Tenacity Herbicide can be used for pre-emergent control once the soil temperature in your region reaches 55 degrees Fahrenheit, and can also be used for post-emergent control if weeds are actively growing. You can refer to our Lawn Care Schedule for Warm Season Grasses for more information on the best timing for treatments on your specific lawn type. You may also reach out to your local cooperative extension office for timing application advice specific to your area.
We would not recommend using this product on dormant centipede. If the Tenacity Herbicide is used on semi-dormant grass, it may harm the turf. Tenacity also does not have very good cool-weather performance as a post-emergent. If you would like to share some of the specific weeds you are targeting, then we may be able to better assist you.
Tenacity Herbicide is labeled for pre and post emergent control for specific listed weeds. Please refer to the Weeds Controlled Table on page 9 of the product label to see if your target weeds are controlled by pre and/or post emergent applications. When appying Tenacity Herbicide for post emergent control of actively growing weeds, a Non Ionic Surfactant should be used for best results.
If you are applying Tenacity Herbicide for a crabgrass pre-emergent, then you would apply in late early spring before soil temperatures reach about 55 degrees. Keep in mind that if you are not overseeding in the spring, you usually want to use a different pre-emergent with longer soil residual or add another one for longer and more complete weed prevention.
We have more information in our Crabgrass Pre-Emergent Guide here.
Tenacity Herbicide is safe to use in a yard where pets and wildlife frequent as long as they are out of the area during the application. They can safely return after the area has dried typically after a few hours.
Tenacity Herbicide should only be used on St. Augustine grass that is grown on sod farms. It cannot be used on St. Augustine in residential lawns.
Unfortunately, there is no herbicide that will get rid of weeds permanently. Tenacity Herbicide, like other herbicides, can be applied up to 3 times a year, at 2 to 3 week intervals, on a yearly basis as long as you do not go over the max annual rate per area. It does only last up to 30 days as a pre-emergent application. It may be possible to eventually see reduction of weeds but keep in mind that the elements as well as birds can eventually introduce new weed seeds into your yard.
No, Tenacity Herbicide should only be applied to the turf grasses listed on the product label.This product cannot be used in or around edibles.
Tenacity Herbicide should not be applied to ornamental beds or areas where you intend to plant anything other than listed turfgrasses within at least 18 months, per the product label. We recommend you do not apply Tenacity where you intend to plant ornamentals or that you create raised beds or remove the soil where Tenacity may have been applied.
There is no wait time to seed when using Tenacity alone, but Speedzone Herbicide requires 2 weeks from day of the application before seeding, according to the product label.
That would depend a little bit on what kind of soil conditioner you are applying and how it instructs you to use it. If its a product that needs to be incorporated into the top layer of soil or applied in any way that would disturb the Tenacity barrier, you would need to have either applied it before the Tenacity, or about 30-45 days after. Tenacity as a pre emergent only lasts about a month in the soil so after that time you could safely apply it if it requires the barrier be interrupted. If its just applied to the top of the soil and watered in, etc you can apply it within a few days of the Tenacity treatment.
Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled for sandburs.
Tenacity Herbicide is best applied at the same time as when you overseed for preemergent control of weeds.If you have already overseeded, then it is best to wait until after the 2nd mowing or 30 days (whichever is longer) to apply Tenacity with a Non Ionic Surfactant for post emergent control of weeds.
You can apply Tenacity as a pre-emergent anytime before seeding a cool-season lawn. If you are planning to overseed this spring, however, you cannot apply a product that has Dimension in it before seeding or until the new grass is well established (Dimension will prevent the turfgrass seeds from germinating). We would recommend that you aerate before applying any kind of pre-emergent so that you do not disturb your soil applications. Please review our Cool Season Lawn Care Schedule and Guide for more information.
Tenacity is only labeled for use in Kentucky Bluegrass, Centipedegrass, Buffalograss, Tall Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, Fine Fescue, St. Augustine Grass (grown for sod only). You should not use Tenacity Herbicide on or around desirable ornamental plants or groundcovers, such as pachysandra.
Normally it is fine to mix two herbicides like this together. It is always recommended to do a small jar test first just to make sure they combine well and there is no clumping or separating. You will want to follow the label instructions for both products on tank mixing or how to do a compatibility test.
No, Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled for zoysiagrass therefore could injure or kill the turfgrass.
Per the manufacturer, you will need to wait 18 months after the last application of Tenacity Herbicide to plant anything other than turfgrass. They also advise that you do not use the grass clippings from treated turf as mulch. Please be sure to review the product label for more information and complete application instructions.
If not applied around the same time you should wait 1 week to apply another herbicide. Tenacity Herbicide when mixed with a non ionic surfactant will control crabgrass up to the 4 tiller leaf state only and is best applied when it just emerges. Drive XLR8 is actually the top product for crabgrass and can kill it best when it just emerges or after it has fully matured just not as good during the 2-4 tiller (middle) state. A methylated seed oil surfactant is also recommended for best results with Drive XLR8. Which you use can depend on the tiller stage of the crabgrass but Drive is usually the go to for post emergent control of crabgrass.