CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% - Questions & Answers

Displaying 61 to 79 (of 79 questions)
  • Asked by Jim from Janesville, Wi
    Can CoRoN be used in horse pasture?
    CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe is not labeled to be used in pasture land. We recommend contacting your extension office to see if what products are recommended to use in your pasture land.
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  • Asked by Bobby from Carlock, Il
    Can CoRoN 18-3-6 be mixed with Dylox 420 sl insecticide?

    Yes the CoRoN 18-3-6 can be tank mixed with the Dylox 420. The instructions for tank mixing are below as well on the Dylox Product Label

    Mixing Instructions

    1. Fill the spray tank 1/4 to 1/3 full with clean water
    2. While recirculating and with the agitatior running, add any products in PVA bags
    3. Continue to fill spray tank with water until ½ full
    4. Add any other wettable powder or wettable granules products
    5. Add any flowable ( FL or SC type products)
    6. Allow enough time for thorough mixing of each product added
    7. Add the required amount of Dylox 420 SL Turf and Ornamental insecticide and any other ‘SL’ type products; emulsifiable concentrates (EC), fertilizers, micronutrients and spray adjuvants
    8. Fill spray tank to desired level and maintain constant agitation to ensure uniformity of spray mixture


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  • Asked by Chris from Pierson, Mi
    Can CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe be applied using the Solo 451 Mist Blower?

    CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe is not labeled to be used in a mist blower like the Solo 451 and would be applied in a backpack or even tow behind sprayer.

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  • Asked by Dominic from Black River Falls, Wi
    Can Speedzone red and Coron be mixed?

    CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe and Speedzone Red can be mixed and applied at the same time as long as they are tank mixed well. Be sure to test to make sure they do not seperate from each other in the tank. 

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  • Asked by Aaron from Zimmerman, Mn
    Can CoRon 18-3-6 plus .5 Fe be mixed w/1 x 3 Way Max Turf and Ornamental Broadleaf Herbicide?

    Yes, Coron 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe can be mixed with 3 Way Max Turf and Ornamental Broadleaf Herbicide. Be sure to do a small tank mixture first to ensure there is no clumping.

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  • Asked by Tim from Winnipeg
    Can I mix with Gordon's Speed Zone weed killer?
    Just received my CoRoN and Speed Zone and wondering if I can mix together for one easy application.

    As long as you are following the application rates for each product, the product label for CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe does state it is compatible with most herbicides to tank mix.

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  • Asked by Derek from Statesville, Nc
    Can I mix CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe with Q4 herbicide to do spot spraying with a 4 gallon back pack sprayer?
    Just wondering if I used a back pack sprayer and went over a lawn to spray for weeds if I could use this and fertilize at the same time? Also how thick does it need to be applied? Generally when I spray for weeds I just mist the yard or the spot I am spraying. Just wondering if I did this with the fertilizer if it would work? Any info about mixing this with herbicide in a back pack sprayer would be greatly appreciated.

    Yes, you can use a 4 gallon backpack sprayer with CoRon 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe and Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide. Be sure to do a small tank mixture first to ensure there is no clumping between the two products. This should be applied to the point of runoff. Be sure the soil is not muddy after applying the products. The mixing rate for these products will depend on what type of turf grass you have.

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  • Asked by Jon from Webster, Fl
    Can I mix CoRoN with Tengard SFR?
    I'll be covering 3 acres. Use the SFR to control love bugs in central Florida. I use a 25 gallon sprayer on my tractor to apply.

    CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe can be mixed with most insecticides including Tengard SFR.  Just be sure to following the rates listed on each product label.

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  • Asked by Justin from Ames, Iowa
    Can you mix Speedzone Weed Killer and CoRon 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe together and apply at the same time?
    I purchase the 2 Gallon B&G Sprayer along with Speedzone Weed Killer.

    Speedzone Weed Killer and CoRon 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe can be mixed together according to the label instructions. You want to do a small tank mix test first before mixing the full solution.

