We recommend that you let the Tenacity Herbicide application dry completely and then applying the insecticide.
Tenacity Herbicide can be applied in the summer and works best on crabgrass that has just emerged up to the 4 tiller stage. Keep in mind that the best temperature range to apply most herbicides, including Tenacity, is between 65-85 degrees. We recommend early morning or late evening applications to avoid damage to your lawn.
Tenacity Herbicide is labeled for post emergent control of actively growing lawn burweed (spurweed, stickerweed, sandbur, sanbur, and sandspur) but will not offer any pre emergent control to prevent sandbur from germinating. When using Tenacity for post emergent control of weeds, a Non Ionic Surfactant is needed.
View the full list of Weeds Controlled (Pre & Post Emergent) on page 9 of the product label.
Tenacity Herbicide cannot be used on residential St Augustine lawns and will not eliminate woodsorrel.
To control woodsorrel (also known as oxalis) in a St Augustine lawn, you could use a product like Hi Yield Atrazine, or Fertilome Weed Free Zone.
It is recommended to apply a pre emergent like Pendulum 2G in Fall and Spring. (55 degrees in the Spring / Between 70 and 55 degrees in the Fall). Pre emergents prevent weeds from germinating which will help cut down on the amount of post emergents needed during growing seasons.
View our St. Augustine Lawn Care Guide and Warm Season Calendar Schedule for more information.
It would be best to wait to apply Tenacity Herbicide until the grass has completely dried before the application. Be sure to mix in a Non Ionic Surfactant when doing post emergent applications.
Tenacity Herbicide cannot be used on home lawns that have St Augustine. It is only for use on St Augustine in sod farms.
Tenacity Herbicide is not specifically labeled to treat deer tongue grass.
No, Tenacity Herbicide should only be applied to the turf grasses listed on the product label. For nutsedge in landscaped areas it is recommended to spot treat the sedge with a glyphosate or Round Up type product directly. We recommend Roundup QuickPro 1.5 oz. packs for ease of use.
It is not recommended to use a hose-end sprayer to treat your lawn with Tenacity Herbicide or any other herbicide. The problem with using hose-end sprayers is that they are not very accurate, and you can wind up dispensing more or less product than recommended per area. This can lead to less than desirable results.
Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled to treat beggarweed. Fertilome Weed Free Zone is labeled to treat beggarweed on listed grasses. Please see the product label for complete application instructions.
Tenacity Herbicide should not be used within 3 feet of desirable trees or ornamentals.
Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled to be used on alfalfa or pastures so would be recommended to keep applications at least 10 feet away and avoid any drift/contact from contacting the areas.
If the Tenacity Herbicide is used on semi-dormant grass, it may harm the turf as you have seen since it is only labeled to be used on fully dormant bermudagrass. You can wait it out to see if the bermuda grows back or you would wait at least 3-4 months to reseed.. The label does not give a specific time frame of reseeding with bermuda when Tenacity is used but since it is shorter-acting than other pre-emergents so as long as the residual of Tenacity is gone, you can reseed/sod.
It depends on what type of turfgrass Tenacity Herbicide was applied to. If the grass is labeled tolerant to the product then it will bounce back as long as it's a healthy lawn. We would recommend to contact your county extension office to identify if it's a disease.
is only labeled to be used in turfgrasses for weed control. If there are no desirable plants in the area where you have rock areas, it should not be an issue to just spot treat the weeds there directly, but usually something like RoundUp QuikPro is more used in this case.
Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled for horsetail.
Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled for coltsfoot. You can see the article below from Washington State where they have done studies on the plant and the recommendations for control. There do not appear to be any herbicides specifically labeled for this weed currently.
Coltsfoot Weed
Tenacity would be applied as a pre-emergent in spring when soil temperatures are about 55 degrees. This will vary depending on your location, so we advise to reach out to your local extension office for advise on perfect timing in your area. Keep in mind that Tenacity only last about 30 days in the soil when applied as a pre-emergent. So if you are not overseeding your turfgrass, then we recommend selecting a different product such as Barricade 4L.