CB-80 Aerosol is safe if applied when the dogs are not present during the application and while the surfaces are wet. Once the treated areas are completely dried and the home properly ventilated, the dogs are safe to return inside.
You can safely return to an area treated with CB-80 Aerosol - 17 oz. can once the area is dry, typically 30 minutes to 1 hour after application.
There is not a fogger that can kill clothes moth eggs and larvae. The eggs are pretty well protected and along with the larvae are in cracks and crevices more than out in the open. Fogging will only kill those insects that are out in the open at the time you set them off and do not get into all the areas that larvae can be found. You could use the CB-80 in cracks and crevices where the larvae could be and it will kill on contact only. Please refer to our "How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths" article for the best advice
It can take several months to get rid of a large infestation. Infestations do not get large quickly and unfortunately they do not go away quickly either. Below you will find our best recommendations for eliminating roaches:
Fly Light Traps
Installing insect or fly lights in attics and false ceilings is an effective approach to dealing with cluster flies when the overwintering site cannot be determined. When the cluster flies "awaken" in the spring, a fly light will attract and capture a large portion of the cluster fly population before they are able to inhabit living spaces.
CB-80 Aerosol can be used to kill the nest if you are able to spray it directly. It is labeled for wasps.
CB-80 Aerosol - 17 oz. can is the best flushing aerosol for roaches.
Yes, CB-80 Aerosol will work to kill noseeums on contact as they are in the same group with gnats and other flying insects. We also have a great article about treating for noseeums that can be seen here.
CB-80 Aerosol should only be applied as a crack and crevice application not inside the bathtub. We would suggest cleaning with hot water and cleaning solution before using the bathtub.