Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 124 questions)
  • Asked by Bill from Garnett, Kansas
    Will Tordon RTU kill Willow sprouts?

    Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled to control willow sprouts, so we are not sure if it would be effective for this application. We do sell other products such as Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer that can be used to treat willow sprouts. You would cut the stumps and apply the product undiluted to the fresh cuts.

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  • Asked by Michelle from Parowan
    Can I use Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide on horse pasture?
    Using for rabbit brush and sage. How long would I need to keep them off the pasture after use?

    Unfortunately, Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled to be used on pastures where animals graze. We would recommend a product like GrazonNext HL Herbicide which is labeled to be used in pastures with no grazing restrictions.  

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  • Asked by Javier from Houston
    Can you put Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide around the base of a small tree like a drench to kill it, without cutting it?

    Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled to be poured around the base of a tree as a drench. This product can be applied three ways; Tree Injection Treatment, Frill or Girdle Treatment & Stump Treatment. 

    Tree Injection Treatment: Use 1 milliliter of undiluted Tordon RTU solution through the bark
    completely around the tree trunk at intervals of 2 to 3 inches between
    edges of the injector wounds. Make injections near ground level when
    using the tree injector or 2 to 4 feet above the ground when using a
    Hypohatchet Injector or similar device. Treatments can be made in any
    season. Maples should not be treated during the spring sap flow. With
    some difficult to control species such as dogwood, hickory, sugar maple,
    bigleaf maple, tanoak, and some firs, application to a continuous cut
    rather than to spaced cuts may be more uniformly effective. 

    Frill or Girdle Treatment: Make a single hack girdle or "frill" of overlapping ax cuts through the bark
    completely around the tree as close to the ground as feasible. Spray or
    paint the injured surface with undiluted Tordon RTU, using enough volume
    to wet treated areas.

    Stump Treatment: Spray or paint the cut surfaces of freshly cut stumps and stubs with
    undiluted Tordon RTU. The cambium area next to the bark is the most
    vital area to wet.

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  • Asked by Mark
    Can I bury the stump the day after Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide application took out a evergreen bush?
    Cut a evergreen bush off as close to ground and drilled holes and applied tordon as directed. can I bury the stump which is below ground the day after cutting down and tordon treatments

    Yes, you can go ahead and bury the treated stump. Be aware the half life of Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is up to 2 years in the soil. 

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  • Asked by Shelley from Dayton
    Will Tordon RTU kill Poison Ivy?

    Tordon RTU is not labeled for poison ivy.  We would recommend using something like Bonide Poison Oak & Ivy Killer RTU instead.  

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  • Asked by Todd from Florida
    Will Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide work on ficus bushes/trees?

    No, Tordon RTU Herbicide is not labeled for ficus bushes or trees. We would recommend using something like Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer to eliminate ficus trees. You will cut the tree down and apply the product directly to stump undiluted.

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  • Asked by Fay from Polo, Mo
    How long do you have to wait before you can turn the cattle back out after using Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide?
    My husband is using the Tordon RTU Herbicide on the fence row in the pasture.

    Unfortunately, Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled to be used on pastures where animals graze. We would recommend a product like GrazonNext HL Herbicide which is labeled to be used in pastures with no grazing restrictions. 


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  • Asked by Jeri from Tom, Oklahoma
    Can I pour Tordon on pecan tree roots to kill the tree?

    Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide would not be used to treat the roots of the pecan to kill it.  There are instructions on the product label for injecting into the tree, frill or girdle treatment, or treating the cut stump after cutting the tree down (which is usually what is recommended).

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  • Asked by Lori from Farmington
    Will Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide kill my raspberries in addition to the weeds?
    I have maple & cottonwood growing in my raspberry garden. Raspberry garden is in a raised garden bed, so it is small. The 5 trees are embedded within the raspberries; I would really like to have them removed and keep the raspberries. When is the best time to apply the Tordon- now or in the fall?

    Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled for use around edible plants, and it would kill the raspberries.  You most likely will need to hand-pull the weeds from this area. 

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  • Asked by Dallas from Alpha Illinois
    I put Tordon RTU on some stumps of mulberry suckers under my Norway spruce tree now it's turning brown. Could the Tordon RTU be killing it?

    Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is a very damaging product to surrounding plants due to it’s active ingredient, Picloram.  Untreated trees/plants can occasionally be affected by root uptake of herbicide through movement into the the topsoil or by excretion of the product from the roots of nearby treated trees.  We recommend contacting the manufacturer Dow AgroSciences at 800-992-5994 for advice on what to do at this time.

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  • Asked by Elizabeth from Waterloo Ia
    Will Tordon used on saplings travel through the roots and kill plants that are in the neighboring yard?
    The saplings are along the fence and the neighbor has flowers on the other side.

    Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide can affect any roots that are in the area it is applied to.  Do not apply Tordon RTU within the root zone of desirable trees/plants unless such injury can be tolerated

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  • Asked by Tracie from Grand Island
    Will Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide kill trumpet vine?

    Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled to control trumpet vine.  It looks like this vine is best controlled with a glyphosate or triclopyr based product.   

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  • Asked by Hein from Houston, Mn
    Does Tordon RTU work on Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)?

    Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled for Japanese HoneysuckleCrossbow, a formulation of triclopyr and 2,4-D, is a very effective herbicide that controls Japanese honeysuckle. Crossbow should be applied using a hand pump sprayer and mixed according to label instructions for foliar application and applied as a foliar spray. It may be applied at dormant periods but before a hard freeze (25 degrees F). Be careful not to spray so heavily that the herbicide drips off the target species. Retreatment may be necessary for plants that are missed because of dense growth. 


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  • Asked by Bill from Schuylkill Haven, Pa
    Can I use Tordon RTU on a stump that was cut 2 months ago if I drill holes in it? Can I plant grass in the area afterwards?

    Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is best applied to fresh cut stumps, so you can either make a fresh cut or you can drill new holes and then apply.  Since the active ingredient in Tordon RTU is known to leach into the soil from treated roots and can remain for several years you would need to completely replace any soil in the area before planting anything else.  Untreated trees/plants can occasionally be affected by root uptake of herbicide through movement into the the topsoil or by excretion of the product from the roots of nearby treated trees. Do not apply Tordon RTU within the root zone of desireables unless such injury can be tolerated.

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  • Asked by Tom from Philadelphia, Pa
    Will Tordon RTU kill small trees?
    I have small, unwanted trees growing in my front yard. I need to kill them off before they get too big.

    The use of Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide depends on what type of plants/trees you are trying to kill. We would recommend using something like Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer to eliminate small trees. You will cut the tree down and apply the product directly to stump undiluted.


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  • Asked by Jon from Junction City
    I hacked and squirted numerous trees (cherry, willow, hazel) with Tordon RTU around the property approx 3 weeks ago and see no affect as they are budding and look just the same as untreated trees. How long does it take for them to begin dying?

    Only cherry is listed the label of Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide for being controlled by it so the others may not be effected by it.  If needed another application can be made to the cherry after 30 days.  How long it takes to completely kill a tree depends on the size of the tree and health so it may take longer than 3 weeks.

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  • Asked by Norman from Laclede
    Is Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide toxic to fish?

    According to the Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide product label, this product may be toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. It should not be applied directly to water or areas where surface water is present. 

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  • Asked by Michael from Long Prairie Mn
    Can Tordon RTU be used for buckthorn?

    Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled for buckthorn.  Crossbow or RoundUp can be used to kill cut stumps.  Apply immediately after cutting the stump to prevent resprouting.  There is a great article here from the Dept of Natural Resources in Minnesota that may be helpful.  

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  • Asked by Rocky from Tx
    Can Tordon be broadcast sprayed in a grass field to kill prickly pear cactus?

    Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is used for the following applications: cut surface applications for killing unwanted trees and preventing undesirable sprouting of cut trees in forest and other non-crop areas as fence rows and rights of way. It targets the following woody plants: ailanthus, alder, aspen, birch, cedar, cherry, dogwood, elm, firs, green ash, gum, hawthorn, hickory, hornbeam, maples, oaks, pecan, persimmon, serviceberry, sourwood and sweetbay. Is the area that you are treating a pasture? If so, are there any grazing animals?




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  • Asked by Marilyn from Derry
    Will Tordon RTU kill a cedar stump and how long will it take?

    Yes, Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is effective in killing over 20 different woody species, including cedar, and preventing resprouting of those cut trees. Unfortunately, it is hard to say for sure how long it will take because the kill time is due in part to many environmental factors. If you need further assistance you may contact Dow AgroSciences at 800-992-5994.

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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 124 questions)