    The mixing rate would be Speedzone: 1 oz / per gallon of water / per 1,000 sq feet + 22oz CoRoN 18-3-6 per 1,000sq ft. For a 2 gallon sprayer you would double those amounts. 

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  • Asked by Justin from Jenks, Ok
    How soon should I see results after putting the CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% and T-Nex on my Bermuda?

    T-Nex use rates lead to approximately 50% growth inhibition over a 4-week period.   It can take a few weeks to see results after applying CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5%.  

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  • Asked by Kirby from Latrobe, Pa
    Would CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe be good for a fall treatment in Pennsylvania?

    CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe would be great for a fall application in Pennsylvania.  Be sure to follow the product label for application instructions.

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  • Asked by Guy from Alpharetta
    Can CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe be mixed with Quali-Pro MSM Turf Herbicide?

    CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe can be tank mixed with most fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. We recommend that you perform a jar test prior to application per the product label instructions.

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  • Asked by Darrion from New Braunfels, Tx
    How much CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe should I apply for a 200 sq foot yard Bermuda grass?

    You will use 4 oz of CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe for the 200 sq ft of Bermuda grass.

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  • Asked by Isaac from Ny
    What would the mixture of CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe be for a 1/2 acre lot


    Per the CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe product label: For cool season grasses you should be using 3.75-4.25 lbs of nitrogen per 1000 sq/ft per year. Many customers break down their fertilizer applications into 6-8 applications per year throughout the growing season. If we go with 6 times a year and a desired rate of 4 lbs of nitrogen per 1000 sq/ft per year, you would be looking at roughly 45 oz per 1000 sq/ft per each of the 6 applications. If you only have 200 sq/ft of lawn to treat then you would only need roughly 9 oz to that area in likely ½ -¾ gallon of water at most. You typically use 1-2 gallons of water per 1000 sq/ft, so since your area is much smaller than that you should not be using that high of a water volume. 

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  • Asked by David from Williston, Nd
    How much of the Coron 18-3-6 plus 0.5% Fe do I need for 1/2 acre?
    This is my first application of the season.


    Generally speaking you would typically apply 22 ounces or so of CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe in 2-5 gallons of water per 1000 square feet.  The specific amount of product is going to vary based on the type of grass you are treating, but generally 22 ounces per 1000 square feet is the average application. Please read the CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe product label for more specific application rates. 

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  • Asked by Shane from Lubbock, Tx
    How long should I wait to apply Coron 18-3-6 after using Scotts Weed & Feed?

    CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5? can generally be applied at the same time as a post emergent. We would recommend checking the label of the herbicide to make sure there are no restrictions or wait times for fertilizers. Be careful that you are not applying too much nitrogen especically if lawn is under stress.

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  • Asked by Ben
    How much CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% do I use for 1lbs of N per 1,000ft?

    When applying CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% utilizing 1lb of Nitrogen per 1,000 sq ft, by recommendation you would use 67.0 oz of CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5 per 1,000 sq ft. 

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  • Asked by Mike from Placerville, Ca
    What rate would you apply CoRoN 18-3-6 fertilzier to Tall Fescue in No. California Zone?

    Per the CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5? product label: For cool season grasses you should be using 3.75-4.25 lbs of nitrogen per 1000 sq/ft per year. Many customers break down their fertilizer applications into 6-8 applications per year throughout the growing season. If we go with 6 times a year and a desired rate of 4 lbs of nitrogen per 1000 sq/ft per year, you would be looking at roughly 45 oz per 1000 sq/ft per each of the 6 applications.You typically use 1-2 gallons of water per 1000 sq/ft.

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  • Asked by Alan from Raleigh, Nc
    What are watering restrictions or recommendations before/after applying CoRoN 18-3-6?

    CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5 should be applied until run off. There is no reason to water in after application is complete. You should not apply when expecting rainfall/irrigate within 24 hrs following application.

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Displaying 61 to 79 (of 79 questions)