free to call us at 866-581-7378 M-F 9a-5p or email us at [email protected].

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    5 of 5 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Temprid no spray

    By Marsha on 05/01/2020

    Disappointed shook can rapidly for a minute before using and a short spray came out than stopped. Cleaned cap with water and retired. Nothing. To pricey for no results.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Ineffective Product.

    By Matt on 10/13/2021

    Sprayed a visible ant trail along the baseboard a couple days ago and there has been no changes in the ants and now spiders also walk on the "chemical" without any issue. Customer service basically told me it doesn't work in an email last night, "So we would absolutely expect that you would still see ants or other insects walking across areas treated with Temprid, at least for a few hours."- Rachel from customer service. Well it's been a few days and nothing has changed at all and this spray is useless. What a complete rip off, no wonder they bundle this with an Ant Bundle so they can pawn the garbage out with liquid ant bait that works.. I've ordered stuff from this site for years but the trust is gone after this bullshit.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By Terry on 08/31/2018

    don't waste your money doesn't work at all no residual

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Doesn't work!

    By Meredith on 03/28/2020

    For the last 3 1/2 we have been trying y exterminate these damned bed bugs. it doesn't work hire a pro.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Terrible spray bottle! Gets all over you.

    By Barb on 04/10/2023

    This review is for the bottle. As the appeal of this product is that it is conveniently ready to use for you, no mixing, just grab and spray! To start, I didn't receive the straw with it to target the crevices. That was easily taken care of with a call to customer service and then a wait for the straws to be mailed to me. However, I was battling an ant problem in a new to us house. I didn't have that time to wait. Now for the bottle. It sucks. It sprays unevenly. Shooting out in all different directions and it runs down your hand and gets everywhere you don't want it. On your body and drips on the floor below you and sprays every which way. There is no indicator dot on the can telling you what way to tune the spray piece, and I found that no matter what position I turned it I had no consistent spray pattern and it leaked and dripped everywhere. The product works well when combined with a comprehensive program to get rid of your target pest. Don't buy this can for applying it!!!

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Nothing came out. Can not pressurized

    By Chris on 11/20/2020

    Nothing came out of the can because it wasn't pressurized. The can could easily be crushed in one hand. Waste of money.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Big fail

    By Paul on 07/02/2021

    Only got 2 sprays out of this aerosol can and it stoped spraying. Now i have a full can of product that i can't use. Waste

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Doesn't spray

    By Anthony on 09/24/2021

    I was excited that the temprid came in a spray for. That was portable and didn't require mixing. However, after 1 small use the spray nozzle does not work, nothing sprays, and I have about 95% of the spray left but it is useless.

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