The RTU in Tordon RTU stands for Ready To Use. It should not be diluted with water.
We would recommend using Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide for ailanthus altissima, or tree of heaven. A tree injection, frill/girdle method or a stump treatment can be done with this product. Please be sure to check the label for instructions on how to do this.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is now produced under Corteva, so the label has been updated to reflect this. The product has not changed, just the appearance of the label from the red Dow label to the new green Corteva label.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is a very damaging product to surrounding plants due to it’s active ingredient, Picloram. Untreated trees/plants can occasionally be affected by root uptake of herbicide through movement into the the topsoil or by excretion of the product from the roots of nearby treated trees. We recommend contacting the manufacturer Dow AgroSciences at 800-992-5994 for advice on what to do at this time.
Yes, the active ingredient in Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is known to leach into the soil from treated roots and can remain for several years. Untreated trees/plants can occasionally be affected by root uptake of herbicide through movement into the the topsoil or by excretion of the product from the roots of nearby treated trees. Do not apply Tordon RTU within the root zone of desireables unless such injury can be tolerated.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide has proven to become volatile and drift. We recommend applying Roundup to that tree. You can cut into the trunk of the tree and paint the Roundup undiluted onto the tree.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide will kill mulberry trees after cutting into them and applying per the label instructions.
The “RTU” in Tordon RTU stands for “Ready To Use.” No mixing is required.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide will kill mesquite trees after cutting into them and applying per the label instructions.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide may be applied at dormant periods but before a hard freeze (25 degrees F). Be careful not to spray so heavily that the herbicide drips off the target species. Retreatment may be necessary for plants that are missed because of dense growth. Keep in mind that this product should not be used on residential properties.
Per the Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide SDS, for small spills it states the following: Absorb with materials such as: Clay. Dirt. Sand. Sweep up. Collect in suitable and properly labeled containers. Once you’ve contained and removed the spill, you can clean the area with soap and water.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide can affect plants in the area where you have treated the stump if the stumps roots are in the same area as desirable plant roots. Untreated trees/plants can occasionally be affected by root uptake of this herbicide through movement into the the topsoil or by excretion of the product from the roots of nearby treated trees. You should not apply Tordon RTU within the root zone of desirables unless such injury can be tolerated. Tordon RTU also is not labeled for use in residential areas due to its long half-life and this possibility of movement in the soil.
We do not recommend applying Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide or any herbicide when temperatures are below 55 degrees.
The Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide half life is up to 2 years or more. You will need to wait at least two years to plant in a treated area.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide can also injure the tree as it can travel throughout the limb into the tree itself. It would be best to just cut any limb that you need killed/removed
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide could be used and is best used on freshly cut stumps and ensuring the cambium area next to the bark gets thoroughly wet. We would recommend either drilling holes into the top surface of the stump or cutting off the top layer of the stump for a fresh application. Since you are treating the stump directly there should be no issue seeding in the area once the stump is killed and removed.
For most applications, Tordon RTU can be used in any season. Keep in mind that this product is only for use on listed woody plants and absolutely should not be used in residential areas or near any desirable trees or shrubs. Please refer to the product label for complete directions.
Tordon RTU is not labeled for bamboo. Since bamboo roots go so deep, you would need to apply either a product like Roundup QuikPro at the highest rates directly to the freshly cut stumps of the bamboo after you cut it down level to the ground, or use a brush and stump killer undiluted directly on the fresh stumps. You may also want to consult with your local cooperative extension office Master Gardener for alternate suggestions.
Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide is not labeled to control willow sprouts, so we are not sure if it would be effective for this application. We do sell other products such as Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer that can be used to treat willow sprouts. You would cut the stumps and apply the product undiluted to the fresh cuts.