Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled for use on Brazilian pepper or melaluca.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled for Creeping Charlie. We would recommend a product such as Ferti-Lome Weed Out with Crabgrass Killer instead.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled specifically to control prickly pear or other cacti, but some articles recommend this active ingredient to aid in control. One very difficult part of controlling this plant is that all debris must be removed from the area to prevent resprouting. Unfortunately, we do not have any herbicides currently labeled to control cactus. This Field Guide from the USDA discusses control methods for prickly pear cactus. Another active ingredient mentioned is Fluroxypyr, which we do have in the product E-2 Herbicide. We recommend consulting your local Cooperative Extension office for assistance. Since this is a heavily invasive species of importance, most local offices will want to know where the plant is being found.
How long ago the application was and how much the trees were exposed to Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide would all play a factor in whether the trees could possibly be saved. We would suggest contacting the manufacturer, Dow Agro Sciences, for specific information on how to save or reverse any exposure. Dow Agro can be reached at 317-337-3000
Because Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is a ready to use herbicide it should not be diluted. Doing so may decrease its effectiveness.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide can be applied via tree injection, frill or girdle treatment, or stump treatment as directed on page 3 of the product label. Frill or Girdle Treatment is the closest to what you are describing. Per the label:
Make a single hack girdle or "frill" of overlapping ax cuts through the bark completely around the tree as close to the ground as feasible. Spray or paint the injured surface with undiluted Tordon RTU, using enough volume to wet treated areas.
There is a complete list of woody plants controlled by this product on the label. Be sure that your target plants are included on this list and that the herbicide is applied immediately after cutting for best results.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide does work best on freshly cut stumps or fresh cuts in trees.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is either sprayed or painted on to cut stumps so you would remove the tree first.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled to control sprouting on poplar. We would recommend an herbicide containing Triclopyr to treat the cut stumps, such as Remedy Ultra (needs to be diluted with an oil) or Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer (may be applied undiluted).
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide could be used on cut stumps or hack girdle as directed on the product label.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled for yaupon. Remedy Ultra Herbicide? is labeled for yaupon holly and should do a good job when used as directed on the product label. ? Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester Ultra contains the same active ingredient at a lower cost if smaller areas need treatment.
The best fertilizer to use will depend on the specific needs of your lawn and soil. We recommend using a soil analysis test kit or taking a sample of your soil to your local cooperative extension so your soil can be analyzed to determine what nutrients your soil is lacking. The healthiest, hardiest lawns are fertilized 2-4 times per year, fall, summer, early spring and late spring
We do offer a soil test kit here.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not specifically labeled to control cacti, but some articles recommend this active ingredient to aid in control. One very difficult part of controlling this plant is that all debris must be removed from the area to prevent resprouting. Unfortunately, we do not have any herbicides currently labeled to control cactus other than Remedy Ultra Herbicide, which lists Prickly Pear Cactus specifically. This Field Guide from the USDA discusses control methods for Prickly Pear Cactus. Another active ingredient mentioned is Fluroxypyr, which we do have in the product E-2 Herbicide. We recommend consulting your local Cooperative Extension office for assistance. Since this is a heavily invasive species of importance, most local office will want to know where the plant is being found.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled for Schefflera trees. Schefflera actinophylla is very invasive and hard to kill. We do not carry products labeled specifically for it. An article from the US Military’s Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan states that Garlon 4 has been used in some instances and proved to be effective, although it is not labeled for it. We would recommend speaking with your local master gardner for more recommendations.
Tordon RTU is a Ready To Use herbicide and should not be diluted with water. This product is not labeled to control barberry, and it also should not be used in residential areas. The active ingredient in Tordon RTU has an extremely long half-life and, therefore, it can remain active in the area for years after application. To control a shrub like barberry, you would probably need to cut the shrubs down and treat the fresh cuts with a brush killer such as Fertilome Brush and Stump Killer directly to the fresh cuts.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide when applied per label will treat and prevent saplings including Black Locust Tree Saplings
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide will take down a China Berry Tree as long as you cut into the stump and apply undiluted to the tree.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is ready to use and does not require mixing. However, it should not be applied to commercial or residential lawns or near ornamental trees and shrubs.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled to control Wisteria, so we do not recommend it for this application. Keep in mind, too, that Tordon is not approved for use on residential properties at all. You could use a brush killer such as Crossbow or Fertilome Brush and Stump Killer to control wisteria vines.