Per the product label, AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide does not have any grazing restrictions. It is labeled to be used in pastureland. When applied to actively growing young weeds, susceptible plants appear chlorotic from 1 to 3 weeks after application and the growing point subsequently dies. If you are concerned about bees, wait until they are done pollinating before making application. It should not harm bees as it is a herbicide only. To avoid any possible contact with bees, apply in the early morning or late evening when bees are less active.
AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide label states, when overseeding, wait 2 months (8 weeks) after application. Find complete label here. For 2,4-D it would depend on which product you are using exactly, some say you have to wait 3 weeks or wait until the following season to seed treated areas. You would need to refer to the product label of the product you intend to use.
Apply 0.25 to 0.5 oz. of AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide in sufficient water per acre for weed control in centipede as directed on the product label.
AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide was labeled for use on hay fields to treat common broomsedge aka broomweed and broom snakeweed. However, this product has been discontinued and is no longer available.
Patriot WDG Herbicide would be a replacement product which has almost the same label as the old AmTide product.
AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide is not labeled for English Ivy. Using a product such as Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer would be a better option for a broad range of target weeds, vines, and woody brush.
For best results when treating vines such as poison oak, poison ivy, etc. that grow on or around desirable plants, cut the vine first and treat by applying undiluted product directly to the stems of the vine using paint brush to get full coverage.
As a foliar treatment, mix 8-16 tablespoons per gallon of water for every 500 sq.
Apply 0.25 to 0.5 oz. of AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide per acre for weed control. Some chlorosis or stunting of the turfgrass may occur following the application. Per the product label, Controls seedling Virginia Buttonweed. Suppression only of more mature plants. Repeat application may be required in 4 to 6 weeks.
For spot applications, mix 1 ounce of AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide per 100 gallons of water
It is safe to apply a repeat application of AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide in 4 to 6 weeks, if necessary.
AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide is not labeled for chameleon plants. There is nothing labeled for this invasive ground cover and even non-selective herbicides do not seem to be very effective in getting rid of this pesky invader. You could try a combination of soil sterilants and a non-selective herbicide in that area to try to control the plant but we cannot guarantee it will work. It is important to note that nothing will be able to grow in this area for at least a year after an application of a soil sterilant and that if you are treating on an incline the soil sterilant could travel through the soil and kill desirable nearby plants.
Without knowing the type of weeds you are trying to kill, we are unable to provide the amount of Amtide you will need. Please contact Amtide directly at 949-679-3535.
We apologize but there is no mention of planting after the use of AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide, we would recommend reaching out to the manufacturer directly at 1-949-753-4723
AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide is safe to apply on established centipede lawns and is labeled to treat Florida Betony. For best results, use a surfactant and apply AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide to young, actively growing weeds.
Amtide MSM 60 DF can be applied to St Augustine though you should note some chlorosis or stunting of the turfgrass may occur following the application. Amtide is labeled to control dollarweed though a second application may be required after 4-6 week for complete control. Amtide is not labeled to control violets. The only selective herbicide that can be used on St Augustine and is labeled for both violets and dollarweed that comes to mind is Image 70DG.
The drift from using AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide depends on the type of equipment and application you are doing as well as the wind on the treatment day. Care should be taken to direct treatment towards the target areas and apply when there is no wind to prevent drift.
AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide is not labeled for artillery fern and we are unable to find a product that is labeled for it. A glyphosate based product like RoundUp QuickPro might kill it as is it a non-selective herbicide that generally kills anything to which it is applied.
AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available. Herbicides with the active ingredient Atrazine are the most common way to treat actively growing weeds in sensitive turf types sucha as St. Augustine & Centipede lawns, Floratam varieties being even more sensitiive. We recommend doing a test application before applying over the entire lawn or contacting your county extension office for recommendations for the region.
Always mix according to the label instructions and follow application procedures to prevent damage to your lawn. Popular post emergent herbicides labeled for St. Augustine lawns are below.
Image Herbicide for St. Augustine & Centipede Lawns
Tenacity- Spot treatment only (whitening will occur)
Amtide MSM 60 DF can be used in Florida to control dollarweed. Please note as per the Amtide product label that a second application 4-6 weeks later is required for complete control.
AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide should not be applied to any sod that does not have a good root system and has not been there for a minimum of a year ( this is the case with any MSM product).
AmTide MSM 60 DF Herbicide is listed for treating dallisgrass. Please provide the desired area and size for another product recommendation.