Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 261 to 280 (of 965 questions)
  • Asked by Jarrett from Montville,nj
    What if don't trench around the house with Termidor SC?
    Will the treatment still serve the same purpose?
    Termidor SC should be applied in a trench and drilled holes for a proper termite treatment so there is a complete barrier around the structure. If treated properly, it will last 10 years in the soil. If you are treating for ants, you will spray topically a foot up and a foot out directly up against the structure once every six months.
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  • Asked by Ray from Ohio
    Can I use Termidor SC for ants around a honey bee hive?
    I would like to spray it on the ground around hive and also my home. Will it kill my bees? Is there anything better / safer to use?
    We would not recommend using Termidor SC around a honey bee hive. Instead, we would recommend using Mavrik Perimeter. Mavrik Perimeter is for outdoor use and is known for its immediate control of a variety of insects including mosquitoes, ants, spiders, ticks, springtails, cockroaches and fire ants. With Mavrik Perimeter there is no lingering odor or visible residue and when dry it is non toxic and non repellent to honey bees. 
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  • Asked by Susan from Florida
    Does Termidor SC also kill southern chinch bugs?
    I am looking for something very effective against ants and chinch bugs.
    Termidor SC is not labeled for chinch bugs and cannot be used in a yard where this pest is found.

    Bifen IT is one of our most popular products for Chinch Bug Control. The key is to use lots of water to carry the Bifen IT down to the thatch layer underneath the grass, where the chinch bugs do the most damage. Please read the product label for proper application instructions.
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  • Asked by Alicia from Texas
    Does Termidor need to resprayed if it rains?
    I sprayed Termidor around the perimeter of my house yesterday to try and combat an infestation of crazy ants we have. About 8 hours later it rained. I know the Termidor was completely dry by this point but I'm wondering if the rain rendered it ineffective and if I need to respray now?
    Termidor SC is rainfast after 6 hours. If you treated and it dried prior to the rainfall, you should not have to retreat.
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  • Asked by Susie from Seminole Fl.
    Does Termidor SC kill German roaches and how long does it stay active?
    Termidor SC is NOT labeled for indoor pest control including for German Roaches. We recommend applying the products in our German Roach Control Kit. For more information on roach control, please check out our German Roach Article.
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  • Asked by Scott
    How would you use this product for a yellow jacket nest or a nest in wall or attic void?
    When using Termidor SC to treat yellow jackets, mix .8fl oz of Termidor SC per gallon of water and treat ONLY the exterior points of the home where you have located the yellow jacket nest. Treat using a low-pressure coarse banded surface spray up to 18 inches in
    width around doors, windows, vents, pipes or any other exterior openings and/or with a crack and crevice injection tip into foundation cracks or drilled holes where listed pests could enter the structure. Inside the home, we recommend using an insecticide dust such as Tempo 1%. You will want to drill holes into walls to access nest and apply dust with a bellow duster such as the B&G Bulb Duster. Termidor SC is a non repellent and will transfer through the colony very effectively.
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  • Asked by Thom from New Port Richey,florida
    I have a well. How safe is Termidor SC to use around well water?
    Do not apply Termidor SC within 5 feet of a well or cistern. Treatment within 5 to 10 feet of a well or cistern must be done by backfill method only (removing the dirt to be treated and replacing it after it has been treated elsewhere or in a container such as a wheelbarrow).
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  • Asked by Marcus from San Diego, Ca
    Does Termidor kill grubs?
    Termidor SC is not labeled to control grubs and is also not allowed to be used in the yard for any pest. If you are having a problem with grubs in your yard you would either use a product like Dylox Granules if the infestation is current, or use a product like Merit Granules in the spring to prevent grubs from being a problem throughout the year. This time of year is not a good time to treat for grubs as they will be going deeper into the soil soon and will no longer be feeding on your lawn. They must be feeding actively in order for either the Dylox or the Merit to work and most people only see very limited and partial control when trying to treat for grubs this time of year. You can follow the instructions on the product labels to see how to apply the products to your property.
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  • Asked by Mike from San Tan Valley, Az
    We have termites in our palm trees, how and can we treat them?

    Termites do not normally attack live, healthy trees so you most likely will not find any products that will work as a ground barrier around the trees.  Most people are primarily concerned with protecting the big investment, their home, and Termidor SCwould be the product to use for that.  It is only labeled to be used adjacent to the structure though.  Please take a moment to read over our article on "How to do a Termite Treatment" for complete details.

