Brash Herbicide
Brash Herbicide

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Product Overview

Brash Herbicide is specially formulated to provide post-emergent control of over 100 tough weeds and brush in CRP, grass, sorghum, pastures, fallow systems, general farmstead, rangeland, rights-of-way, sugarcane, and wheat. It contains a powerful combination of two active ingredients Dicamba and 2,4-D which is effective against a wide range of unwanted weeds and brushes including annual weeds, perennial and biennial weeds. It offers excellent and dependable control on emerged weeds before and after planting in cropland and non-cropland areas. Effective against broomweed, buckwheat, buffalobur, chickweed, cocklebur, henbit, knotweed, pigweed, ragweed, sedge, thistle, clover, dandelion, curly dock, goldenrod, groundsel, and more.Available in a 2.5-gallon jug.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Dicamba - 12.4% 2,4-D - 35.7%
Target pests Broomweed, Buckwheat, Buffalobur, Chickweed, Cocklebur, Henbit, Knotweed, Kochia, Lambsquarters, Mallow, Pennycress, Pigweed, Purslane, Ragweed, Sedge, Thistle, Bindweed, Chicory, Clover, Dandelion, Dewberry, Curly Dock, Goldenrod, Goldenweed, Groundsel,
For use in Between crop production (fallow systems, postharvest, crop stubble, set-aside), CRP land, General farmstead, Grass, Pasture, Rangeland, Rights of way, Sorghum, Sugarcane, and Wheat.
Application Recommended use rates range from 0.5 to 5.6 pints per acre. Application rates vary by use, weed type and growth stage.
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on the label.
Formulation Liquid.
TX (Restricted to Licensed Applicators Only)
Special Features Effective weed control for cropland and non-crop areas.
Shipping Weight 27.00 lbs
Manufacturer Winfield United CP (Mfg. Number: 180257)
EPA Registration 1381-202




Apply BRASH at the specified rates and growth stages in the Annual Weeds and the Biennial and Perennial Weeds rate tables unless instructed differently in the Food/Feed Crop Specific Information or Non-Food/Feed Use-Specific Information sections in the label. Make applications of BRASH to actively growing weeds using aerial, broadcast, band, or spot spray applications. BRASH may be applied using water or sprayable fluid fertilizer as a carrier. For preplant or pre-emergence uses, sprayable fluid fertilizer may be used as the carrier for all crops listed on this label. Postemergence applications with sprayable fluid fertilizer may be made on pasture, hayland, or wheat crops only.

The most effective application rate and timing varies based on the target weed species. In mixed weed populations, the correct rate is determined by the weed species requiring the highest rate. Inadequate control may be observed if application is delayed since weeds may exceed the maximum size stated on this label.

IRRIGATION: In irrigated areas, it may be necessary to irrigate before application of BRASH to ensure active weed growth.

SPRAY COVERAGE: Ensure weeds are thoroughly covered with spray. Dense leaf canopies may shield smaller weeds and prevent adequate coverage.


Water Volume: Use 3-10 gallons of water per acre. Use the higher spray volume when treating dense or tall vegetation.


When applying BRASH by banding, determine the amount of herbicide and water volume needed using the following formula:

  • Band width in inches/Row width in inches x Broadcast rate per acre = Banding Herbicide rate per acre.
  • Band width in inches/Row width in inches x Broadcast volume per acre = Banding water volume per acre.


For optimal performance, use 5-40 gallons of spray solution per broadcast acre. Use the higher spray volume when treating dense or tall vegetation.


BRASH may be applied to individual clumps or small areas (SPOT TREATMENT) of undesirable vegetation using handgun or similar types of application equipment. Apply diluted sprays to allow complete wetting (up to runoff) of foliage and stems. For knapsack or other small capacity sprayers, utilize the table below to calculate material needed. (The table below is based on the assumption that the spot treatment rate equates to 60 gallons per acre on the broadcast basis.)


