Insecticides should not be exposed to extreme temperatures such as freezing or over heating or left for prolonged periods of time in direct sunlight. In the case of Termidor SC, after it has thawed at room temperature if it goes back into a solution (the way it looked at the time of purchase) it should be fine to use. However, if it appears discolored or if the consistency of the product has changed it should be discarded and replaced.
While you can use Termidor SC to treat voids in your subfloor, we would recommend to use Boracare instead because it can be applied to raw wood, be absorbed and last the lifetime of the wood. You can use Termidor SC in your crawl space if there's soil, you can trench around the piers to protect your home.
Termidor SC is what we call a non-repellent, which means the insects - in this case, ants - do not detect the application, plus the active ingredient kills slowly enough that the ants do not die until they've had time to pass along the active ingredient to all the other ants they contact during their regular activities. If you apply Termidor SC as directed, then any ant colonies that contact that barrier will be killed. If you are already seeing trails of ants inside your home, then we would recommend using products like those in our Indoor Ant Kit to insure those colonies are taken care of, as well. Our Ant Treatment Guide has additional tips for treating this nuisance pest.
Termidor SC is not labeled for root aphids. If you can let us know where you will be treating, we can recommend an alternative for you.
Termidor SC can be used in sandy soil. You would still do the trench and treat the sand 6" x 6" around the foundation as termites will still go through that area to get to your home if looking for food, if this is your target pest.
You should not apply Termidor SC if it is going to rain the same day. It is best to wait until you have a few days of no rain in the forecast. Termidor SC is made to bond to the soil but it needs time to "set" and bond to hold up against a rain event.
If you are applying Termidor SC you want to make sure there is not going to be rain for at least 24 hours after application. If you know it is going to rain within that time frame, you should wait until the rain is passed and will be sunny and dry for a day or two
Termidor SC is only able to be purchased by licensed professionals in the state of NY. We do have a link to New York products that are permissible for us to ship.
We would NOT recommend using Termidor SC when children are around. Once the product is dry, it is safe for your children to return to the area. Termidor SC normally dries within a matter of hours depending on the temperatures outdoors.
Termidor SC should not harm plants when used as directed. Treatments should be kept within 1 foot of the foundation though.
For most applications, Termidor SC is mixed at the rate of 0.8 oz. per gallon of water, or 2.4 oz. per 3 gallons of water. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.
Termidor SC does need to be applied directly to soil. If you have concrete up against the foundation around the home you would need to drive every 10-12 inches through it and inject/spray ½ gallon into every hole as outlined in our Prevention guide here
If concrete such as a carport slab or sidewalk is against the foundation in the area where you need to treat, you will be required to drill through the concrete to apply the termiticide solution to the soil. Using the hammer drill with a 1/2" x 18" concrete drill bit, drill holes every 12" into the concrete along the foundation wall.
You are not only drilling through just the concrete here, but also as deep as you can into the dirt. The deeper the better. Once the holes are drilled, you fill at the same rate you did the trench, 4 gallons per 10 feet. If you drilled the holes 12 inches apart, then you would have 10 holes over 10 feet that you are trying to fill with 4 gallons. This works out to be a little less than half a gallon per hole. To fill these I would recommend using the one gallon sprayer on a "pin stream" setting so you can force the liquid down the hole and not splash it everywhere. You can also use a funnel and pour the termiticide down the holes. It is difficult to get 4 gallons per 10 feet in the holes, so it is important that you use a long drill bit, at least 18" long so you can bore out enough dirt to hold the termiticide. Sometimes the ground is slow to soak up the termiticide you place in the holes. You may need to fill the holes, then go work on something else for an hour, come back and fill them again, go work on something else... 3 to 4 times to get the proper amount down the holes. Once the holes are filled all you need to do is patch them with a concrete patch filler you can buy at a home improvement or hardware store or you can use our Trebor plugs that will close the hole with no concrete mess.
Termidor SC should not be applied through a hose end applicator for application to the lawn and flower beds for ant control. It should only be sprayed a couple of times a year directly up against the foundation of the strucutres on the property (1 ft and 1 ft out). We would recommend using Advion WDG Insecticide. It can be used around the perimeter of the home and you could expand the band around the perimeter, for example: you can spray 3 feet up on the foundation and 7 feet out. The active can also be transferred from one ant to another and can be used for direct mound treatments if necessary, as well as surfaces commonly used by ants for foraging such as outdoor edges/frames of windows, doors, utility penetrations, roof lines or eaves, and other structural edges may also be treated. In addition to exterior structural elements, outdoor nesting sites such as refuse collection areas, flower/mulch beds, adjacent tree holes, surrounding turf areas, crawl spaces, or other nest/ foraging sites, and foraging trails can be treated.
Termidor SC is a very safe product and widely used by professional companies inside homes every day across the country. Termidor SC is odorless and does not have any fumes. You only need to wear a face mask if you will be doing the application in a poorly ventilated or enclosed area. All other applications will require you to wear long sleeves, long pants, shoes and socks and gloves. Be sure to wash your hands after the application before you eat, drink, chew gum or use the restroom.
Cy-Kick CS is a great product, but Termidor SC is the preferred product for your situation. Termidor SC is a non-repellent insecticide that also has a transfer effect, this means that the ants will not know that Termidor SC has been applied, and therefore cannot avoid the treated area and as they come into contact with other ants they will spread the insecticide and wipe out the colony. Termidor SC can also be used for drywood termites. It is important to remember that you must apply the product into the spaces that these termites will actually come into contact with it. That could mean that you would need to drill into the wood or possibly even foam the product into the space.We have never had a complaint about the smell of Termidor SC and the MSDS says that it is odorless.