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  • Asked by Tania from Nebraska
    When is it safe for children to be around when using Termidor inside?
    We are drilling holes inside our house on the concrete slab and using Termidor. Is it safe for children to be around, or how long before it is safe for them?
    No, we would NOT recommend using Termidor SC when children are around. Once the product is dry, it is safe for your children to return to the area. Termidor SC normally dries within a matter of hours depending on the temperatures outdoors.
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  • Asked by John from Silver Spring Md 20904
    What is your best selling product for killing ants?
    We would really like to know what type ants you are needing to treat? We recommend you use a product called Termidor SC around the exterior of your home. Termidor is the # 1 choice for ant control around the home. Termidor is a non-repellent insecticide that works with a delayed reaction amd also has a transfer effect. That means that ants cannot tell that the Termidor is there and will walk right over it and then pick the product up on their bodies and inadvertently carry it back to the colony, then through normal social interaction the ants spread the Termidor and wipe out the colony. Termidor only needs to be applied two times per year and is effective for a wide variety of insects including ants, centipedes, roaches, spiders, silverfish, wasps and many other nuisance insects. You will need to apply Termidor SC 1-2 ft up the foundation and 1-2 ft out onto the ground, around door frames, window frames, places where cables, pipes or wires go through the wall and any other crack or crevice where the ants can gain entry into your home.
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  • Asked by Kim from United States
    Can I place the termite liquid treatment along the foundation of my home where there is just a small gap?
    The gap is between the foundation an a cement walkway. I plan to place backer rod and sikaflex to fill the gap. Would the treatment be effective if I placed it on the opposite side of the cement walkway (side not up against house)?
    We would reommend drilling through the gap or 3 inches away from the foundation of your home. Holes should be spaced 12 inches apart and drill holes should be a minimum of 6 inches deep below the cooncrete. Concrete is typically 3-4 inches in depth, therefore, you wold need to drill a total of 10-12 inches.
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  • Asked by William from Edgewood Md
    I had a friend of mine use Termidor SC in my trench but he did not use enough water. Will this ruin product?
    Termidor SC should be diluted with water and applied in a trench according to the product mixing instructions on the product label. It is mixed at 3.2 fl oz per 4 gallons of water per 10 lineal feet of trenching (6"x6" trench directly up against the foundation).
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  • Asked by Billy from Conway, Arkansas
    I have brick veneer on my house and there is about a 6 to 8 inch gap to the foundation.
    You will need to dig one long continuous trench that is 6 inches wide by 6 inches deep right up against the foundation of your home. You will then mark the trench off in 10 ft segments. For every 10 feet of trench you will then apply 4 gallons of diluted Termidor SC. This is how all professional companies apply the product and this is how the product label specifies applying the product. Please read our How to Perform a Termite Treatment Article for more information, helpful tips and videos. Please let us know if you need anything else.
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  • Asked by Mike from Cullman, Al
    Will Termidor kill and get rid of brown recluse infestations?
    What is the best way to get rid of brown recluse?
    Termidor will kill brown recluse, but may not be able to be sprayed where you need to treat the brown recluse. Cyper WSP would be the best product to use fro brown recluse spiders. 
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  • Asked by Myles from Statwn Island Ny
    Can Termidor be used to treat springtails?
    I want to treat my springtail problem with trenching the dirt and drilling the concrete adjacent to my house. Is Termidor the best insecticide to use? Thanks
    Termidor SC is not labeled for springtails. We would recommend using a general insecticide such as Talstar P. You will mix 1 fl. oz. per gallon of water.
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  • Asked by Gerhard from Mountain Home, Tx
    Will Termidor SC kill fire ants if spot-treating the mounds?
    Can I spot treat the fire ant mounds?

    Termidor SC cannot be used to treat fire ants or their mounds. We recommend that you treat the individual mounds (as well as a broadcast) with Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait. It will take approximately 1.5-2 lbs per acre and 2-5 TBSP per mound. Please see our Fire Ant Pest Guide for more information and tips about treating for this pest.

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  • Asked by Barbara from Pasadena, Ca
    Can I use Termidor SC on a termite infested olive tree and how?

    Termites do not attack live, healthy trees. If the tree has been damaged by termites it would be advisable to remove the tree and perform a liquid termite soil treatment with Termidor SC to ensure subterranean termites to not find a food source inside of your home. Please take a few minutes to read our article How to Perform a Termite Treatment which will explain how to do the treatment in laymens terms and also explain any needed equipment. Most folks find that they only need a 5 gallon bucket and perhaps a drill in some situations. You should follow the Termidor product label and you should mix Termidor with water as specified. No special equipment is needed to diltute Termidor because it is a water based product and readily mixes with water.

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  • Asked by Kathy from Texas
    Can I do partial treatment with Termidor SC?
    My husband did the trench method. He said he was so tired that he replaced back the untreated soil and sprayed it with Termidor SC the next day and it rained a few hours after he did the spray. Is it still okay if he did it that way? And one more thing, he only sprayed on the front of our house with the landscaped area and did not do trenching. Is it also fine that way too?

    Spraying Termidor SC on the surface of soil is not going to offer a protective barrier like the trench and will only work for the general pests that contact the soil surface. Termidor binds to the soil that it is applied to and needs to be used in a trench 6 x 6 inches to offer the best protection. It also does not move through the soil after rain. Termites do not actually contact the surface so it would be best to go back and complete the trench in those areas that have not been done.

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  • Asked by John
    How often do you have to spray Termidor outside your house to keep termites out?

    Termidor SC is applied as a spray once every six weeks topically up against the foundation for insects that crawl on top of the soil, such as ants. If you are trying to treat for subterranean termites, you will want to dig a trench up against the structure, and if there is concrete up against the foundation you will need to drill to apply the product. Please take a few moments to review our article on How to Get Rid of Subterranean Termites for specific application instructions.

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Displaying 261 to 280 (of 965 questions)