Due to the strength of Tenacity, and the need to not over apply or overlap with it during application to avoid discoloring or excess stress to the desirable turf grass, we do not recommend mixing other post emergent herbicides in the same tank with it unless stated on the label. Tenacity should be applied with a Non Ionic Surfactant and a temporary marking dye like Turf Mark Blue to ensure no overlapping occurs to cause your turf to whiten. We would recommend applying the Triad Select in a separate application. Should you decide to try tank mix the two, we recommend doing a tank mix test first for compatibility, and test a small area to ensure safety to the lawn. Though be aware Tenacity is not labeled to effect bermuda at all.
Tenacity Herbicide only states that it can cause undesired injury to kikuyugrass but it does not give instructions on how to control with Tenacity, which leads us to believe it may only temporarily damage it rather than actually kill it all the way out. Once your new seed has come up and become established to tolerate herbicide use, you could use Hi Yield Turflon Ester to spray over the kikuyugrass to eliminate it from the ryegrass in the lawn.
Per the Hi Yield Turflon Ester Product Label for Control of Kikuyugrass:
Apply Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester at a rate of 3/8 to 3/4 fluid ounces per 1000 square feet. To improve activity, MSMA herbicide may be tank mixed with the ½ quart per acre rate of Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester. Three to four additional applications at 4 to 6 week intervals may be required to achieve control of kikuyugrass
You will need to wait one year after Tenacity is used in a given area before you can plant edible vegetation in that area.
You should not mow within 2 days before or after an application of Tenacity Herbicide or any other herbicides.
For Spot Treatments with Tenacity Herbicide, mix 1 tsp Tenacity + 3 tsp Non Ionic Surfactant in 2 gallons of water and apply one gallon of mixed solution per 1,000 sq ft.
When using Tenacity, foliage of treated weeds cease growth after application, then turn white (loss of chlorophyll) and death may take up to three weeks. A repeat application is required after two to three weeks for improved postemergence weed control.
As long as the initial application of Tenacity Herbicide has had a chance to dry after a post emergent application it will not be washed away with rain after. Best to apply when no rain is expected within 24 hours to be sure.
When using Tenacity Herbicide as a post-emergent, you can apply anytime before seeding, but keep in mind that it may take a couple weeks to kill the target plants, so you would want to wait for those plants to die before aerating and reseeding. It is recommended to rake out the dead plant matter prior to aerating and reseeding the lawn.
Tenacity Herbicide will kill the crabgrass, weeds, and clover eventually. However, if you are seeding you may want to remove the dead weeds to allow the seeds more room to grow. Otherwise, you can just leave it as is.
If the Tenacity Herbicide application had enough time to completely dry before the temperatures spiked to 93 degrres, there shouldn’t be any issues. It is recommended to apply Tenacity when temperatures are between 65 to 85 degrees so early morning or late evening applications may work best if temperatures above 85 degrees during the day are expected. If any yellowing or discoloration occurs, the turf should recover after a couple weeks.
Tenacity Herbicide is best applied 2 weeks before planting/seeding a lawn or wait at least 2-3 weeks after seeding to apply. When pre-germinating and planting in the area we would recommend waiting at least 4 weeks to apply so it is established.
Tenacity is not labeled for use around anything edible so we cannot recommend it be used in an orchard. We apologize but we do not currently have a product labeled for control of nimblewill in orchards. However, you can click here and contact your local cooperative extension office to speak with a Master Gardner to find the name of a product and then contact us to see if we have access to that product.
Yes, you can use Tenacity to kill nimblewill. Per the product label:
Apply Tenacity at 5 fl. oz. per acre in at least 30 gallons of water per acre at two to three week interval for up to three applications. Apply with a NIS surfactant.
Tenacity Herbicide can be used as both a spot treatment in your lawn or as a broadcast spray. It can be applied with any hand pump sprayer. Many of our customers like the Chapin Premier 1-Gallon Sprayer.
We see no reason why you cannot apply Weed Be Gone now. It has been 3 weeks after Tenacity Herbicide, which is plenty of time. Please take a look at the Tenacity product label to be sure that it is safe to apply to your particular grass species.
No, Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled for Horse's Tail (Equisetum arvense), so we would not recommend using this product for it.
It may be fine to mix both Tenacity and Gordon's Trimec together but has not been tested by the manufacturer. We recommend that you perform a jar test to an inconspicuous area first prior to a full application to confirm if you wish to use them both together.