  • Maximum single application rate: 1 gallon per acre with no more than 2 applications per year.
  • Preharvest Interval (PHI): Refer to the Food/Feed Crop-Specific Information section of this label.
  • Crop Rotational Restrictions: The interval between application and planting rotational crop is provided below. Always exclude counting days when the ground is frozen. Planting at intervals less than specified below may result in crop injury. Moisture is essential for the degradation of this herbicide in soil. If dry weather prevails, use cultivation to allow herbicide contact with moist soil.
    • Planting/replanting restrictions for BRASH applications of 5.66 pints per acre or less: No rotational cropping restrictions apply at 120 days or more following application. Additionally, for annual crop uses in this label including sorghum, follow the preplant use directions in the Food/Feed Crop-Specific Information section of this label. For barley, oat, wheat, and other grass seedlings, the interval between application and planting is 10 days per pint per acre.
    • Plantini'replanting restrictions for application of more than 6 pints and up to 8 pints of BRASH per acre: Corn, sorghum, cotton (east of the Rocky Mountains) and all other crops grown in areas with 30" or more of annual rainfall may be planted 120 days or more after application. Barley, oat, wheat, and other grass seedlings, may be planted if the interval from application to planting is 10 days per pint per acre east of the Mississippi River and 15 days per pint per acre west of the Mississippi River. For all other crops in areas with less than 30" of annual rainfall, the interval between application and planting is 180 days or more.
  • Rainfast period: The effectiveness of BRASH may be reduced if rainfall or irrigation occurs within 4 hours after postemergence applications.
  • Stress: Unsatisfactory control may result if BRASH is applied to crops under stress such as stress due to lack of moisture, hail damage, flooding, herbicide injury, mechanical injury, or widely fluctuating temperatures.
  • Do not apply to crops that exhibit injury (leaf phytotoxicity or plant stunting) produced by any other prior herbicide applications, because this injury may be enhanced or prolonged by applying BRASH.
  • Do not apply through any type of irrigation equipment. Do not contaminate irrigation ditches or water used for domestic purposes.
  • This product cannot be used to formulate or reformulate any other pesticide product.



Beebalm, Broomweed, Buckwheat, Buffalobur, Burdock, Buttercup, Chickweed, Cockle, Cocklebur, Coreopsis, Croton, Devilsclaw, Doqfennel, Evening Primrose, Falseflax, Fleabane, Flixweed, Henbit, Knotweed, Kochia, Lambsquarters, Mallow, Morningglory, Pennycress, Pepperweed, Pigweed, Poorjoe, Purslane, Ragweed, Sedge, Shepherdspurse, Smartweed, Sneezeweed, Sowthistle, Sunflower, Thistle, Velvetleaf.


Bindweed, Bittercress, Buckeye, Bullnettle, Chicory, Clover, Dandelion, Dewberry, Curly Dock, Elderberry, Goldenrod, Goldenweed, Groundsel, Honeysuckle, Horsenettle, Poison Ivy, Knapweed, Marshelder, Mesquite, Milkweed, Nightshade, Persimmon, Prickly Lettuce, Rabbitbrush, Ragwort, Redvine, Sagebrush, Smartweed, Red Sorrel, Sowthistle, Spurge, Tallow Tree, Thistle, Vetch, Yankeeweed, Yellow Starthistle.

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Will Brash Herbicide hurt Bermuda grass?
Brash Herbicide

 will only control broadleaf weeds and should not injure bermuda grass pastures or other areas listed when used as directed on the label.  It is not for use in residential lawns.

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How much of Brash herbicide is mixed with a hand sprayer per gallon?

2 oz. per gallon? Did not find specific detail for mix ratio.


Please see the product label for small or spot applications to determine how much Brash Herbicide to use per gallon depending on the target weed and treatment area.

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What is the dilution rate for Brash Herbicide?

Recommended use rates for Brash Herbicide range from 0.5 to 5.6 pints per acre. Application rates vary by use, weed type and growth stage. Please see the label here for complete application instructions. 

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Spraying Brash Herbicide around pond

Can this be used to control weeds at the edge of my pond without harming the fish? Thanks


Brash Herbicide is toxic to fish and should not be used near the pond or where runoff may occur.   We do have other aquatic herbicides as options depending on the target weeds.

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Can Brash Herbicide be mixed with Remedy Ultra?

You could potentially mix Brash Herbicide and Remedy Ultra herbicide together. However, since the Brash product label does not list this as a known tank mix, we always recommend doing a small jar test for compatibility first before mixing a large tank of two products together for the first time. You also need to be sure that both products are labeled for use in the area(s) you are treating, and that you follow the more restrictive of the two labels.

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